Review of the "Bulldog" tattoo

Animal tattoos are very popular among both men and women. Especially relevant is the fashion for tattoos of dogs, or rather, bulldogs. They belong to the breed of bodyguard dogs. Despite their small size, Bulldogs have a strong character and good-natured disposition. Among the representatives of this breed are French, American and English Bulldogs. In the article, we will figure out what is the meaning of a bulldog tattoo, how best to choose a sketch, and whether it is possible to place a tattoo on the leg and in other areas.

A tattoo depicting this type of animal means loyalty, a strong "bulldog grip" and dominance. These dogs are distinguished by a powerful jaw and a strong constitution. And also the tattoo hints that its owner is restrained, strong and enduring. Sometimes the image of a dog has no hidden meaning, but simply emphasizes the love for this breed of dog.
Most often, girls fill themselves with cute puppy tattoos with bows. The portrait of an animal can be depicted with or without a grin. The image with a grin looks intimidating, which will emphasize the aggressiveness and fighting nature. The "Bulldog" tattoo has additional characteristics depending on the specific breed of dog.

Species overview
An English Bulldog on the shoulder will emphasize conservatism and courage. In the 18th century in Great Britain, dogs participated in bloody battles when dogs were set against bulls. They clung to the nose and hung on it until the bull fell from powerlessness. Later, violent games were banned, and English Bulldogs became human companions. Fans of the British style and everything related to the country of foggy Albion may like this option.

A tattoo with an American Bulldog signifies courage, readiness to fight, speed and belligerence.In nature, this breed of dog has a high running speed, is in excellent shape. "Americans" have a stubborn and grumpy disposition, but they are friendly and loyal to their masters. These tattoos are very popular among the US Navy soldiers. A dog in an army beret or helmet finds its fans among the representatives of the armed forces and other countries. Such tattoos are preferred by men.

French Bulldogs are the cutest and smallest representatives of this breed of dog. Animals have a neat muzzle and large ears. Tattoos with them are common among girls. They have a hidden meaning - it is courage, cheerful disposition and cheerfulness.

With the appropriate design, a cute eared tattoo looks pretty cute. You can make a mini tattoo with only the head of a dog.
Where to locate?
The tattoo can be applied to any part of the body that seems most convenient for the implementation of the idea. For those whose work is related to conservative domestic politics, it is better not to get a tattoo on the entire arm or leg. Most often, bulldog tattoos look good on the shoulder, shoulder blade, back and leg. A neat ankle tattoo looks beautiful. The tiny image can be placed on the hand or neck.

Volumetric patterns should be stuffed on a large part of the body (chest, scapula). It is better not to do tattoos on the face, as it will be difficult to remove it later, and scars may remain.
Beautiful examples
Tattoo can be geometric, realistic and cartoon style. Realistic images look good on a large scale, but with the appropriate experience, the master can get a small picture of a doggie that will look harmonious.

A beautiful example of realism shows up in small details, even when the dog's fur is visible. Tattoos can be colored and monochrome. Additional decorations in the form of flowers, hats and bowlers give the bulldog an extravagant look. Some dog owners wish to have a drawing of their pet as a souvenir.

Cartoon images are preferred by young people for whom it is important to have a good mood. A well-chosen sketch is the first step towards a successful makeover. It is necessary to study the proposed options well, how they will look. If in doubt about the correctness of the decision, it is better to try on a sticker and walk around with it for a while. And there are also temporary replacement options, such as a henna drawing, which lasts up to 14 days, but it is difficult to perform in the realism technique, which must be borne in mind.