All about the "Turtle" tattoo

Many symbols from the animal world have an individual meaning known to everyone. So, the lion symbolizes nobility and power, the wolf - independence and freedom of spirit, and the fox - cunning and resourcefulness. However, this cannot be said about the turtle, tattoos depicting this reptile are multifaceted, in different cultures they have different interpretations. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this drawing.

Total value
Scientists have found that the remains of the most ancient prehistoric turtles are more than 20 million years old. This means that armored reptiles are among the oldest inhabitants of our planet. It is no coincidence that their images are so often used in tattoos.
Turtle tattoos are perhaps the most versatile of all the others associated with the fauna. Some interpretations are rooted in religious cults, others are explained by old traditions, and still others become a tribute to fashion. But despite the abundance of meanings, turtle tattoos invariably carry a peaceful and positive message.
They do not and did not have any criminal connotations, they are never misinterpreted.

Usually, the meaning of the tattoo is associated with the appearance of the reptile... A characteristic feature of any turtle is its shell, which can withstand a weight load of 200 times the weight of the reptile itself. This bone formation is partially fused with the skeleton of the tortoise, the interconnected plates cover the belly and upper body. The shell creates reliable protection for the reptile - it was she who formed the basis of all interpretations of the tattoo in the form of a turtle.
Such a tattoo indicates a person's desire to protect himself and his family from any external troubles. At the same time, such a picture symbolizes the willingness to withstand any blows of fate. The owner of the tattoo is able to endure any hardships sent from above, while maintaining the integrity of his inner self.

The strength of the tortoise shell is at the heart of the Chinese myth of Ao. According to legend, there is a huge turtle. Our planet rests on its back, it is she who owns the honorable mission of keeping the Earth. It is no coincidence that tattoos in the shape of a turtle become a symbol of order and stability for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire.

However, in Chinese culture, the animal often appears in a different hypostasis - as a fire eater. A turtle figurine is often placed on the roofs of houses to protect the home from fire. Applied to the human body, the tattoo protects its owner from internal fire that can burn out the soul from the inside.
In Buddhism, the turtle is the designation of the deity Vishnu, such a symbolism for any Hindus has a sacred meaning.
The name of God in translation means "all-pervading".
Thus the turtle personifies the absolute of wisdom and knowledge of the essence of all phenomena occurring on Earth. The supreme deity is endowed with the power to bestow happiness and long life, but for serious transgressions it can punish.

Some interpretations of the symbols in the form of a turtle are based on facts, namely, on the behavior of these reptiles in nature. It is known that they are not nearly as harmless as they might seem. Many cases of attacks of armored reptiles on people have been recorded in the world - it is known that some representatives of the cayman turtles even bite off the fingers of people swimming in the sea. Therefore, a turtle tattoo can mean a hidden danger and even a threat that is difficult to recognize at first glance.

However, animal advocates put forward the opposite point of view. Nowadays, people are actively exterminating these reptiles in order to get tasty meat and durable shell, from which figurines, figurines and other expensive decor items are made. Turtles are also used in medicine - their armor is considered medicine in Asian countries. Therefore, half of the existing species today are on the verge of extinction. People who take this problem to heart associate a turtle tattoo with vulnerability and defenselessness in relation to external aggression.

Only their large clutch helps turtles survive; these animals are famous for their fertility.
It is the turtle that is the symbol of successful motherhood.
Girls and women often get a similar tattoo. - for them, she becomes a talisman of female happiness and a family talisman.

In addition, the image of a turtle can symbolize fertility in general, so this tattoo is often chosen by people engaged in breeding animals and growing crops.
It is widespread among creative individuals, thus they focus on the fruitfulness of their work.

Young men and adult men who have chosen this tattoo for themselves demonstrate balanced wisdom, strong character, emotional stability and maturity using the image of a turtle. Such people are reliable, they can steadfastly endure any adversity. The turtle on their body seems to say that a woman next to the owner of the tattoo will feel like “behind a stone wall”.
By the way, in many nationalities it is believed that the reptile is masculine.
Therefore, the image of a shell animal is endowed with the ability to strengthen the male spirit and strength. It is no coincidence that young men applied such an image shortly before the wedding.

Thus, there are many interpretations of the symbols in the form of a turtle. The meaning that is put into such a picture directly depends on the wearer of the tattoo.But in any case, its interpretation always indicates a positive attitude of the carrier and his personal aspiration to eternal and just values.

Tattoo options
This variety of meanings of the turtle symbol inevitably led to a variety of images that can be printed on the skin.
By plot
In the existing legends and traditions of different peoples, the tortoise is the basis of the universe. That is why, in many images, elephants are placed on the shell of this animal, which hold the Earth. The symbolic meaning of this interpretation makes this reptile the personification of solidity, fundamentality and reliability.

The Polynesian aborigines, the peoples of Africa and Ancient Greece attributed fertility to turtles. Therefore, tattoos in the form of compositions of three animals of different sizes are very popular.
This pyramid is called "Family".
This symbol is equally harmonious for both men and women who dream of a big family.

The turtle traditionally belongs to the sea symbols, therefore it is combined with the image of sailing ships and starfish. In this interpretation, it symbolizes the love of travel, wanderings, or indicates the profession of a sailor.

A new understanding of the turtle tattoo was introduced by popular culture. These days, the four daring ninja turtles, Brother Turtle from Harris's work, and Oogway from the animated film "Kung Fu Panda" are very popular.

If you decide to fill the body with an image of the hero of your favorite cartoon, be sure to check out his character. For example, Donatello from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" became famous for his love of technical creativity, and Raphael was distinguished by a hot-tempered and quarrelsome character.

The image of a tiny baby turtle looks very amusing. It indicates that the owner of such a tattoo has not lost the child's ability to enjoy the world around him. At the same time, he expresses the hope that one day he will be able to gain real wisdom.

By style
To get a complete picture of the meaning of a turtle tattoo, you should pay attention to the style in which the picture is applied.
The old school is traditionally chosen by lovers of sea romanticism and everything related to travel on the water.

People who put a sacred meaning in the image of a reptile give preference to ethnic motives. The most striking example of such tattoos is considered to be tattoos in the style of the Aborigines of Polynesia.

Overflows of watercolors are chosen by people who are not looking for secret meanings in the symbol of the animal. They just choose aesthetics.

The turtle depicted in biomechanical techniques is very popular.

The spread received the image of reptile tattoos in the style of a graphic artist.

Linework tattoos look good.

Some tattoo lovers prefer realism.

Turtles stuffed in tribal style invariably delight.

Reptile tattoo lines are a bizarre weave. For example, the Maori turtle is executed by analogy with the coloring of the Polynesian tribes. It assumes an abundance of old patterns, wavy and ray-like lines in tandem with the obligatory asymmetry.

Whichever style you choose, a well-executed tattoo invariably turns the body into a stylish object of art.

Where can it be applied?
The existing canons of tattoo art do not give unequivocal indications of where on the body an image of reptiles can be placed. Everyone makes their own choice based on their own tastes and aesthetic preferences.
Several options are considered typical.
A turtle on the arm is a universal solution. These include mini-tattoos on the hand or wrist, as well as long sleeves that capture the entire arm.

A stylish solution for a small image is the calf and foot.
Muscles are located in these zones - by contracting, they create an external illusion of movement of the turtle.

An image applied to the shoulder and forearm area has a similar effect.

On the lateral and hind surfaces of the legs, turtles stretched vertically are knocked out. Reptiles floating in the water, painted in a realistic technique, look most advantageous from this angle.

The patterns on the back are usually placed on the lower back or between the shoulder blades. Even the largest images fit in these zones.
However, most of the time they hide under clothes, because here those who do not want to expose them to the public display their drawings.

The rest of the areas, such as the belly and neck, are practically not used for tattoos with turtles. Although a true master tattooist is able to create a masterpiece on any free area of the body.

Beautiful examples
In conclusion, we invite you to get acquainted with the most interesting sketches of the "Turtle" tattoo:
with dolphins;

- with pattern;

- with drawing;

- with bubbles;

- turtles of Polynesia;

- family amulet - a composition of three turtles sitting on top of each other;

- swimming reptile;

- Hawaiian turtle.