What does the "Veles Seal" tattoo mean and what is it like?

Veles' seal is an ancient symbol with a strong magical aura. He became especially widespread in Slavic culture. A tattoo with his image is very popular nowadays, both among men and women. We will tell you in this article about the significance of such a tattoo, what it symbolizes, and what variants of its sketches are.

Veles - this is one of the strongest deities in the ancient Russian culture of the Slavs, he was considered the patron saint of literary figures, farmers, merchants, symbolized natural power and was the second most important after the Slavic god of thunder Perun.
Most often, this deity appeared in the form of such a wild animal as a bear. - in this form, it appeared to the people in order to convey its will to them or to help deal with problems. For this reason, Veles is often referred to as the "bear god" or "werewolf god". In some cases, Veles appeared before people in a different guise, for example, in the form of a bull or a wolf.

Sometimes he turned into an old man with a light beard that descended right down to the ground. This old man was dressed in a robe and had a magic staff that outwardly resembled a tree branch - this image caused many associations with the well-known spirit of nature, Leshim.
It is believed that Veles' seal is an ancient amulet, which, according to the Slavs, was endowed with tremendous energy, power and strength... Most often, it was presented in the form of a bear or wolf's paw, which emphasized the connection of such an unusual magical attribute with natural forces.

For the Slavs, Veles' trail was considered a good sign. The person who saw him was considered lucky, he began to be lucky in all endeavors.
In Slavic culture, it was believed that Veles is a god who possesses both light and dark principles.... For this reason, the human world in his view was so diverse and dynamic. Many believed that this god of fertility had the ability to change the laws of the universe, had power over the elements and often allowed them to be destroyed or created.

People who turned to the seal of Veles thus tried to contact such a powerful god in order to ask him for help in resolving certain cases. It was believed that the god of fertility loves people and in most cases is indulgent to them. The Slavs believed that Veles always protects them from troubles and all kinds of misfortunes, and is also able to help reveal bad intentions, endowing a person with insight and developed intuition.

It is believed that the wearable image of the seal of Veles will become the strongest amulet for its wearer, which will protect its owner from evil forces and ill-wishers. Such a tattoo will help a person find the truth, his real purpose and learn the wisdom of the universe. This symbol can also contribute to the development of good nature, creativity, the acquisition of financial well-being, luck, as well as success in independent commercial activities.
In addition, it can help in getting rid of addictions, especially when it comes to a person with a strong craving for drugs and alcohol.

Such a tattoo is universal. It is suitable for both women and men. For the fair sex, it carries a more expanded meaning: it symbolizes an economic girl with a developed creativity and good intuition. This image is especially recommended for girls who are distinguished by their shyness and indecision. A tattoo will help to overcome these qualities, strengthen the strength of the spirit, and contribute to the development of perseverance, independence and stubbornness.

If we talk about the representatives of the stronger sex, then not every one of them is suitable for a tattoo with the image of Veles's seal, since for them this symbol is quite specific. Usually such a tattoo is done by men who are confident in themselves, they know exactly what they want to achieve in this life and go towards their goal, despite all the problems and difficulties. Such men are fighters by nature, it is unusual for them to retreat, surrender and succumb to panic. Veles' seal will help them in their endeavors, especially if they are related to their careers and finances.

It is worth mentioning that the symbol (this applies to persons of both sexes) is stuffed mainly by mature individuals who are aware of the full power of this amulet and are able to direct its energy in the right direction. This sign is not suitable for minors.
Sketch options
Most often, the seal of Veles on tattoos is depicted in the form of a paw of a wolf or a bear. Such patterns differ only in the number of claws on their paws. If this is a bear's paw, then there will be 5 claws in the figure, and 4 on the wolf's paw.

Veles' seal looks quite impressive in the picture as an independent object. At the same time, this Slavic sign is often placed in a star or sun, and certain runes are depicted inside it. Please note that when applying such symbols to the body, it is necessary to clarify its meaning before that, because the runes can carry different messages, both negative and positive. For the most part, such tattoos depict runes that have great power and are able to provide the owner of the wearable pattern with full protection from evil spirits, evil thoughts and unkind spirits.

Supplement such a tattoo is possible not only with various symbols in the form of runes, intricate patterns and other signs that carry a deep meaning, but also with elements such as berries or cones, which will only emphasize the connection of the tattoo with the god of fertility.
If you are a fan of larger-scale images, then in this case it is allowed to diversify the picture with some additional elements. So, in the picture you can depict a forest thicket, which is the natural habitat of wolves and bears. An image in which one of these wild animals or even their whole family is present looks very impressive. Such a drawing will only emphasize the connection of the main symbol with nature.

It is worth mentioning the features of the image of animals in such drawings. As a rule, predators are performed mainly in such a style solution as realism. The picture can depict the head of a predator, or it can be seen in its entirety, in full growth.
If the predator on the tattoo is irritated and grins, then this symbolizes strength, courage. If the animal is depicted in the picture asleep, then this means peacefulness and a gentle disposition, but at the same time a willingness, if necessary, to protect oneself and one's loved ones.

Most often, black and white colors predominate in such images; colored wearable drawings with such a theme are much less common. The stylization of animal images for a tattoo, where there is such a strong symbol as the Veles seal, will be inappropriate.
Besides, a person who wants to have a similar pattern on his body can contact a specialist who will help develop an individual image. The wearer can put his own meaning into his tattoo, thereby somewhat expanding the interpretation of its meaning.

What part of the body to do?
A tattoo with a print of Veles can be placed on any part of the body. Its position does not affect the meaning of the body pattern.
When choosing a zone for a tattoo, they are guided by its size, as well as the preferences of the person himself who is to wear this pattern on his body. Most often, people choose the following places for such a tattoo: arm, shoulder, chest, back, neck, calves, ankle or rib. Application of the image in other areas is also allowed.

Beautiful examples
There are many interesting sketches of tattoos depicting the Veles sign. These can be both large-scale drawings and more miniature ones, which, as a rule, are preferred by the fair sex.
Below we present options for such wearable designs.