What do eagle tattoos mean and what are they like?

The image of a bird has always played an important role in art as the personification of freedom, independence, determination, greatness and inner harmony. It is no coincidence that tattoos depicting birds are very popular among men and women of different ages. One of the most common is the tattoo in the form of a predatory eagle. Depending on the location and motive of the picture, it can carry the most varied symbolic meaning.

The history of tattoos depicting a proud eagle is rooted in the distant past. Researchers claim that for the first time a person began to depict this bird on the skin 4000 years ago. The predator symbol was sacred for ancient peoples and tribes even before the first cults and the first religions were formed. It is no coincidence that the image of this bird is associated with supernatural abilities and higher powers. Our ancient ancestors associated the eagle with the sun; it became the very first symbol of the peaks. As the lion is recognized as the king in the world of animals, so the eagle has long been considered the lord of birds.
The eagle personifies greatness, deep wisdom, pride and fortitude. Such a tattoo gives out an exceptional social status, possession of power and deep intelligence of its owner. But do not forget that the eagle is a predator, one of the most dangerous in nature. Therefore, the number of interpretations of a tattoo with his image is large, they directly depend on the concept of the sketch and the emotional message. It can be either a bird soaring calmly in the sky or a cruel creature attacking its prey.

To understand where the fashion for tattoos with the image of an eagle came from, you need to take a short excursion into history. In ancient times, the concept of "eagle" was collective for a whole group of dangerous birds - a hawk, a falcon and a vulture. That is why, for most nations, he became a totem, a talisman and an idol for worship.
According to legend, eagles once attacked people, exterminating and destroying their homes. This lasted until the man offered the predator fire in exchange for a peaceful existence - this is how the eagles were endowed with the status of "lord of fire." From that day on, the Sumerians began to pierce tattoos with this bird on the skin. Following them, the predator appeared in the body painting of the Aztecs - they believed that in this way they attract the protection of heavenly forces and create protection from ground enemies.
In different countries, the images of eagles had different interpretations.

Inhabitants Ancient rome considered the bird a symbol of the purification of the human soul and the strengthening of the family. She was endowed with the ability to lead the souls of dead people to higher powers.
V Greece eagles were revered as the fastest, most powerful and proud creatures.
Have Indians it was customary to decorate the head with feathers of a predator. They believed that this would help the warriors to become stronger, daring and brave. Moreover, only the most worthy warriors in the Indian tribes had the right to impale an image of this feathered one on the body. The eagle was considered for them a kind of status, a sign of the highest merits.
In China, the image of the eagle was associated with perseverance.

Ancient tribes living in the territory of modern Norway, associated the bird with life wisdom.
Inhabitants Of America included the image of an eagle in the state symbols of their country. V USA such tattoos symbolize love for the Motherland, are a way to express your civic position.
A little later, the attitude towards eagles changed - they became the personification of vital energy, motivation. In all cultures, without exception, such a tattoo carried the message of beauty, power and fearlessness. That is why it was especially common among the most privileged warriors, the drawing was for them a kind of talisman.

Nowadays, eagle tattoos are stuffed with bold, strong-willed and independent people. They consider themselves fighters for justice, they know how to stand up for themselves and their loved ones. In most cases, this tattoo is done by men, but in some versions, it is allowed to use the plot for girls.

Description of species
Long history has endowed the image of the eagle with many interpretations and symbolic meanings. To appreciate the message that the owner of the tattoo brings to the world, it is necessary to pay attention to its style, technique of execution and compositional solution.
By style
In order for a tattoo in the form of an eagle on the body to look really impressive, it is very important to choose a high-quality sketch. The drawing should have clear lines, laconic colors and suitable sizes. In addition, you should decide in advance on the style of performance.
Realism - These are black and white tattoos with 3D effect. It uses bright colors, the play of shadows and light. All this allows you to recreate the most realistic image of a feathered on the skin.

Minimalism - looks most advantageous on small areas of the body. Here the emphasis is on simple geometry, straight lines and the absence of small elements.

old school - the image of a tattoo in the style of old school requires high professionalism and skill. Such images are distinguished by fantasy and even some shocking. As a rule, young people choose such directions in the art of tattoo. The most popular subject in this technique is the framed eagle's head topped with an inscription.

Dotwork - allow you to create a truly stylish and effective body painting. This is a discreet design, using shades of gray and black to create it. Thanks to spot application, the result is very distinctive.

Newschool - the image of an eagle in this style suggests a neighborhood with anchors, skulls and flags. For such tattoos, clear lines and richness of colors are characteristic, in general, this creates an expressive and memorable picture.

By plot
Several themes dominate among the main tattoo motifs.
Flying eagle - such an image testifies to the desire of the owner of the tattoo for independence, freedom, domination and demonstration of his own superiority over others.

Dive eagle - the owner of such a tattoo in any difficult situation will be able to stand up for himself, and not just in word, but also in deed. This is a purposeful person who achieves the assigned tasks and reaches a high position.

Eagle with head turned - such a tattoo gives out in a man the lord of his own life. Such men strive for universal recognition, a symbolic social status. They are characterized by pronounced leadership qualities.

Attacking predator - a tattoo indicates a person who is ready to defend his individual opinion. It is characterized by the presence of clear life priorities and moral principles. He under no circumstances will deviate from his worldview and position.

Eagle head - this tattoo means the presence of serious life experience, prudence, wisdom and significant achievements. So a man shows that he has achieved a lot in this life, but at the same time he had to sacrifice a lot.

Bird with spread wings - a symbol of victory and inspiration. This is a winner in life, a person who has managed to overcome physical and moral obstacles.

Two-headed eagle - since ancient times it has been a symbol of power. It does not lose this significance in our days.

A predator with folded wings is a wise eagle. Gives out a sensible person who will always think before doing.
Eagle fighting a snake - personifies the victory of good over evil.

Bird in flight with a shamrock in its beak - such a symbol means love for your loved ones and gives out a good family man.
Eagle claw - associated with salvation from evil forces. Eagle feather - demonstrates the courage and courage of the owner of the tattoo. Eagle eye - evokes associations with sobriety of mind and clarity of thought.

Where can you place it?
Before stuffing the image of an eagle on the skin, it is necessary to collect information on the interpretation of various sketches and to clarify the features of applying a tattoo on different parts of the body. Depending on the location, interpretations of plots with this bird of prey can vary greatly.
Shoulder - the image of a bird on the shoulder indicates the presence of masculinity, audacity and courage. Such a man considers himself a real warrior in life, ready to rush into battle. His companion sees him as a defender, feels like behind a stone wall. She can entrust her fate to such a person, create a nest for them and have offspring.

Forearm - men who fill the image of an eagle in the forearm area are trying to show those around them all their best qualities. In this way, they convince others of the existence of life experience, wisdom, clear priorities and principles. The owner of the tattoo in this place will certainly appreciate the hardness of the masculine word.

Wrist - a tattoo on the wrist is associated with the desire of its owner to influence his environment and the entire outside world. It is possible that such a person seeks to gain life experience in order to learn how to make only correct and fair decisions. In addition, the eagle in this place often becomes a powerful talisman, saving its wearer from stupid mistakes.

Wrist - palms, hands, as well as fingers are considered the strongest zone in the human body, this is what creative, creative and non-trivial people believe. Therefore, the tattoo, stuffed in this place, becomes for them a source of inspiration, creative searches and daring feats.

Inside the palms, the image of an eagle is stuffed in order to enhance the masculine qualities of character, to endow its owner with determination and audacity.
Hand - the most daring and daring people decide to fill their entire hand with the image of a bird of prey. Such a sleeve demonstrates to others that there is a strong and domineering person in front of them, endowed with a high status. At any moment he is ready to rush to fight for his ideals. This man has enough wisdom and baggage of knowledge to learn how to make the right decisions and do honest deeds.

Neck - a tattoo in the shape of an eagle on the neck is considered an indicator of physical strength, stability and endurance. This decision is usually chosen by conservatives who are adamant. Traditionally, they are combined with additional elements so that the composition as a whole could tell a lot about the experiences of life.

Breast - a tattoo with an image of an eagle on the chest symbolizes career growth. It is stuffed by people who have set high goals for themselves and are trying to realize all their dreams. Seeing a tattoo on your sternum, you can immediately understand that you are dealing with an ambitious and passionate nature. Such people never sit still and are not afraid of difficulties.

Side - the interpretation of such placement directly depends on which side the tattoo is located on. On the right, she becomes the personification of the best qualities in the character of its owner. A tattoo on the left indicates a manifestation of negative experiences and past disappointments.

Hip - a man rarely exposes this part of the body, because tattoos in this area are rarely applied. If a man nevertheless made a similar tattoo, most likely, he associates it with the intimate side of his life. For example, it shows devotion to a single woman and demonstrates a passionate nature.

Back - this place becomes a real canvas for the tattoo artist, thanks to the size, you can apply a large-scale composition here. An eagle on the back is pricked by real perfectionists. These people bring all the started cases to their logical conclusion, and they do it delicately, bringing them to perfection. The character of such people is energetic, active and assertive.

Scapula - a tattoo in the form of an eagle on the shoulder blade indicates the courage and fearlessness of a man. Such a person is ready to defend his truth, to defend the principles and moral priorities. Often, not the predator itself is applied in such a place, but its feathers. In this interpretation, they are perceived as a man's protection from lies, the influence of black forces, disappointments and erroneous actions.

Leg - if an eagle is depicted on the calf, this indicates a man's unwillingness to change his mind, even in the case of high pressure from authoritative people. The owners of such a tattoo have a clear position.
The symbolic message of a tattoo on the legs is associated with confidence, such a person is firmly on his feet and always moves in the right direction.

Beautiful examples
Eagle tattoos are very popular. They indicate a strong and charismatic personality. They attract a man because they are the personification of freedom, independence, determination, self-confidence and physical strength. Young people using this image identify it with self-confidence, arrogance and self-reliance.

They usually put a raptor tattoo on their back. Often, in this case, the bird is depicted with open wings. Such an image is considered a sign of patronage and power. Often these are "gray cardinals" - they themselves keep in the shadows, but at the same time turn the head of the physical performer.

Eagles on the chest are stuffed by the most confident men, in any situation they do not doubt that they are right.

People in serious positions or with managerial habits often depict an eagle on their shoulder or arm.

The image of this strong and proud bird is not recommended for women. - it is believed that it awakens the masculine principle and masculine features in them. Nevertheless, female variants do take place. Young girls use the image of a strong eagle as a talisman against the evil eye, rivals and the actions of evil forces. Married women empower him with the function of protecting their home and family.
In the modern interpretation, the tattoo in the form of an eagle for women personifies their rebellious character, betrays relaxedness, freedom of action and the right to leadership. It is no coincidence that such an image is used by many celebrities - actresses Sammy Hanratty and Cleopatra Coleman, as well as performer Skylar Gray.

And in conclusion, we will give some tips.... In order for a tattoo in the shape of an eagle to be filled correctly and carry a deep sacred meaning, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experienced tattoo artists.
Choose a master with extensive experience in drawing birds, contact exclusively licensed salons.
Even at the stage of preparing the sketch, clarify all existing interpretations so that in the future there will be no unpleasant surprises.

Do not use other people's ideas to create compositions. The eagle is a proud and strong bird, it gives out personality with a capital letter, so its image must be unique.
Think over the shade and stylistic solution, match it with the tattoo area. It is important to assess the proportionality of the picture, otherwise the bird will look either too plain, or, on the contrary, too huge.

If you already have tattoos on your body, fill the eagle using the same technique.... Believe me, a minimalist tattoo surrounded by watercolor stains will make the impression on those around you that you expected.
Consider in advance how you will hide your tattoo if the place and circumstances do not allow displaying it.