What do octopus tattoos mean and what are they like?

The octopus is a creature that lives in the seas and oceans. His image is covered with many secrets, mysteries and some mysticism, but it is difficult to call him popular. Nevertheless, the octopus is often depicted on tattoos with a marine theme. About what such a tattoo means, how the image of an octopus is interpreted for women and men, as well as about the different variations of such an image, we will tell in the article.

The octopus, or octopus, is an inhabitant of the deep sea, belongs to the number of cephalopods. He is a creature that has a head, a saccular body, and powerful tentacles. His image is rather controversial. It is rarely seen on tattoos, but lovers of the marine theme still sometimes give preference to it. Sketches depicting this sea dweller were spread thanks to the famous English traveler James Cook, who sailed to the Polynesian islands. It was he who brought the sketches of tattoos, which depicted an octopus, to European countries.

An octopus for many is a creature that causes horror, but at the same time, some delight. The fear of these creatures was due to a large number of legends, myths and legends, where the octopus appeared in a not very good light. Fear was also caused by the size of some of the octopuses: one of the largest was caught in 1945 off the coast of America, weighed 180 kg and a body length of 8 meters. Such creatures really pose a danger to humans.
In general, octopuses are intelligent mollusks that have a pretty good memory. They remember many events and objects, which are irritants for them. For this reason, the image of an octopus is interpreted as a symbol of prudence and high intelligence. There are many legends, legends and myths about them.
By the way, it is the octopus that is a relative of such a legendary mythological monster as the kraken.

It is worth mentioning the interpretation of this image in the culture of the peoples living along the sea coast. TSo, for them the octopus was a kind of deity. They believed that it was because of him that waves appeared in the ocean, and that ships were wrecked. Most believed that the octopus represents the appearance of the god Cthulhu, who is the ruler of the world and sleeps somewhere in the depths of the Pacific.
In many cultures, the image of an octopus is interpreted as a talisman that can provide full protection for a person from unclean forces and unkind spirits. This is due to a peculiar way of protecting this marine inhabitant: he releases an ink jet, which helps to mislead the enemy and avoid an attack from his side. However, there is another interpretation of this image associated with this feature. So, some believed that the black jet released by the octopus for protection is the demons that are inside this creature and are trying to get out.

The image of this creature also symbolizes for many and rebirth after crisis periods of life.... This is due to the special arrangement of the limbs of the sea inhabitant: if he loses a tentacle, then it will soon grow back again. For this reason, the octopus is a symbol of restoration, renewal of life, a kind of blank slate.
Another meaning of the octopus is immortality or longevity. This interpretation of the image is due to the fact that this inhabitant of the depths of the sea has as many as three hearts.

This image was of particular importance and sailors... Many of them believed that the octopus is a creature that will bring them good luck on the way, save the ship and its sailors from pirates, sea monsters and storms. For this reason, the image of an octopus was often used as a decoration for a ship, and sometimes was present on tattoos by sailors.
If we talk about modern times, the image of an octopus is used for tattoos by everyone, due to its versatility. It is suitable for both women and men.

The general interpretation of the image, which applies to both women and men, is as follows: independence, wisdom, high intelligence, invulnerability, protection, flexibility and longevity.
For women, the octopus has a special meaning. This creature symbolizes for them maternal instincts, protection of children.
This is due to the fact that female octopuses selflessly take care of their cubs, carefully guard them and are not distracted from them, even if they feel strong hunger.

Species overview
By style
An octopus tattoo can be done in a variety of styles.... Often, the octopus is depicted in a realistic style, as a rule, while drawing even the smallest elements of the picture in detail to make it more naturalistic and natural. Such tattoos are depicted in both color and black and white. Working on such drawings is quite difficult, and if you decide to get an octopus tattoo in the style of realism, you will need to take care of finding a good and experienced artist.

Styles such as old school, minimalism, graphics and watercolors will also be appropriate here. In such drawings, the image of an octopus can be more stylized and simplified, or it can be realistic - it only depends on the wishes of the bearer of the future image. Such tattoos look, as a rule, very bright and impressive. They are applied mainly by those who love attention and are distinguished by their eccentricity, non-standard thinking.

By plot
The octopus looks quite interesting on the body as an independent image. At the same time, its tentacles can be depicted in a twisted form, which will symbolize eternity.
More advanced compositional solutions also take place here. Often, the image of an octopus is complemented by the image of an anchor that is entwined by the tentacles of this inhabitant of the deep sea, or an image of a ship that can move along the waves, against the wind, or even sink. The first version of the picture is interpreted as calmness, stability and peacefulness. The second image means that the person who wears it on his body has a dangerous and even explosive character.

Very aggressive, but at the same time, the tattoo with the image looks impressive. octopus and skull. This drawing will emphasize the strength of its owner, his courage, and in some cases, willfulness. Such images are more masculine, suitable for those who have a strong and strong-willed character. These people never give up, they always go ahead to the intended goal, no matter what it costs them.

Looks pretty interesting the image of an octopus, whose tentacles are entwined with a clock.
This symbolizes time, its infinity.

Women, as a rule, depict more relaxed images of this inhabitant of the deep sea.... In this case, the composition can be supplemented with all sorts of elements. These include patterns that can be depicted from aesthetic motives, or they can carry some kind of deep meaning; various details in the form of glasses and a hat, if appropriate for the plot of the drawing.

The pose of the octopus in the figure is also of great importance. So, if an octopus is depicted with tentacles spread out to the sides and moves freely, then this symbolizes freedom, invulnerability, self-confidence. If this creature is moving up, then this means determination, the desire to go towards your dream, despite all kinds of difficulties, as well as healing.

Where can you stuff?
The tattoo, which depicts the image of an octopus, can be applied to any part of the body. This does not affect the interpretation of the image in any way. For the most part, the choice of the zone in which this drawing will be applied depends on the wishes of the owner of the future tattoo, as well as on the scale of the image itself.
So, if the picture differs in its size, then in this case it is recommended to give preference to the following areas of the body: shoulder, arm, forearm, chest, abdomen, sleeve and back. On the forearm and shoulder, by the way, the process of tattooing will feel less painful. For this reason, many people apply the image in these places.

If the drawing is small, then it can be placed in the following places: leg, arm, thigh, hand, wrist, shoulder blades, or collarbone. In other places, a small drawing will also look very impressive and attractive. As a rule, such images are chosen mainly by girls.

Best sketches
There are many beautiful sketches of tattoos that feature the image of an octopus. Let's consider the most beautiful of them. Here, for example, are sketches where the octopus is depicted rather ominously and aggressively.

And there are more neutral images of this sea creature.
They may differ in the degree of detail in the drawing and in the presence or absence of any additional plot elements.

The image of an octopus, made in color, looks quite interesting and bright.

Beautiful examples
Now let's look at how similar images look on different parts of the body in women and men.
This is how an octopus tattoo on the arm looks.

This kind of pattern can also be placed in the thigh area, which will look very impressive and non-standard.

And here is an example for those planning to place a tattoo in the chest or shoulder area.