Dolphin Tattoo for Girls

Tattooing on different parts of the body does not go out of style. In this way, very often a person tries to express his inner world. Convey some information to others, or just decorate the body with a beautiful picture. In this case, the Dolphin tattoo is suitable for all these parameters, which is chosen by representatives of both sexes, but this image is more attractive for girls.

The meaning of a tattoo
To fully reveal the meaning of what the Dolphin tattoo means, you need to turn to ancient times and to the understanding of what, in general, a dolphin is. And here, oddly enough, there is no gender, for both women and girls, that for guys and men, this symbol will be interpreted in the same way. It all depends on what the girl wants to say by this, what style of life she prefers.

First of all, it is worth considering that this tattoo is of a positive orientation, and definitely cannot provide its owner with negative energy.
Dolphin is the smartest, friendliest animal with high intelligence. It is very difficult to find a person who, at the sight of a dolphin frolicking in the waves, would experience horror and fear, unless, of course, he has any phobia. A dolphin in every normal person evokes extremely positive emotions and sometimes even a feeling of happiness.

A tattoo has the same meaning - it is a symbol of goodness, happiness, a talisman for the owner, which is able to protect against negativity and negative emotions, if this is what is originally put into the meaning of this tattoo.
Another aspect is the spirit of freedom, thirst for adventure, beauty and harmony, the desire to be independent from any circumstances and easily resist any storms of life.After all, a dolphin is a very cute and graceful animal, despite its size and considerable weight.

Therefore, such a tattoo is suitable for every young girl and mature woman. But these are all modern realities, and if you dig a little into the depths of the centuries, you can understand other nuances:
the dolphin as a symbol served as a guide for sailors - in the most terrible storms and storms, he showed the way to salvation;
in Christianity he was regarded as a guide of Christ and endowed him with holy qualities;
among the ancient Romans it was a symbol of wisdom;
in ancient Greece, the dolphin was considered the king of the sea, along with Poseidon, and he also served as a symbol of love;
in Japan, two dolphins symbolized the feminine and masculine - yin and yang.
Summing up the various meanings, we can conclude that in all interpretations of the dolphin tattoo carries a positive beginning for any woman. And the meaning and meaning that she puts into such an image can vary slightly depending on her worldview, attitude to the world, plans and goals.

Who is it for?
Choosing a tattoo, every sane person understands that it is not worth putting a picture you like on the body just like that, you should think very well how it will get along with the owner. There are several categories of the fairer sex for whom this option is definitely suitable.
Such an image can be chosen by a girl who is open to this world, tuned in to positive and positive emotions. She is sociable, feels confident and irresistible.
Such a meaning is also good when a woman has found herself in this life, and in order to keep her luck and luck, she “takes in” a dolphin as a talisman and assistant in all endeavors.
Explains such a tattoo on the body and the girl's love for the sea. No one excludes that she spends most of her time at sea, maybe her work is even connected with him.
Another option is when a woman belongs to some kind of environmental organization for the protection of mammals. Now such movements are very common on the Black Sea coast.
Women who want to demonstrate their free spirit and complete independence, craving for everything new and unknown, the desire to move forward, also apply such a tattoo to various parts of the body.

Sketch options
The selection of sketches is quite extensive. It all depends on personal preferences, own imagination, professional capabilities of the master and, of course, his artistic taste. When all these nuances coincide, any sketch will be harmonious and appropriate.

Often a small dolphin is chosen in black and white, without any additional images. This is the classic version. But very often the dolphin is made colored, and various details are added to it. This can be, for example:
sea waves;
dream Catcher;

Pictures of two dolphins and even a whole family are often used. There are two popular dolphins in the form of the yin and yang signs. There are also whole colored paintings in which the dolphin occupies the central part. The plot is a seascape.

The styles in which you sketch can also vary. The Maori tattoo will consist of symbolic images in exclusively black. The realism style will differ in that the mammal looks as natural as possible, and the elements that complement it will look the same, be it a wave or the sun. In the watercolor style, a color plot can be depicted, and it can also turn out to be a cartoon cute dolphin. Ethnic motives can be supplied with various patterns and hieroglyphs. You should definitely know what this or that hieroglyph means, since it can both strengthen the positive message of the tattoo, and reduce it to nothing.

Where to apply?
As for the place of application, it all depends on whether the woman wants to put the tattoo on public display or, on the contrary, there is a desire to hide the tattoo so that only the closest people know about it. The most common placement options are on the arm and leg. In this case, in the summer, the tattoo will serve as a bright decoration on the body, no matter where it is located - on the wrist or shoulder, not on the ankle or lower leg. Miniature dolphins can be placed around the neck.

If the tattoo is small, it can be placed anywhere. If you want to create the whole picture, you will have to use a large area of the body. This can be a large part of the arms, legs, back, abdomen, neckline. But you need to take into account and imagine how the tattoo will look on this or that part of the body. An experienced master will definitely tell you how to do it better, focusing on each specific client.
Such procedures need to be performed only in specialized salons, where all conditions of sterility are observed.

Beautiful examples
Let's look at specific examples of how a dolphin tattoo might look.
A cute, good-natured dolphin, complemented by a wave and sun, will find a place for itself on any part of the body. It is not difficult to guess the positive message in this figure.

- Two dolphins with a symbolically depicted wave rather say that the owner of such a tattoo loves and is loved, her relationship is completely harmonious, or in any case she strives for it.

- On the theme of love and this picture. Two dolphins emerging from a heart illuminated by rays. Such a sketch for very romantic natures.

- The dolphin in the black image looks stylish and laconic. One can only guess what thoughts the mistress of the tattoo has in general, most likely she is a mysterious person.