Variety of tattoos for the clavicle

Tattoos applied in the area of the collarbones have recently become very popular among both girls and men, despite the fact that the process of applying such drawings is quite painful. Drawings are applied to the collarbones in different ways: images of the moon, and whales, and spiders, and various inscriptions. In this article, we will look at the most popular sketches of such tattoos and their meaning.
Advantages and disadvantages
Tattoos on the collarbone have both advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the merits of such tattoos.
They well emphasize the neck and shoulder line, which allows you to attract the attention of others. This effect can be achieved with the right choice of composition and placement of accents.

The skin in this area does not change so actively with age and practically does not respond to weight loss or gain. All this is a guarantee that your picture will not lose its attractive appearance. Of course, this also requires high-quality care for the drawing, which the master will have to tell you about.
In the area of the collarbone, both a mini-tattoo and a dimensional image will look great, which can act as a ligament of a pattern on the sternum, on the shoulder or on the sleeve. However, it is worth noting here that in such cases, a more detailed study of the sketch is required so that all the drawings are related to each other according to the plot, and look harmonious.

As already mentioned, such tattoos also have disadvantages. So, she is often in sight. For some people, this is a plus. Others, on the other hand, are not very happy about it. However, it will be very simple to solve such a problem: you just need to choose to wear such jackets that will cover the shoulder area.
In addition, the very process of drawing a pattern in this area is quite painful, since the skin in this area is thin and delicate, it is close to the bone, and there is almost no fatty layer there.

Types and sketches of tattoos
Animals are the most popular tattoo subject. The meaning of such a picture, as a rule, depends on what kind of animal is depicted on it.
So, the image of a domestic cat is a symbol of affection, willfulness, freedom, grace and independence. Some also associate this animal with cunning and agility. A tattoo of a wild cat, for example, a panther, will have a different meaning, which means strength, self-confidence and a desire to fight difficulties to the last.

Often applied to the clavicle and image wolf, which is a symbol of loneliness, strength, aggression, but at the same time loyalty.

There are also ideas for beautiful sketches with fish... For example, with koi carps. One of the most beautiful Japanese legends is associated with these fish. They symbolize struggle, perseverance, stubbornness, the desire to achieve your goal at any cost, even if you have to swim against the tide.

Birds are another popular tattoo option with a meaning in the collarbone area. The figure can symmetrically depict two small birds on both sides, as if flying towards each other, or maybe one - it all depends on the preferences of the person himself.

The general interpretation of such an image is as follows: birds mean a dream, a flight of fantasy, absolute freedom, the absence of restraining frames or attitudes. However, the meaning of the picture may vary depending on which particular bird is depicted in the picture.
So, an owl or an eagle owl traditionally means wisdom, high intelligence, restraint and determination. The crow is often associated with mysticism and dark forces, and the hummingbird is a symbol of the joy of life, love and positive.

Various inscriptions are also often applied as a body pattern. The content of such a tattoo can be very different: it can be a favorite line from a song, someone's saying, the name of a loved one, a child, Roman numerals that mean an important date for a person, or just one word that reflects the life motto of the tattoo wearer. Tattoos like these can look completely different depending on the language and font chosen.
Tattoos in Latin, English, as well as Japanese and Chinese hieroglyphs are especially popular now.
Note that before applying an inscription on the body in an unfamiliar language, you should carefully read the translation so that in the future you do not have stupid and embarrassing situations.

Diverse spiders and beetles are also quite often applied by people in the clavicle area as a body pattern. Such images also have a specific meaning.
So, butterfly often perceived as a symbol of frivolity and infantilism, but in fact, her image is interpreted as a symbol of beauty, freedom and immortality.

And here ladybug in many cultures it is a symbol of the Sun. Often it is applied to the body as a talisman that can attract happiness, good luck and many positive moments into life.

It carries a different meaning the image of a scorpion, which is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, in some cultures it is perceived as a messenger of death and a symbol of revenge. On the other hand, this insect is the personification of perseverance, strength and ability to defend itself.

Egyptian-themed tattoos are often applied by people - with scarab... This beetle symbolizes financial success, good luck in business and the pursuit of light. It is often perceived as a talisman that can bring a lot of good things into the life of its bearer.

Tattoos with patterns look intricate and interesting, which explains their relevance, and not only among women, but also among men. As a rule, such patterns in the clavicle area are often symmetrical, which looks very beautiful. They are usually applied for aesthetic reasons, but in some cases they may carry some specific meaning. This is usually typical for ethnic patterns, in particular, Polynesian, where such a tattoo was applied for a reason. She could reflect some traits that were characteristic of a person, serve as an amulet or talisman, and even talk about the most significant events in the life of her wearer.

Floral and plant tattoos with a variety of flowers or wreaths of them, spikelets, petals and leaves look quite bright and, as a rule, are associated with femininity, beauty and sensuality.

In fact, such a drawing can be interpreted in different ways, depending on its plot features.
So, a chamomile tattoo means purity, innocence and joy of life. The image of the lotus has a similar meaning, which, among other things, symbolizes the balance of opposites, fertility and feminine energy.

But such a beautiful flower like a rose can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, it means passion and great love, on the other, bitterness and pain caused by this bright feeling.

Other plots for tattoos in the area of the collarbones are also popular.
So, drawings are often applied as hearts... Such a tattoo can mean a desire to acquire a soul mate, or its presence and a strong love for her. But if the heart is split, then this indicates that the person is disappointed, broken, and love brings him a lot of suffering.

Popular and tattoos in the form of zodiacal constellations, which, as a rule, indicate that a person belongs to one or another sign of the zodiac. Such drawings are often accompanied by images of stars, the moon and various planets.

Drawing with a bird's feather, applied to the body will symbolize the strength of the spirit, the desire for freedom, dreaminess, lightness and beauty.

But the tattoo with an eye there will be a broader meaning. It is often perceived as a talisman that protects its owner from negative influences from the outside. In addition, such a drawing is a symbol of focusing on a goal, higher knowledge, and also means vigilance.

Styles and colors
Drawings in the area of the collarbones can be both colored and black and white. This largely depends on the chosen style and the preferences of the bearer of the future drawing.

As for the styles, there are quite a few of them. Let's consider the most popular ones.
So, the most popular among all is realism... It is characterized by an abundance of small details, scale and naturalism, which amazes many, thereby attracting attention.

Style is quite different minimalism... In this technique, small and simple drawings are performed that look strict and concise. They are easy to hide from strangers, which is their great advantage.

Another popular style for lovers of colored tattoos in the collarbone area is watercolor... This technique differs in many ways from the above. For drawings in this style, brightness, the absence of clear boundaries and an abundance of various shades are characteristic, which smoothly and gently flow into each other.

Nuances of application
Before applying a tattoo, you need to consider some of the nuances. So, before going to a tattoo parlor, we recommend that you decide in advance at least approximately the size of the future drawing, with its color design, style and composition - it is on these factors, by the way, that the cost of applying a tattoo depends.
Another nuance is the price of the master's services. However, in this case, you should not chase cheapness. It is better to trust a professional who will do his job efficiently and delight you with the result, than then try to hide an unsuccessful drawing, and spend money on mixing it, which is also quite expensive.