Tattoo "George the Victorious"

George the Victorious is one of the most powerful amulet symbols that those in need of protection prefer to apply as a tattoo. The meaning of this tattoo has a very long history and is filled with not only religious, but also patriotic meaning. Although many connoisseurs of underwear painting prefer it purely for aesthetic reasons.

Since our ancestors lost the increased hairiness of the skin, they began to strive to decorate their bodies. Symbolic drawings and inscriptions were applied to the smooth skin. At first, for this they used the blood of killed animals and earth diluted with water, and several millennia later the priests came up with the first versions of indelible tattoos. At that time, the purpose of tattoos was purely practical and functional. Body art was not supposed to be aesthetically pleasing. They were applied as a talisman, perceived as a kind of protection from evil. Symbols on the bodies of ancient people were made, wishing to gain power and indicate an attitude towards a particular clan or caste.
Arising before our era, they could tell about the origin of man and his activities, belonging to a particular religion. At that time, the drawing of images of the gods was considered a chance to gain the favor of the forces from the side of good. In the future, special significance was attached to religious tattoos in people's lives. The believers hoped that St. George the Victorious on his body would be able to protect them from the evil eye and troubles.
The holy face is a powerful and attractive symbol of good that has conquered evil. Moreover, the manner in which he is portrayed is not the same in the schools of the West and the East.

Western masters give the saint a more textured look. He is portrayed with a muscular body and powerful arms.This is a true warrior, able to effortlessly slay the serpent. The eastern version of the execution of the image of St. George is distinguished by some grace. No strength emanates from him, he doesn't even wear protective armor. The sketches contain only a symbolic image of a spear and a snake. Apparently, this is a hint from the artists that the victory over the serpent happened thanks to spiritual, not bodily strength. But in such differences of sketches lies the beauty of art. Masters create unique masterpieces in their styles, revealing their images ambiguously, captivating more and more with the religiosity of their subjects.
In the name of faith, the Great Martyr George endured all the hardships and torments, and in the end he was executed. Therefore, this symbol is a demonstration of the strength of the spirit and persistent principles. By the way, his image is present on the coat of arms of Moscow. Tattoo "George the Victorious" distinguishes those who set foot on the righteous path. Their decisions and actions are dictated by the desire to change everything negative in themselves. And although, according to religious canons, it is impossible to put the faces of saints on sinful flesh, such a sketch remains one of the most popular. A tattoo with the face of a great martyr is often imprinted on the skin of former prisoners. Previously, it was interpreted as a sign that a person realized his mistakes and embarked on the true path. And in the middle of the twentieth century, its meaning in the underworld became completely different. Now such a sketch was chosen by those who devoted themselves to confronting the KGB, perceiving this structure as an abode of evil.

Tattoo for women
Tattoos with the image of St. George the Victorious are chosen by sensitive natures. Such an image gives the girl decisiveness and indicates strength of character. The most effective tattoo is a large size. For a dynamic plot, painstaking study is required, therefore, stopping at this tattoo, you need to be prepared for long visits to the tattoo parlor.
Looking at the sketches of tattoos with George the Victorious, it is hard to disagree that they are close to the true masterpieces of painting, of course, if this is the handiwork of an experienced master.

Tattoo for men
A man who wants such a tattoo adheres to strong moral principles. He knows exactly what he wants. At the same time, it is not so easy to clearly define what a given symbol means. In general, St. George the Victorious is an example of strength and acceptance of responsibility. Tattoo can be a manifestation of inner struggle, acceptance of one's own sins and a desire to know the truth. The symbol of the saint is very complex, with ambiguous energy. In a certain sense, it means the striving for spiritual cleansing, suppression of sin in the beginning and all injustice. This is an interpretation for courageous and determined people.
George the Victorious, applied to his shoulder, is considered an awareness of his sinfulness and a symbol of repentance. Men with such a tattoo came to the decision to change their life path. In addition to the aesthetic and spiritual purpose, the main message of such a tattoo is a request for protection, support and patronage. Occasionally, a tattoo with an Orthodox saint is found on the bodies of those who profess Islam.

Browse styles and best sketches
The theme of the drawing is interpreted from the point of view of different ideologies, which makes the tattoo stand out among other images. Often, the main reason to make yourself such a body drawing is the desire to associate yourself with the famous hero. A tattoo with an image of a historical character looks great in blackwork, realism and similar styles. They allow you to fully display the energy of the symbol.
Capture a small tattoo with the image of St. George is not the best option. Images like these are complex and involve free space. A small tattoo will not be able to convey the full depth of the image.
Among the most popular sketches of a tattoo with the Great Martyr George the Victorious is the plot when he prevails in the battle with the serpent.

Where can I get it?
The meaning of a tattoo often changes depending on the location, sometimes in part, and sometimes thoroughly. It is most commonly applied to the shoulders and arms. Then the drawing is seen by outsiders, and it has an aesthetic purpose. Such a saint's wearable adornment has no deep meaning. Another thing is the deliberate choice of a sketch with this symbol. In this version, on the shoulder and on the chest, a tattoo with George the Victorious is done by those who have vowed to change their lives. This is a kind of symbol of the decision. It is not recommended to depict the face of the saint on the inside of the forearm, on a painful area where the epidermis is actively renewing. A complex tattoo will not last long, and healing will take longer.
Such a wearable image requires artistic ability from the master. The pattern is transferred to the body in 2-3 sessions. Usually a tattoo sketch consists of many small elements that need to be displayed on the skin. It would be wise to assign a large area of the body for such work. The most popular areas are arms, back, shoulders and chest.
Stuffing tattoos that are complex in execution can only be entrusted to an experienced master working in the sterile and comfortable conditions of a modern salon equipped with professional tools and equipment.