What kind of tattoos are not allowed?

Tattoos are often called body painting and are equated with art. At the same time, many people choose a tattoo for themselves, without even thinking about their meaning. And completely in vain. Certain drawings, even innocuous in appearance, can conceal mortal danger and whether they bring serious problems to their wearer.

What tattoos have negative meanings abroad?
Despite the fact that the art of tattooing is incredibly popular in Russia today, the attitude towards tattooing remains ambiguous. Moreover, almost every third person has a tattoo. The older generation is especially biased towards them, and for young people, drawings on the body are a common occurrence.
Nevertheless, both in Russia and around the world, there are taboos on some places and sketches.
It is worth thinking very carefully before applying them. And it will not be superfluous to check whether such a tattoo violates local laws.

During the Soviet period, tattoo bearers were mostly prisoners. In modern times, this stereotype has lost its relevance. They treat body painting calmly and even with curiosity. Although the consequences of some body designs can sometimes cause a lot of problems abroad.
Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka and in India, the image of the Buddha is considered sacred. It cannot be stuffed on the body of local citizens. And if a tattoo depicting a deity is found on the body of a visitor, he may easily be denied a visit to the tea island.

The MS13 tattoo can lead to big problems upon arrival in America. There, only inveterate bandits meet with similar signs. If a person with such a tattoo gets in their eyes and it turns out that he is not a member of the group, at best he will be brutally beaten. You may not be even more lucky, and the drawing will be forcibly burned out with gasoline. Sometimes an impostor with gangster symbols is simply executed without trial.

In the United States, it is also worth giving up the five-dot crown tattoo. This is the legendary mark of the "Latin Kings" - members of the largest Hispanic gang. They shouldn't be seen with such a tattoo.
Another dangerous tattoo that shouldn't be done in America is the shamrock. The drawing itself is considered a symbol of St. Patrick's Day and represents Ireland. But for Americans, such a tattoo means belonging to a dangerous gang from North America.

Simply put, judging by it, the person is either a bandit himself, or belongs to a family that traded in robberies and murders, including civilians. Of course, in some circles, it is customary to designate your hierarchy with a trefoil.
As a rule, such people do not leave the city limits. Do not flaunt tattoos and your life story.

Near Abroad
Going to the CIS countries, it is advisable to exclude the presence of a tattoo with a prison and Nazi meaning. They can lead to the appointment of a fine and even problems with the state. Prohibited drawings include those related to military, political themes, offending the beliefs of other citizens.

Until the 1950s, there was a strict ban on tattoos in the Land of the Rising Sun. But even seven decades later, modern tattoo artists are working semi-underground. In general, tattoos are treated with hostility in Japan. People with tattoos are often denied access to saunas, solariums, swimming pools, gyms.
The bias against body painting seems to be in the blood of the Japanese. First of all, this is due to the fact that on the territory of the country until the 16th century, criminals were branded.
In order to further hide the mark on the skin, it was covered with a larger tattoo.

In this eastern state, it is unacceptable to depict weapons and dragons on the body. Deities are also an unacceptable version of the picture. Such wearable designs are associated with the bloodiest local Yakuza group.
Another type of tattoo associated with Chinese and Japanese themes is hieroglyphs. And this applies specifically to citizens of other countries. Especially Russia and the former CIS. The fact is that there are very few Orientalists there. And if you do not know the language at a sufficient level, you should not consider sketches with hieroglyphs.

There is a risk that the meaning of cute drawings will turn out to be the most commonplace, for example, "pasta with cheese". But you can find yourself in a worse situation - unknowingly choose a curse hieroglyph and incur a series of misfortunes.
Chinese calligraphy is a delicate sphere. One wrong movement of the typewriter can change the meaning of the inscription to the opposite.
In addition, a hieroglyph can have a different interpretation when supplemented with other drawings.

Counting on a bright and pleasant vacation in this country, it is better to exclude the presence of a tattoo with a clown. There, such drawings are associated with crime, incriminating their carrier with the murder of a police officer. Law enforcement officers in Brazil perceive this tattoo as an insult.

A tear tattoo on the face is perceived by Europeans and Americans extremely negatively. For them, it is a symbol of a person who has committed a murder or attempted murder. It is not surprising if there is a wary attitude towards a person with such a tattoo.
In Western Europe, especially in the world of prisoners, painted tears are evidence of a mortal sin. Even a small drop in the corner of the eye is taken as an attempted murder.

Flaunting tattoos is prohibited in Denmark. There is no ban on their application, but it should only be beautiful and neutral sketches. By the type of flowers or any abstraction. Biker tattoo themes are strictly prohibited.
If you want to refresh an existing tattoo, you need to remember that it should not be in a conspicuous place. Since 2010, a law has been in force in Denmark: you cannot show tattooed hands, arms, legs, neck, face and shoulders. There is a small fine for breaking this law.

But even with such tough measures, the tattoo culture in the country continues to develop. It is easier for some local tattoo artists to pay a fine of one thousand crowns (6500 rubles) and continue their underground business creativity.
And some masters simply go to work in neighboring countries. This is what Colin Dale, famous in his circles, does. The tattoo artist travels with clients outside Denmark. There he fills them with the desired tattoo, formally not breaking the law.

Mystical symbols of death
Mysticism is directly related to body drawings. This can be traced back to antiquity. Not all people have a sensitivity to these types of tattoos. Some don't even feel any change. And a number of carriers of mystical tattoos have negative changes in their lives:
- This group includes the numbers 666 and 13.

- Another common image is the raven. It is believed that this can bring grief and death to the owner of the tattoo or his loved ones. This interpretation comes from ancient legends, in which the raven appears as a guide to the world of the dead.

- Another option for an unsuccessful tattoo is the image of Nefertiti. Its magical power overwhelmed many who had been on the body. Together with her, persistent financial difficulties, difficulties in personal life and disruptions from health came into life.

- Skulls are a fairly popular tattoo theme. The frightening symbol has many meanings. He is considered not only the personification of death, but also carries misery and ailments. It all depends on the manner in which the skull is made. And on what elements complement it. The Mexican version of "Calavera" is the preservation of the fond memory of the deceased person. Among bikers and rockers, the skull is perceived as fortitude and resistance to any troubles. Skulls can carry both negative and positive energies. Before you fill in the selected drawing, it is better to find out what exactly it means. Only this approach will protect against negative consequences.

- It is not worth anyone to put on the body any information concerning the dead or people who have lived a difficult life. Such symbolism is fraught with great danger and can make drastic adjustments to the fate of a person. In order not to incur failures, it is undesirable to fill portraits of the dead. Even famous and recognized people. It is also advisable to refrain from tattooing the names of the deceased.

- It is recommended to use the picturesque symbolism of death with caution. Images of death with a scythe, devilish guise are unlikely to bring good luck.

- The idols of many generations, Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe, carry danger on their bodies. People with such tattoos later died from drug and alcohol addiction.

Intimate pointers
Tattoos of this kind are most often done in the groin and on the chest (women). They hint at the owner's intimate preferences.
For example:
- cat - you are dealing with a playful nature;
- dolphin - demonstration of devotion;
- dragon - symbolism of power.

Some tattoos can hide a not at all harmless message. For example, a violin with a bow in these places defines a passive homosexual. In women, a rose with thorns indicates lesbian preferences.
If there are different musical instruments on the tattoo at the same time, it may be an encrypted readiness for group sex. Liberated connoisseurs of free love hint at this in a peculiar and original way.

Bad gender tattoos
These tattoos include the spears of Mars in different interpretations or the mirror of Venus. They represent transgender people, androgynous people, etc.
LGBT people often stuff rainbows, a rainbow flag, and sometimes phrases on the background of all the colors of the rainbow.

Lambda tattoo is a sign of perseverance in upholding freedom of choice. Inverted triangles have the same meaning. Gay men choose pink and lesbians choose black.
Convinced feminists prefer to complement the mirror of Venus with flowers, or depict a rose with a cruciform stem, a mirror in a floral frame, etc.

For girls
In addition to the tattoos listed above, there are 2 more special body sketches worth considering.
A rose with sharp thorns, entangled in barbed wire, looks very impressive. But in the case of interpretation, this indicates a lesbian with a criminal record and life in prison.

The image of an innocent moth or butterfly can be very popular with women. But in the case of a tattoo, it is directly related to the expression "moth". For a long time this symbol pointed to the representatives of the most ancient profession.
The butterfly itself is a symbol of frivolity. If you don't want to create a frivolous image for yourself, instead of butterflies, you should choose something else.

The place of tattooing is also important. There are some caveats here.
- They relate to long-term patterns on the face and neck. Deciding on a tattoo on such parts of the body, you can put an end to a career in a prestigious company. Owners of tattoos on the face and neck raise the alertness of employers. In a good place, such an applicant will be rejected already at the interview stage.

- Modern girls often want to get a tattoo under the breast, and also choose the belly, sides and thighs for drawing. However, such areas pose a potential hazard for tattooing. It is worth gaining even 3-5 kilograms, the image will blur. And during pregnancy and after childbirth, such wearable jewelry becomes blurry spots.

- Do not hit something on the foot or the inner side of the phalanx of the toe. The drawing will quickly fade from friction. You need to hit something on your fingers only after thinking well. It doesn't matter on the right hand or on the left. The tattoo will always be in sight. That sometimes will harm its owner. Attract extra attention where you don't need it.

For men
Guys are often interested in prison tattoos. But to put such drawings on your body is recklessness. Such an action can one day play a cruel joke with the tattoo wearer. When real criminals or policemen meet on his way.
What kind of tattoos can not be stuffed according to criminal concepts? Men need to be wary of using anything that might be associated with criminal symbols. Churches, crosses, playing cards and skulls have hidden meanings for people in a criminal environment.

When discussing which tattoos are undesirable for men, one cannot help but remember the cobweb. All over the world this symbol is interpreted by others as that a person is addicted to drugs. The multi-layered web means he has been convicted on multiple occasions. If there is a spider in the picture, you have a cruel killer in front of you.
Men should not wear jewelry on their lower back and belly.
A tattoo on these places creates a distorted opinion about the inclinations of a man among others.

Not the best option would be to immortalize the name of the girl on the body. Even the strongest relationships can end in breakups. And a tattoo is a drawing for life. However, removal is still possible, but it is a long, expensive and painful process.
What sketches are generally not worth considering? All those, the meaning of which cannot be precisely determined. These are foreign inscriptions, magical and mystical symbols. It is considered a bad idea to depict spiritual symbols: religions do not approve of wearable painting.

The choice of a suitable sketch should be treated responsibly and the body should be trusted only by a professional.
Experienced masters themselves will tell you what is included in the list of prohibited tattoos. They don't want their clients to get into trouble afterwards because of their carelessness.