Tattoo Cartridges

Often, many believe that all tattoos are done exclusively with a needle, but this is not the case. For faster and easier application, special cartridges are most often used. In this article, we will consider the features and labeling of cartridges, their difference with the needle, as well as the selection criteria.

Features of a cartridge for a tattoo machine are that the design consists of needles, soldered in a certain way and enclosed in a special plastic case. Also, the cartridges have a tip, a small reservoir for paints. Each cartridge has a specific range of modules, configurations and markings.
Let's consider in detail what the module consists of.
- The body is always made of durable medical grade plastic, it is transparent to better see the paint reservoir.
- The modules have a special spring mechanism. This mechanism is necessary in order to increase or decrease the amplitude of the needle stroke. Thanks to this, the stroke becomes smoother and softer, and practically does not give vibration to the handle of the machine.
- The steel needles are brazed into a specific shape. Each spike has its own labeling. The F needles have a flat tip and the R indicates a round tip. The numbers in the configuration together with the letter indicate the number of needles in the seam, for example, F5 means five needles with a flat tip.

In more modern cartridges there are special membranes that prevent pigment from entering the holder. The membrane is made of thin silicone. Invisible and transparent, it is quite flexible and mobile. Previously, modules without membranes were most often sold, and such cartridges were of poor quality.
Over time, tattoo artists realized that not all tattoo machines require a special membrane. In this case, after the session, the holder simply had to be cleaned and sterilized for further use so that no paint particles remained there.

Varieties and labeling
There are no types or subspecies of cartridges. They are divided only into those in which there is a membrane, as well as those in which it is not. A here with the markings of the models, everything is in order. Any printed pattern requires a special type of needles. For example, to create clear lines or contours, you must use a special type labeled "liner".
But for painting a large area in the drawing, needles with the marking "shader" are suitable. And for the most painful and sensitive areas of the skin, there is a special category - "magnum". The similarity of needles and modules lies in the fact that they have identical markings, which are written on the back of the package.

As mentioned earlier, the modules are divided according to the type of needles (into three types).
- The R type of needles means a circle. The needles are brazed in a circle, this also includes liners, which are designated RL. They are welded at an angle with an inclination to the center: this is necessary in order to make a thin and clear contour line. Shaders or shaders with the designation RS are a special type of needles for creating shadows and filling paths. They are located close to each other, forming a bundle.

- Needle type F. The peculiarity of such needles is that they are flat and welded in one line with a slight transition into a crescent. Diameter and sharpening will be selected individually for a specific tattoo.
These needles are essential for color layering, transitions and shading. Also used for color sealing.

- Type M. The needles are soldered in several rows one above the other. There are two types: 1 and 2. The first type has one base, but the needles diverge towards the end. It is needed to create a gradient color. In the second type, the needles are closely soldered, necessary for a dense color on large surfaces.

Which is better: needles or cartridges?
In order to answer this question, it is necessary to compare the two tools. The main difference between these tools is that the needles do not have an additional ink reservoir. Therefore, each time the tool must be dipped in a special container with liquid in order to apply the pigment. Cartridges do not have such inconveniences, so work with modules is much faster. All types of needles are suitable for induction tattoo machines. They have an affordable price and can be purchased at any store and on any Internet site. The disadvantages are that they cannot be suitable for all new generation machines. The time for tattooing is much longer due to the change in the type of needle. During use of the machine with a needle, strong vibration is generated in the handle.
The positive aspects of the cartridges are that they have a high speed of operation, and the replacement of the module does not take much time. Due to the soldering and structural integrity, vibration does not give off so much to the handle. There is a large selection of modern machines that cartridges are suitable for. The models have a protective membrane, as well as an increased range of holders. Among the downsides is the price. It is also necessary to have a rotary type of machine. Everyone chooses for himself what he is more accustomed to. According to tattoo artists, for long-term and voluminous work with a large amount of different pigments, they choose cartridges.

Criterias of choice
The selection criteria for cartridges are exactly the same as for needles. The first thing to look out for is the brand. It is worth making sure of the manufacturer before buying, read reviews about him. Each module must be used once, the module cannot be refilled again. Therefore, each cartridge is in individual packaging, on which the type of module, the size of the needles is written.
You can choose cartridges in trusted stores or tattoo workshops, this will help you purchase a certified product without strong risks of marriage.