Review of the tattoo "Cosmonaut"

Space is the most mysterious and unexplored part of the universe. A tattoo depicting outer space bewitches with its mysterious beauty and looks very impressive. The meaning of a tattoo with an astronaut depends on the plot and variation of the performance. Body drawing can become a real masterpiece.

The astronaut is a symbol of endless possibilities and a dreamy nature. Depending on the sketch, a tattoo can have other meanings, for example, unfulfilled dreams, courage and courage, a rich inner world, the desire to learn the unknown, attraction to the mysteries of the universe.
And also a tattoo with an astronaut symbolizes the ability to overcome obstacles and belief in technological progress.

In Soviet times, cosmonauts became national heroes, so many people wanted to capture them on their bodies.
Wearable drawings made in the space theme, especially in color, look very beautiful due to the overflow of colors and the flickering of celestial bodies. Usually, the owners of such tattoos are romantics by nature, for whom fantasy dominates reality.
Quite often, people of creative professions prefer to fill such tattoos. People of art are distinguished by their craving for the irrational, they are not alien to fantasy and illusion. Unique stories can tell about the hobbies of the owner - for example, a musician can fill an astronaut with a guitar.

Tattoo "Cosmonaut" can be conditionally divided into two types - those depicting legendary astronauts who have left an indelible mark on the history of mankind, and body drawings that are not portraits of specific personalities, but carry an abstract character.
The perfect balance of chaos and order is created in space. In most cases, the tattoo depicts an astronaut in open space during a flight. Stars and cosmic landscapes can be seen in the reflection of the helmet.

Such tattoos symbolize the dreaminess of their owner and his belief in miracles. In addition, an astronaut with a ball in his hand, stuffed on his body soaring in weightlessness, signifies determination, sentimentality and striving for development.

Who are they suitable for?
Tattoo for men is usually located on the shoulders, shoulder blade or chest. As a rule, men prefer to fill in rather large sketches. The style of the underwear pattern can be different and depends on the taste preferences of its owner.
Often, men choose brutal images of astronauts with clear outlines of lines. The country's patriots prefer to adorn their bodies with a portrait of Yuri Gagarin as a sign of respect for his heroic deed.

Small tattoos are more suitable for girls, and the astronaut's costume may not be a person, but an animal - a cat, a dog or a panda. Belka and Strelka become popular tattoo heroes, with the help of which you can emphasize your inquisitive nature. If funny astronauts are depicted on the body, this indicates the desire of the individual to stand out from the gray crowd.

Such drawings on the body look pretty cute, but at the same time they have a deep meaning that the owners put in them. Most often, girls fill images of astronauts on their hips, arms, calves, or back. The larger the sketch, the larger the work surface should be.
As a rule, girls choose a tattoo on a space theme in a watercolor style, with smoothly iridescent shades and bright elements. The outline of such sketches is slightly blurred.

Tattoos with a multi-colored background are able to attract attention; they are designed to decorate the body with a realistic space story.
What are they?
Men's tattoos with space usually mean confrontation, overcoming the limit of their capabilities and conquering the peaks. Drawings that adorn the male body can express the character traits of their owner, depending on the style and composition of the tattoo.
As is known, the depiction of astronauts on the body often personifies courageous pioneers, thirsty for achievements, discoveries and striving for scientific knowledge.

If the tattoo depicts a dead astronaut in a space suit with a skull instead of a head, it symbolizes a collapse of hopes or an unfulfilled dream. For strong and confident natures, a tattoo with a winged knapsack is suitable.

By style
There is a wide variety of styles in which a tattoo artist can get a tattoo. There are sketches in monochrome and color. Modern techniques are especially in demand now. These include minimalism, graphics and geometry. Space themes are equally popular among men and women.
Having decided on the style and sketch, you should study the portfolio of tattoo artists, because each tattoo artist works with a bias in a certain direction. You can be inspired by the finished work or add something of your own, complementing the sketch with a unique idea. Human fantasy, like space, is limitless.

Geometry especially attracts lovers of abstraction, precise outlines and clear lines. In this case, the area of application can be any.
Sometimes the master can limit himself to the contour style, creating transitions between light and shadow. Even in monochrome performance, you can convey the endless depth of the galaxy through the image of celestial bodies.

By plot
To fill the image of an astronaut with planets is preferred by individuals who do not set themselves lofty goals, but love to enjoy mundane joys. Such natures do not abhor earthly sins. People who like this interpretation of outer space usually do not strive for self-realization, but live here and now.
Colored chaotic spots of space can line up in very attractive shapes, combined with bright glare of stars and the twinkling of planets. Such sketches have gained particular popularity due to space stories that inspire tattoo artists.

Where to fill?
The choice of body part for tattooing depends on the size of the sketch. The place on the body chosen for tattooing is determined, among other things, by the style of the body pattern. So, on the shoulder, space should be placed with a dense filling of multi-colored paints, mainly dark shades.
The style of realism with the creation of a volumetric composition looks best on the hand. To get a detailed design with many colors, you will need to hammer in a large surface of the skin from the forearm to the wrist.

For the chest, the technique of geometry, watercolor or linework is used. The rib cage or a separate part of it is most often clogged by men. If you wish to continue the composition, you can apply the image to the hand, collarbone or stomach. An astronaut in a triangle is often depicted in the forearm area.
Large tattoos look good on the leg, on the outside of the thigh. On the arm, you can depict an astronaut in various techniques, including old school and traditional. On the chest, pictures with an astronaut's helmet, in the form of galaxy spirals and other space drawings of a rounded shape, will look especially impressive. A smaller space pattern can be placed on the caviar.

Beautiful examples
Tattoos in bright, colorful colors, painted in a watercolor style, with which the entire sleeve are clogged, look very realistic. Space bodies and astronauts in spacesuits serve as the subjects for such large-scale tattoos. However, tattoos in black and white look no less attractive.

Tattoos with a man in a thrash polka suit look spectacular. While this technique is considered grim, it has an interesting connotation. In such a plot, the triumph of life and deep sorrow organically echo. Usually the picture shows an astronaut with flowers making their way through a protective suit.

The result of the body drawing depends on the detail of the drawing of small elements. Many works are fantastic, because the style of realism allows you to convey the cosmic picture to the smallest detail. Professional tattoo artists are able to accurately reproduce sketches of any complexity, which will look enchanting and delight. It will take more time to apply such a tattoo, and it also needs special care.