Light tattoos

Many of those who are beginners in the tattoo field prefer small drawings: they are not so noticeable, their cost is low, since they are quite easy to perform, and they can always be hidden under clothes. In this article, we will consider the most popular and interesting examples of such mini-tattoos, as well as tell you about their meaning.

Animal images
Small tattoos in the form of painted animals are in great demand all over the world, in this regard, they noticeably bypass large drawings. But despite the fact that such tattoos look simple, they still have a specific meaning. So, sketches with domestic cats are quite popular and modern. They are considered a symbol of grace, independence, love of freedom, playfulness and willfulness. Pictures with wild representatives of the cat family have a different meaning. For example, the lion, traditionally considered the king of beasts, symbolizes power, leadership, wisdom, determination, and justice.
But the image of a panther, in turn, means strength, self-confidence and a desire to fight for your own to the last. A tattoo with fish, namely with Koi carps, is also simple to perform. One of the most beautiful Japanese legends is associated with these fish, and they themselves are interpreted as a symbol of perseverance, the ability not to give up and achieve the intended goal at any cost, even if you have to swim against the current. Small drawings with an unusual animal - a unicorn look very interesting. As a rule, it is most often applied to their bodies by the fair sex.
The image of a unicorn is interpreted as a symbol of purity of intentions, innocence, but also the ability to defend oneself, one's principles and loved ones.

Often, beginners choose tattoos with floral elements that are fashionable at the present time. As a rule, such drawings are usually preferred by women, but there are exceptions. Such tattoos in their general understanding are interpreted as a symbol of tenderness, softness and beauty. However, it is worth noting that each type of color has a different meaning, and therefore the semantic load of the picture will largely depend on the plot.
- If the image contains chamomilethen it means youth, innocence, purity of soul and love of life.

- Japanese sakura personifies youth, beauty inherent to it, as well as its transience and the need to understand its value - this tree in bloom is as beautiful as youth, but this period, like young years, quickly ends.

- But the drawing with a rose has a different interpretation., and quite two-fold. So, traditionally a rose is a symbol of great love. This flower is given to their ladies by men, thus showing the strength of their feelings, the seriousness of intentions, passion and a storm of emotions that beloved ones evoke in them. However, this flower has a different interpretation, according to which it is a symbol of unhappy love, mental anguish and suffering that this bright feeling brought to a person.
However, this interpretation is relevant mainly for roses with a large number of thorns.

Tattoos with patterns with a lot of small details can be called youthful, because they are in great demand among young people. Drawings of this kind, as a rule, do not carry any semantic load. They perform only an aesthetic function, decorating the human body with their presence.
However, there are exceptions, especially when it comes to ethnic, namely Polynesian tattoos. In Polynesia, where the art of tattooing originated, body designs are not only used as decoration. They often act as talismans and strong amulets. And sometimes such tattoos can tell a lot about a person, about his life - all this information in a drawing is conveyed using intricate patterns.

Best ideas and sketches
For men
If we talk about light tattoos for men, then the most popular among them are drawings depicting different types of weapons, in particular pistols, axes and knives. Such images, as a rule, are applied in order to emphasize brutality, because they evoke associations with strength, authority, danger and, possibly, some aggression or impulsiveness.
Tattoos with wolves are also in demand among men. Such a drawing also carries a specific meaning. So, the image of a wolf is interpreted as a symbol of strength, aggression, perseverance, the ability to fight to the last, loneliness, loyalty to the family, loved ones and oneself. In males, there are also drawings depicting a Chinese dragon. The popularity of such a sketch is easily explained, because many associate this animal with strength, tremendous power, wisdom and determination.
Moreover, according to Feng Shui, the dragon is considered a symbol of wealth, happiness and financial prosperity.

For girls
If we talk about girls, then they have a huge demand for tattoos depicting zodiacal signs, which can be performed in the form of constellations or special designations taken from astrology. Such drawings, as a rule, are complemented by images of stars, planets or space, which helps to emphasize their astrological component. If we talk about the semantic load of such images, then usually they mean a person's belonging to one or another sign of the zodiac. Drawings with small birds are also popular with girls, in particular, with a brisk hummingbird, which is a symbol of beauty, love of life and positive.
No less demand is for tattoos with owls, which are traditionally considered the personification of wisdom, mental acuity, prudence and calmness. Often, the fair sex gives preference to tattoos with inscriptions in different languages. The content of such a tattoo will completely depend on the girl's preferences. This can be the name of a child or loved one, a line from a song or a favorite book.
Most importantly, remember: before applying a drawing in an unknown language to the body, first carefully read its translation in order to avoid the most stupid situations in the future.

Choice of style and colors
Light tattoos can be done in black or colored. Usually, bright drawings are chosen by those who want to stand out and emphasize their originality, their non-standard view of the world. But black and white tattoos are made mainly by those who are calmer and prefer everything strict and laconic.
If we talk about styles, then minimalism is best suited for light tattoos. Such drawings are simple to perform, their cost is low due to this, and they themselves look very beautiful and laconic. Moreover, they are easily hidden under clothes, which is undoubtedly their great advantage. But tattoos in the style of realism will not be so easy to hide. As a rule, they are at least medium in size, have a high degree of detail and are distinguished by their naturalism, which attracts the attention of many.

Drawings made in the style of trash polka look very interesting. They look quite aggressive, which is achieved through sharp strokes, active use of shades of red and black. As a rule, this style direction is chosen by men.
But watercolor-style tattoos are usually softer, but at the same time very bright. They do not have clear outlines, and all the shades used in the drawing smoothly flow into each other, which makes the picture seem truly watercolor.

Location options
Lightweight tattoos can be placed on any part of the body, be it an arm, shoulder or leg. However, the appropriateness of the location largely depends on the size of the picture. So, miniature drawings are best placed around the collarbone, wrist, finger, or ankle. But the middle drawings look most appropriate in the area of the shoulder, forearm, calf, thigh or in the area of the ribs.
notice, that the dimensions of the images are not the only thing to pay attention to. Consider also your wishes: do you want the drawing to be visible to everyone, or not. If the answer is no, then the image would be better placed in those places that are hidden under clothes most of the time. These include the area of the hips, ribs, chest and shoulder blades. Especially often tattoos in such places are done by those people for whom too flashy underwear drawing can interfere with moving up the career ladder.