All About Lucifer Tattoo

Lucifer tattoos look very impressive and defiant, but not everyone understands their meaning. In this article, we will analyze what message such a body drawing carries in itself, and where it is best to place it.

Lucifer is a fallen angel who was once God's favorite. It was he who gave him such a beautiful name, which literally translates from the Latin language as "bringing light". Lucifer did not like the new beloved creation of God - humanity. He saw in people many shortcomings, including evil, sinfulness and ignorance. Not understanding the divine love for them, Lucifer chose the path of darkness: he decided to attack the throne of God along with other heavenly forces that sided with him.

However, such a daring rebellion was not crowned with success: the heavenly rebels were defeated and were thrown to earth. It was there that the former favorite of God founded Hell - a place where eternal torment and death reign. There he became a full sovereign.
By the way, it was Lucifer who seduced the first people created by God - Adam and Eve. Thus, he doomed the human race to destruction, but Jesus, with his huge sacrifice, was able to atone for this sin. Nevertheless, according to legend, someday the apocalypse will come, and people will appear before the Last Judgment. There their sinfulness will be assessed, as a result of which their further path will be decided - paradise or the kingdom of suffering and torment, where Satan rules.

It is also interesting that Lucifer has his own sign. This is not the same pentagram in the form of a star in a circle, as many might think, but a special seal or sigil.
This is one of the ancient devilish signs that can be found in chronicles that date back to the Middle Ages.Thanks to the excavations carried out by archaeologists, it is known for sure that this sign already existed in the period of the emergence of Christianity.

Both the sign of Lucifer and the image of the fallen angel himself are often found on tattoos. Moreover, such drawings can be seen both on the bodies of girls and men. At the same time, the meaning of a tattoo largely depends on its compositional features. Most often, such drawings are interpreted as the dark human side, predetermination of fate, punishment for sins, chaos and discord. However, there may be other meanings.

Sketch options
There are many variations of Lucifer tattoo designs. Usually, such wearable designs are notable for their scale and occupy a large area of the skin, however, small designs also take place.

If we talk about the color scheme, then there is plenty to choose from. Many people prefer black and white drawings, but images in color, which are most often dominated by red shades, are also very popular.

The very image of Lucifer in the figure can also be depicted in different ways. Often on a tattoo, he is represented in the image of an angel who is bound in chains or fights with other angels who have taken the side of God. At the same time, the wings of an angel are not feathery, but more like the wings of a bat.

Often, such drawings depict the battle between Lucifer and the Archangel Michael or God himself, which symbolizes the internal struggle, the confrontation between good and evil, light and dark. Such images are usually made in a realistic style, which is characterized by a high level of detail.

Such tattoos, which depict the devil's seal - sigil, also look very interesting. Such drawings are most often distinguished by their laconicism, but not everyone can understand their meaning.

Stylized drawings also take place. They often depict the Devil as he appears to many: formidable, frightening, in red color, with black thick hair, horns, powerful wings and an equally powerful tail.

Often on tattoos you can see the image of a caricatured Devil, which does not differ in its formidable appearance. He looks more like a cartoon character, his appearance is harmless, and sometimes touching. Such patterns can often be seen on women. Such tattoos have a positive interpretation, they mean mischief, self-irony and acceptance of their shortcomings, their dark side.

What part of the body to do?
The tattoo depicting the image of Lucifer can be placed anywhere. When choosing, you need to rely only on your preferences and the scale of the tattoo itself.
Most often, such drawings are very voluminous in terms of composition, and therefore they are placed on the back, chest, shoulder or forearm. This is especially true for male tattoos.
Small patterns, which are somewhat less common and mainly in women, look most harmonious on the wrist, in the ribs, on the shoulder blade or thigh.