All about the Mandala tattoo

Body tattooing has been popular since ancient times, and once it had a practical and mystical meaning. Today it has become part of art, decorative body modification. Sometimes these are symbols-amulets, sometimes drawings have other meanings, but mostly today they are just decoration. And mandalas are a very popular variety of it.

The Mandala tattoo embodies sacred symbols that mean harmony and unity of the world, the integrity of space and man. In Sanskrit, the word "mandala" means "circle", therefore, they draw it as a mystical diagram containing a huge amount of information, you just need to be able to read it. Mandala talks about the mind and character, about feelings and the emotional component, about the influence of divine essences and the universe.
Mandala is a kind of state of mind, and it is known to be changeable. Therefore, the mandala is not a single symbol: it has an infinite number of images.

For many, a mandala is just a pretty picture. In fact, this is an ancient Buddhist art, full of meaning. Each element can be compared to a letter of the alphabet, and together they add up to words, sentences and a complete story. Before getting such a tattoo, you need to think carefully and weigh your own decision. After all, the drawing will remain forever, and what they are told may become irrelevant for the wearer: his worldview may change greatly, let alone the state of mind. This usually happens over the years.
To make it clearer, the article will tell you about the Mandala tattoo, about the symbols and designations for men and women, about which zones it is customary to apply this pattern to. Since the mandala is a spiritual symbol, it is subdivided into varieties such as sun, star and universe. Outwardly, it strongly resembles a floral or decorative ornamental pattern with many small details consisting of wavy and straight lines, dots, rhombuses, triangles, crosses, circles and others.

Meaning of symbols
Straight lines mean the supremacy of the mind, which subjugates feelings and emotions. Wavy ones speak of a strong emotional beginning, a lack of rationalism. If there are the same number of such lines, it means that a person is in balance, in harmony with himself and the world around him.
The drawing should protect the owner from negative influences from the outside, help preserve his inner harmony.
The mass of winding lines inside the circle speaks of an insufficiently solid spirit, but the cross tells about several details at once:
- the owner cannot decide, he is at a crossroads;
- the carrier seeks to be in time everywhere and wastes his strength;
- the person is knocked out of the usual rut, but already has a specific goal.

Let's see the meanings of other symbols.
- Square - this is a kind of altar in the temple, an internal space, closed from the outside world. An open square speaks of high intuition, a closed one - of stress, distrust, restlessness.
- Triangle. The symbol of movement, and the two centers tell about the movement of the soul, the process of internal development.
- Centre. The center and its size are of no less importance. Small - low self-esteem, large - overestimated. The absence of a center speaks of a huge ego.

The symbols around the center are signs of all elements of the external world that have an impact on the internal world.
- Circle. Reliable protection and harmony, movement and perfection, infinity and enlightenment.
- Lotus - a new beginning, growth, development.
- Spiral clockwise - creation. Regression if counterclockwise.
- Lightning, zigzag - the healing effect of divine power.
- Butterfly - reincarnation, eye - discernment, tree - development, life, rebirth.
- Animals Is a reflection of an unconscious vision of the world.
- Stars - inspiration. At the same time, the four-pointed star means the integrity of the soul, the five-pointed star - high self-esteem, the six-pointed star - balance. Multiple-rayed stars mean the favor of higher powers, many stars - many possibilities.
- Drops-rebirth, labyrinth - search, the moon - fertility, birds - reincarnation, wisdom, purity, etc.
- The rainbow symbolizes wealth, and the shells - a mystery, the heart means love, and the sun means life.
- Arrows - this is movement, a knot means connection, a flower - love and self-sacrifice.

All the information listed is given in a very concise manner. The reading of the mandala and symbols is much broader and more varied. Despite the fact that the mandala drawing consists of many of these figures, the overall picture is always a circle. It is the circle that unites all the figures, turns them into a single concept, an ideal pattern. Mandala tattoo is an excellent choice for those who appreciate and love ancient art, understand it and understand it. Those who just like the beauty of the sketch should also pay attention to this type of decorative tattoo.
Especially if this is done by a highly qualified master who is able to give the plane depth and convey the clarity of the smallest elements.

A tattoo design can focus on a square or a circle, but the correct drawing still forces you to focus on the mandala. The main color of the sketch speaks of the importance of the moment at this stage of life. That is why it is necessary to think about the future, in which life priorities will shift and the mandala may no longer correspond to the truth.
Mandala colors can be different. Yellow means serenity, red means love, pink means femininity and tenderness. Blue represents calmness, green represents hope, black represents honor and dignity, and white represents purity and perfection. At the same time, great importance in the reading of mandalas is attached to symmetry and asymmetry. The first means balance and passivity, the second - internal conflict, mental contradictions, the dynamics of the formation of the inner "I".

Sketch Styles and Variants
When choosing a tattoo, attention is paid to color and size, style and technique. According to the tattoo artists, only those directions are suitable for the mandala where great attention is paid to the accuracy of the geometry of the graphic image. There are several styles used to apply the selected sketch.
- Graphics. A beautiful style dominated by crisp, thin lines that create the perfect lace patterns. To maintain accuracy, a sketch is first made on tracing paper, then transferring its contours to the skin. After that, the drawing is stuffed with a typewriter.
- Dotwork. Point technique of drawing. In most cases, the style is used to apply sacred symbols.
- Traditional style. It is a colored mandala using emerald hue and coppery red tones.

To attract attention, you can give preference to a white mandala: it is stylish and unusual, but it is not suitable for everyone. A white drawing looks perfect on dark or black skin; on pale northerners, such a sketch is visible only in black and white.
When choosing a sketch, you need to keep in mind the integrity of the symbolism and drawing saved by the circle. It is believed that such a symbol on the body helps its owner in creativity, thanks to it, concentration is more successful, the circle contributes to the acquisition of inner harmony.
Such religious sketches are closest to men and women with deep spiritual convictions.

Now let's look at some plot variations of mandalas.
Mandala with flowers such as lotus is one of the most popular. This design is called Flower Mandala Tattoos. It got its name for the resemblance to flowers: they expand from the center of the circle like the petals of a genuine flower. This design symbolizes eternity, the flowering of an idea. Interspersed with elements such as a bee, hummingbird, moth is acceptable. Such additions can symbolize the feminine essence, the birth of a new life.

Tattoos of this type are made of geometric shapes: triangles and circles, combined into a single pattern. The sketch has a central part, combined of the above symbols, making up a hexagon or a six-pointed star. In Christianity, the triangle symbolizes a trinity, therefore mandalas of this type are most common.
In addition, the star can mean leadership over the owner of the divine essence, which guides him and gives protection.

This kind of sketches has a special meaning, a kind of heraldic identity, a symbol of the tribe. The drawings are small, they are stuffed on any part of the body, they look great, and are popular among female and male audiences. Tattoos of this kind and size are perfectly combined with elements of the universe (sun, moon) and nature (animals, plants). The drawing looks like a circle with four accented points, like a compass.
Symbolizes eternity: the circle has no end and no beginning, and the points are life directions.

With animals
Mandalas in the form of animals have different meanings: for example, the image of an elephant speaks of the wisdom and peace of mind of its owner. The fox, woven into the pattern, symbolizes intelligence, cunning and ingenuity. Lion, owl and other animals have their own sacred and emotional meaning.

The mandala of love can help in heart feelings, attract happiness to its owner, reward him with health, help in finding what he wants. It attracts the eye, you need to look at it as often as possible, meditate, causing consonance in the soul with the vibration of the drawing.

Mandala with chakras is a great opportunity to provide yourself with protection in certain issues, help in solving many problems with love, prosperity, health.
At the same time, the appearance of a tattoo is not a guarantee of quick results; here you will have to make your own efforts. This will be helped by yoga, aromatherapy, meditation, etc.

Mehendi refers to temporary tattooing. They last only a few weeks and are applied mainly with henna. This is a great option for those who like tattoos but don't want to get permanent designs.

Where can I get it?
For drawing the mandala, you can use those places that make it possible to show the drawing. Mandala requires careful work, and the final result is simply amazing. The most advantageous areas for a tattoo are the arm, shoulder, back and shoulder blade. In addition, the mandala is applied to:
- sleeve;
- hip;
- wrist (in the form of a bracelet);
- hands and biceps from the outside and inside;
- collarbone;
- elbow.
The mandala is stuffed on the forearm, leg and face. The ornament is done on the chest and abdomen, on the inner and outer thighs, on the neck and on the side.

Beautiful examples
Mandala is magnificent in any design, as long as it is performed by a skilled master of high qualifications. You can admire it, its patterns fascinate, attract and hypnotize. The choice of a sketch depends entirely on what the future owner feels, feels, what guides and what he expects from the tattoo.
In addition, the size and appearance of the sketch is influenced by the area in which the drawing will be filled. There is a lot of space on the back for the mandala, and on the wrist, the size of the sketch is extremely limited.

Here are some interesting examples of tattoos.
- Mandala on the back with a lotus flower in the center. It is a symbol of eternity and the universe.

- Very beautiful mandala sketches dotwork. They are simply mesmerizing with endless transitions, tones and semitones. Dotwork on a man's leg looks incredibly stylish in contrasting black and red tones with smooth transitions to light gray shades. The dotwork sketch on the female thigh in black and gray looks just as original. Or a light pattern on the shoulder, made in the form of a stylized lotus.

- Mandalas with animals are also striking in their variety. The graphic style image of a wolf speaks of the owner's staunch and tough character, his tenacity and perseverance, the ability to achieve his goals. The gorgeous tiger with blue sparkling eyes looks great.
The image of a lion impresses with the tints of the color spectrum; here you can see the persistent and painstaking work of a talented tattoo artist, his ability to work with color.

Here are some more beautiful, sometimes frankly masculine, or, conversely, graceful and feminine mandala tattoos.
- Colored mandalas for girls on the shoulder, hip, leg.
- Strong energy and vitality emanate from men's sketches.