Review of the tattoo "Mantra"

Mantra tattoos look beautiful and attractive. At the same time, they have a certain mystical meaning. In this article, we will tell you what such tattoos can mean and consider the most popular of them.

The concept of "mantra" comes from Hindu culture. Hindus believed that the universe produces vibrations all the time. This mysterious sound became known as the mantra.
It was believed that a person must necessarily know the language of the Universe in order to be able to receive help from it. A mantra is a set of specific symbols and signs in Sanskrit, which, according to most, can help you find what you want or achieve enlightenment.

Visually, tattoos in the form of mantras can be similar to each other and are practically indistinguishable. However, if you look closely, you can notice differences in the form of small dots or a curved line - each stroke is important for such a drawing, due to one minor mistake in writing or pronunciation, the meaning of the mantra can completely change, which cannot be allowed, because human fate can depend on it ... For this reason, the choice of a tattoo with a particular mantra must be approached with great responsibility.

Generally, mantras are needed to improve a person's life. Most of them mean protection from evil forces, evil eye, corruption and ill-wishers, bring good luck in business, help solve financial problems or restore health, contribute to the achievement of enlightenment and knowledge of the truth. However, the meaning of the mantra may be different - it largely depends on the chosen symbols.

In general, mantra tattoos are universal. They are suitable for both girls and men of all ages.
Types and sketches of tattoos
There are many options for sketches of mantra tattoos. As a rule, the basis in each of them is OM, which is actively used at the beginning and at the end of most Buddhist and Hindu prayers. Translated, this means a spell or a sacred message. This combination is used to ask for help from higher powers.

Such a tattoo is presented in the form of a point, three curves and half a circle, while each element of the pattern has its own meaning: the top line symbolizes inner peace, the middle one means good sleep, and the bottom line means vigor. The dot in the picture means the achievement of enlightenment, and the semicircle is reality. If everything is combined, then a tattoo with such a mantra will symbolize the following: people live in illusions and confuse them with reality, only after death they have the opportunity to truly cognize the truth.

There are other common mantras.
For example, Om mani padme hum, which is characteristic mainly of Tibetan Buddhism. A tattoo with such a mantra has a deep meaning. If you translate it literally, you can get the following phrase: “Oh! Jewel in the lotus flower! " To accurately understand the interpretation of this phrase, it is necessary to parse each word separately:
- OM means generosity and subduing pride;
- MA - getting rid of jealousy;
- NI - patience and tranquility, rejection of base dreams;
- PAD - responsibility and work;
- ME - help to those in need;
- HUM - gaining worldly wisdom, getting rid of negative emotions.

This phrase can be both an independent object in the picture, and part of a large image. Often, in combination with these symbols, you can see the image of the lotus flower. Other mantra designs can also work well.
Usually, in order to strengthen a particular word in the composition of the mantra, on tattoos it is made somewhat larger than the rest. This significantly affects the power of such a tattoo.

Om Namah Shivaya is another popular mantra that is considered universal. You can also get a tattoo with it. This mantra is used to worship Shiva - the supreme Hindu deity, whose name is translated from Sanskrit as "happiness" and "luck". Interestingly, such a tattoo can be seen on Theo Walcott, a famous football player.

Mantra Om Shanti literally means "the highest calmness, peace and inner harmony" from Sanskrit. In some cases, in Buddhist texts, Shanti is used as a synonym for nirvana, which in Sanskrit means the absence of excitement.

Sath Himapant is a mantra that is most suitable for male tattoos, as it can help its owner acquire many bestial qualities, including agility. The Amnaya mantra is also perfect for men, as it is designed to help a person gain respect from others, gain inner strength, and identify their leadership qualities.

There Kwaam is a mantra whose power is directed against ill-wishers. It is powerful enough and belongs to the dark. The reason for this is that, according to many, she is capable of sending various ailments and unclean spirits to her enemies.

Chok Laap is a sign of good luck in all deeds and undertakings. And Sak Yant is a sign that means a blessing from the heavens of the person on whose body he is located. Angelina Jolie has such a tattoo, by the way.

Location options
Tattoo "Mantra" can be located on any part of the body. The placement of such a picture is largely determined by the wishes of the person, as well as the scale of the image.
If the tattoo is small, which is quite common, then it can be placed on the wrist, arm or collarbone. If the mantra is part of a large body painting, then in this version the tattoo should be filled on the shoulder, forearm, back or chest.