Types and selection of tattoo machines

Choosing a tattoo machine for beginners always starts with researching the market: many popular brands have the best models for beginners. And yet, faced with practice, the master understands that the search for the perfect working tool is not based only on brand awareness or the price of equipment. A detailed overview of all the important points will help you choose wireless tattoo machines and models with a network connection, find the optimal clip-cord and pedals for your devices.

general description
A tattoo machine is a special piece of equipment that allows you to apply designs to your skin. The device consists of many components, from a needle holder to a power supply: it can be built-in or remote. The tattoo machine also contains an ink tank: replaceable or refillable.

The device of a standard apparatus for work should be considered in more detail. It will definitely include the following items.
- Frame. It houses a motor or induction coils, depending on the type of construction.
- Converter. In induction machines, it looks like a hammer with a spring. In rotary ones, an eccentric with a certain radius of travel is used.
- Pin. A pusher bar or a needle is fixed on it by the eyelet. Used in typewriters of any design.
- Pusher. This is the name of a double-sided rod, in which there is an eyelet in one part, and a "cam" in the other. Due to the supply of the translational movement, the pusher moves the module and the soldering of the needles.
- Spout. It is selected individually, according to the configuration of the pre-mades. It is necessary so that when moving the needle does not give a backlash to the side or vertically.
- Holder with tube clamp. Necessary for comfortable positioning of the device in the hand.
- Pressure wheel. It fixes the nipple on the rod, ensures that it is in the correct position.

To connect to the network, the device will also need a connector on the body for the clip-cord to work. In rechargeable wireless pen-type models, it is used to charge the device.
Species overview
Professional tattoo machines of the latest generations are most often produced in the form of rechargeable wireless devices. Such entry-level models are produced in the form of a pen; they are ideal for working in the tattooing technique in a cosmetology parlor. Such a tattoo machine looks very laconic, weighs no more than 100 g, has the most simple structure. All other options have a wired connection, adjustable power, modular design. A detailed review will help you understand what the tattoo artist's working tools are, what are their differences in terms of operation, configuration and purpose.

All machines of this design are divided into 2 main groups according to their purpose. The devices themselves are distinguished by their fine tuning and narrow specialization. It is worth remembering from the very beginning about the need to buy a couple of machines at once. It is worth telling about each option in more detail.
- Liner. This device is designed to work out contours and lines. The liners are lightweight, have stiff springs and high power. On contact with the skin, the clipper produces a short and hard impact that delivers the pigment precisely to the target point. Such models are not suitable for painting, since they severely injure the area of application of the drawing, lead to the formation of scars and scars.
- Shader. These tattoo machines are used to create shadows and dense painting within the outline. The equipment is heavier, less traumatic to the skin. Shaders work slowly, they are not suitable for creating contours: the paint is blurred, the lines are bold.

Comparing liners with shaders, it can be noted that the former are noticeably superior to the latter in terms of noise level. In devices for drawing contours, it reaches 120-150 Hz, while painting machines during operation give out only 60-100 Hz.
Universal tattoo machines suitable for beginners are of the rotary type. They do not require complex preliminary adjustments. To get started, simply install the cartridge. Rotary tattoo machines have a motor, the frequency and speed of rotation of which can be adjusted, influencing the movement of the needle. The special system of fastening the needle almost completely eliminates trauma to the skin.

All rotary tattoo machines are divided into 5 main subtypes.
- Direct. Basic modification in which the needle is attached directly to the eccentric. She does not have the ability to change the course of movement.

- "Straight forward". Machine with striker for precise work. These models are more complex and expensive, suitable for experienced craftsmen.

- "A pen". Compact and miniature version of the rotary tattoo machine. They are quite expensive to maintain, demanding on the quality of consumables. "Pens" are needed when creating soft shading.

- Slider. This type of tattoo machine is equipped with a slider that makes the movement of the needle smoother and softer.

- "Piston". In this type of device for creating tattoos, the smoothness of the stroke adjustment is also made with the help of a special part. The piston has the same role as the slider.

All rotary machines operate with the lowest transmitted noise level. They are lighter than induction, versatile, available in different price categories. It is also worth paying attention to the modular rotary models, which use a disposable cartridge assembly instead of a separate needle and holder. They prevent liquid from seeping to the holder, allow you to create thin and clear contour lines, are very popular in tattooing and when working in the linework technique.

Top Models
The tattoo machine market today is incredibly diverse. There are miniature and budget Chinese devices, as well as premium models for real professionals: the most expensive one will cost more than 50,000 rubles without additional components. A cheap but high-quality model can be purchased for 5-20 thousand rubles. The popularity rating will help you find the perfect solution.

The top rotary machines demanded by beginners looks like this.
- DM Mechanics Direct Drive # 66. The Russian universal machine weighing 118 g is equipped with a motor operating at a speed of 12,000 rpm. The needle travel is 3.5 mm. This model is recommended by both professionals and tattoo lovers. She is fast, easily copes with different types of work.

- Deuce Machines Direct Drive. Another universal machine made in Russia. The model weighs 135 g and has a needle travel of 1.5 to 5.5 mm. The stylish black body has a textured finish. The feature of this rotary machine is the ability to use it with conventional needles and cartridges.

- TG-6 Dream Tat. Budgetary rotary "forward" for beginners, supports connection via RCA and clip-cord, weighs 180 g. Steel body is equipped with a regulator of force of impact of a needle and a clamp lock. The machine works quickly, it is universal in the choice of drawing technique. And the contours, and shading or shadows with it turn out to be of high quality.

- Thunder Blue. Stylish modular tattoo machine with a rotary motor in a metallic blue body. It is highly appreciated by both tattoo artists and permanent makeup artists. Lightweight aluminum body, adjustable puncture depth, good equipment - these are just a few of its advantages.

- Pen Tattoo. Produced by the Chinese company EZ Tattoo, this machine is connected to the network via RCA, weighs 130 g. The miniature "pen" is housed in an anodized aluminum body, copes equally well with contouring and painting. The rotation speed of the Japanese engine is about 10,000 rpm.

These models will be quite enough to fully satisfy the interest of a novice master, to give him a start for development in the profession.
The rating of induction machines cannot be imagined without the following models.
- Tattoomechanics J Shader. Model from a famous Russian brand. It is presented in the middle price category, weighs 220 g. This shader is connected to the power supply via a standard clip-cord. A good choice for a beginner who is ready to master professional equipment.

- Verge Dog Liner Black. Modern Russian-made liner. And it looks stylish and the build quality is superb. The model can often be seen in large showrooms. It supports needle sizes up to 11RL, weighs 165 g, and has a working voltage of 5-7 V.

- B702 (Shader). Produced by the Vietnamese brand Su Tu Wang, the tattoo machine belongs to the shaders used to paint inside the finished outline. Stylish design with large rhinestones in the case is complemented by a highly durable construction.

- B-421-4 Liner. The basic model for creating contours from a well-known South Korean manufacturer. It weighs 170 grams and operates on a voltage of 6.5 V. The set includes a carbon steel frame, the body color is different. Connects to blocks of 1.5-2 A.

- B242 Shader. Compact machine weighing 200 g for painting inside the contour. The shader operates on 6.5 V, connects to power supplies up to 2 A. This is a good model for beginners, allowing you to master the smooth development of shadows.

For successful work, a novice master needs to purchase at least a pair of liner and shader. But experienced professionals prefer to fill their arsenal with a more varied set of tools.
Spare parts
Assembling the components for working with a tattoo machine on their own, a novice master is faced with the need to search for a whole set of components. You can buy a ready-made kit with all the modules at once, but it is better to select them separately, taking into account individual preferences and needs. The list of the main components for work looks like this.
- Clip cord. This is a connecting cable (wire) that helps connect the clipper to the power supply.

- Foot pedal. It is necessary in order to free the hands of the master.

- Power Supply. It supplies current to the machine's motor.You can find a compatible option for a specific machine model, paying attention to the manufacturer's instructions.

- Needles. This component is definitely not worth saving. It is important that all these elements are sterile, sharp, corresponding in thickness to the complexity of the work. Beginners usually opt for pre-sterilized needles that are soldered onto the barbell. The best brands in this segment are Excalibur, Kwadron.

- Holder. When choosing this component, it is important to pay attention to ease of use. The size XL is considered universal, S corresponds to the size 16-22 mm, M - from 18 to 26 mm. It is important to compare these indicators with the number of gloves used in the work. On average, at least 2 replaceable holders are required for work.

- Barrier protection. This component is required to prevent contamination while operating the equipment. Materials are consumable. This includes medical caps, masks and gloves, armbands, work mats and hygiene mats, and aprons. Special pads are also sold for the car and the clip cord.

- Nipple. With its help, the needle bar is fixed on the pin. Also, the nipple is sometimes referred to as a thrommet. It looks like a round elastic band with a hole in the center.

- Bandage. It will be needed if the model of the machine does not have a pressure wheel. This accessory looks like a regular elastic band gathered in a ring.

- Modules or cartridges. This is the name of the configurator and needle nose set. Produced in single-use sterile packaging. The best manufacturers are Kwadron, Cheyenne, Inox Prime.

A system without modules will additionally need watering spouts. Otherwise, the list of components usually remains constant. You can buy it in a ready-made set or give preference to individual solutions that take into account the wishes of the master.
Expendable materials
The consumables needed in a tattoo artist's arsenal include more than ink. Also, in the salon and at the workplace, you will have to keep a supply of transfer paper, petroleum jelly and antiseptics. For practice, you may also need natural or artificial leather, on which you will need to practice in creating drawings.

Which car should a beginner choose?
The rules for choosing a tattoo machine for beginners are pretty simple. It is important for a novice master that his first machine be reliable and of high quality, and serve for a long time. The "golden mean" of the price range in this case starts from 4000 rubles and is limited to 15-20 thousand. You should immediately forget about cheap models from Chinese aggregator sites. If the budget is limited, then it will be difficult to buy separate induction tattoo machines for the contour and painting, so it is the rotary technique that should be considered.

If you have enough free funds, you can consider other options. Induction tattoo machines allow you to adapt to different techniques and tasks. They are better suited for artistic implementation of the most complex designs. Having dealt with the settings, the beginner will definitely receive invaluable experience that will be useful to him in his future work.

Other important parameters for choosing your first tattoo machine include the following.
- Equipment. A ready-made kit solves many problems, but some of the elements from it may never come in handy. Whether it is worth spending money on it, everyone decides for themselves.
- Dimensions. The more fragile a beginner tattooist has, the lighter and smaller the machine should be. You need to focus on the size of the gloves. It defines the holder metrics required for a particular master.
- The speed of work. Rotary machines are quite slow when compared to induction machines. If it is important to fill your hand, then it is better to immediately give preference to the second option. But do not forget that rotary models are chosen by most of the tattoo professionals.
- Tool weight. According to this indicator, rotary machines definitely win, among which there are really light options. Some models weigh about 100 g. Induction ones are noticeably heavier; not all people are able to keep them in weight for a long time.
- Vibration intensity. The more powerful the machine, the stronger the recoil from it is felt. The vibrational impact greatly interferes with beginners. A properly selected holder will help to compensate for it.
- Noise level. The feeling of discomfort from it is quite subjective, but it can make it difficult to focus on work.
- Ergonomic You should not buy goods remotely, blindly. The tattoo machine must be weighed in the hand, held in working order, assessing the vibration, ease of grip. Ideally, the instrument should "merge" with the palm, become its continuation.

These are the main parameters that should be considered when choosing a tattoo machine for gaining experience. It is also believed that high-end models from top brands can smooth out the small flaws of a novice master. This can also be taken into account when making a purchase.
Features of use
You also need to be able to use tattoo machines correctly. If a basic modular model with disposable needles is chosen for a beginner's work, it will be as simple as possible to maintain. The handpieces do not require sterilization here, they are thrown away after use, and the new packaging is opened at the client's presence. To get started, just connect the device to the network and install the module.
If a novice master has to use a conventional rotary machine, you will have to pay a little more attention to its maintenance. When connecting to the network, take into account which polarity is indicated on the clip cord. If all actions are performed correctly, the rotation of the rotor will be directed counterclockwise.

Maintenance of a tattoo machine involves instilling small portions of gun oil every 20 hours of operation. It is important to lubricate only rubbing parts and bearings, but to protect the electric motor from such effects. You also need to periodically change the seals (rubber bands), without waiting for their complete wear. This will increase the hygiene standards of the procedure.
It is also very important to regularly sterilize the tattoo machine with special chemicals. After that, you can collect it only with disinfected tools, in new rubber gloves. Before switching on again, put on a paper bag on the clip-cord.

The use of an induction tattoo machine requires a number of rules to be followed. Among them, the following should be noted.
- Regular lubrication and cleaning. Mechanisms lose their functionality when contaminated. The oil removes accumulated deposits, provides protection against corrosion, and reduces friction and wear of parts. For lubrication, transformer, weapon or flushing automobile oil is used, applied to a clean cotton cloth. The procedure is carried out weekly.
- Replacement and correct selection of seals. They must ensure that there is no play between the needle and the striker. Experienced craftsmen prefer to make them on their own, from paper towels.
- Selection and installation of a bandage elastic band. The biggest mistake is trying to replace special items with office supplies. Whereas for a tattoo machine you need an elastic band with a diameter of 30 mm. By minimizing the distance to the needle, it is possible to achieve an increase in the stability of the apparatus, with a slight loss in its power. This must be taken into account during installation.

Considering all the recommendations, it is possible to easily maintain the correct and efficient operation of the tattoo equipment.
The following video will tell you what types of tattoo machines exist.