All about the tattoo "Lighthouse"

For many, tattoos have a certain meaning. In a rare case, someone makes this or that tattoo just because they just liked the picture. The marine theme in body drawings is not very common, but every year it becomes more and more popular, because such tattoos are done by people who fully understand their symbolism. In this article, we will consider tattoos with a lighthouse, note their general meaning, as well as separately for men and women, consider the types and styles, beautiful examples and sketches.
Before moving on to the symbolism of the tattoo itself, you need to understand the purpose of the lighthouse, for which it is needed.

The main function of the lighthouse, for which this structure was built, was the detection of ships approaching the coast or reefs too close. Without lighthouses, ships often collided with rocks or reefs, and also ran aground due to worsening weather conditions, which made it impossible to navigate normally along the route. And the lighthouse made this task easier, burning brightly in fog or in the night, indicating that the land was close. Hence the most common meaning of tattoos with a lighthouse is the illumination of the path, the correct course.
For some, the lighthouse is associated with a guiding star that illuminates the chosen path, preventing you from getting lost or lost.

Initially, the nautical theme was popular only among sailors, they depicted ships and waves on their bodies, and after a while - ships and lighthouses. Particular importance was given to the inscription "Away from the rocks". Many sailors put a special meaning in it, the inscription, coupled with the drawing, gave a guarantee of safety, good weather and an early return home. From here came another interpretation - protection and reliability.
In history, the first mention of a tattoo in the form of a lighthouse belongs to the Greeks and Phoenicians, as soon as they dared to go out to the open sea for the first time and begin to explore it.

In the modern world, the meaning of a tattoo has become very diverse, everyone chooses their own interpretation of the picture, which does not cause dissonance in it. After all, drawing a picture on the body is an expensive pleasure, and removing a tattoo is also a very painful event. Therefore, before you fill in the drawing, you need to comprehend everything and choose the best option for yourself.

This is what the "Lighthouse" tattoo means in general terms.
- Hope and Faith. Anything can be reflected in these meanings: from faith in people to hope for a brighter future.
- A ray of light that travels through storm and darkness.
- A guide, a landmark or compass that will lead a person to the desired place.
- A clear purpose in life. The lighthouse is used as a landmark symbol.
- A certain promise to bring light, love, knowledge to this world.
- Romance and travel. The sea has always inspired creative people, so it is not surprising that the lighthouse has become popular with travelers or romantic people.
- Safety and discretion. This is directly related to the main function of the beacons - giving signals that the land is nearby. Therefore, people apply such tattoos in order to tell others that they value safety and are careful about the world around them.

Previously, such an image was popular among sailors, but now such tattoos are done by people who are completely far from sailing. Therefore, if a man chooses such an image, then, most likely, he wants to emphasize his own adventurism, a penchant for long journeys, a love of pirate themes. A man's tattoo "Lighthouse" may have a different meaning: a symbol of hope for a brighter future, a guiding star, a defender.

The meaning of such tattoos for girls does not differ at all from what men choose. Only if more with a touch of romanticism and sensuality, with a choice of smoother lines. This is an adventure, a journey, a new beginning, the moment when, after a heavy storm, a ray of hope appears.

There is no strong distinction in the fact that this is the meaning inherent in men, and this is in women.
Tattoos are something that in some way is completely "asexual", there is absolutely no gender bias.

Tattoos are divided by types, styles, directions. It is also necessary to remember that all tattoo artists work in a certain technique. And in order to correctly choose not only the tattoo artist, but also the tattoo itself, you need to understand which style this or that sketch is more suitable for, and decide what size you want your tattoo to be.
Styles and trends are very different from each other. It's like the difference between paintings that are painted in different techniques.

The most popular tattoo styles are the following.
- Old school. Classics among sketches. This technique does not lose its relevance from its origins, that is, from the 18th century. She is characterized by bright colors, clear contours, originality. The progenitors of this technique are considered to be sailors, who made the first tattoos from the natives on their voyages. Most often they depicted the masts of ships, the ship itself and the waves. And only after some time a lighthouse was added to all this. Later they began to come up with small inscriptions - messages. An example is all the same sailors with their slogan "Away from the rocks" or "Away from the rocks".

- New school. The exact opposite of the old style. A movement arose in America in the 70s as a kind of alternative, in which there will be no framework. Indeed, this style does not have clear lines or any restrictions. The main feature of such tattoos can be considered a flight of fantasy, humor, abstraction. But what unites these two directions is bright colors, a wide outline and, necessarily, the plot content of the picture. In this style, you can find lighthouses with a compass and a ship as a kind of plot action.

- Minimalism. Surprisingly, this style originated almost simultaneously with the new school style, however, 10 years earlier. In the 60s, minimalism as a style began to gain momentum, so tattoo artists also became interested in it. Small half-empty tattoos could be hidden somewhere under clothes, preventing the whole world from seeing the drawing. Minimalism is simplicity that borders on aesthetics. The popularization of this style occurred precisely due to the fact that there were practically no colors in it, except for black. It is now possible to find a tattoo artist who works in the force of minimalism, using two or three colors. This is the whole distinctive feature of this direction.

- Realism as a style emerged relatively recently. It is characterized by realistic shapes and volume, as well as the overlay of shadows. There are no restrictions on colors.

Places of application
There are simply no restrictions in choosing a place for tattooing. The body is a kind of canvas, so it is worth choosing a site taking into account how large the sketch is and how high the pain threshold of a person is.
- Most often, the lighthouse is stuffed on the hand in the forearm. And all due to the fact that in this place the skin does not stretch so much, so the pattern may not change so much over time.

- On the foot. Usually this is the lower leg, since there the tattoo can be hidden under clothes, the pain from injections on the leg is transferred much easier.

- On the chest or ribs. These are two places with a low pain threshold, which is also worth considering, especially if the tattoo is large.

- Wrist. Because of the small area, small tattoos are stuffed there, most often in the style of minimalism. This is one of the most prominent places, so it is worth considering whether this tattoo will violate the work dress code.

Beautiful examples
Usually, the sketches are developed by the tattoo artist himself, along with the wishes of the client, but you can also find your own options that you want to implement.
- A perfect example of a new school lighthouse tattoo sketch. Bright colors, well-built composition, no empty spaces.

- Sketch of a tattoo in the style of realism. Volume and shadows, built composition, realistic lines are visible.

- An example of an old school sketch. Drifting ships can be seen in the background, a lighthouse illuminating the path. Made in a small frame.

- A small sketch in the style of minimalism. Black predominates.