All about the nun tattoo

A nun is a rather controversial image that can often be found on both male and female tattoos. We will describe below what it means and what types of such tattoos exist.

The meaning of a tattoo
A nun is a girl or mature woman who belongs to a particular religious community. As a rule, nuns devote their whole life to serving God, hoping for protection and protection from him, and as far as possible move away from worldly life, almost completely depriving themselves of material pleasures and various kinds of temptations. Christians consider nuns to be brides of Christ on Earth.
It is worth noting: despite the fact that the church does not approve of tattoos with such images, they appeared a long time ago, back in the 19th century, and their popularity is growing rapidly over time.
Such a wearable image, of course, is not considered a sin, however, excessive adornments of one's own body in monasteries are condemned.

If we talk about what a tattoo means, on which the image of a nun is captured, then many contradictions can arise. By itself, such an image symbolizes religiosity, light, faith in God, purity, holiness, fragility and spirituality. Usually, such a meaning is given to their wearable image by those people who are really serious about the topic of religion, often pray, believe in God, are altruists and strive for spiritual development.
Contradictions in the interpretation of such a tattoo can arise when certain compositional details that can hardly be called traditional are present on it. It is they who distort such a bright image. As a result, this image can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the plot elements.It can symbolize pain and sadness, irony over religion, renunciation of religious norms, developed intuition, cunning and unwillingness to obey other people's laws, the presence of a "mask", torment and all-consuming love for God.

All of the listed interpretations of this image are the most common. Usually such tattoos are done by men, giving them one or another meaning. A little less often, such wearable designs can be seen on the fair sex.
Who is it for?
The tattoo, which depicts the image of a nun, in general, suits everyone, since this image can be interpreted in different ways. Most often, a tattoo with such an image is done by people who want to emphasize their attitude to religion, it can be both positive and negative.

Such wearable designs are made mainly by men. On their bodies, the nun is most often depicted with bright eyes and generally looks beautiful and young. There are such tattoos on girls, albeit rarely.
However, it should be borne in mind that this kind of body images are distinguished by their seriousness and semantic depth, for this reason, before applying such a pattern to your body, you need to think and study several times what this or that pattern means, as well as the compositional elements present on it. ...

Sketch options
By style
Nun tattoos are most often depicted in a realistic style. Usually, they represent images of young girls in monastic clothes, but sometimes older women can also be seen in the images. Usually, such wearable designs are monochrome, few people dare to depict them in bright colors. Sometimes you can find such sketches of tattoos, which have different colors, mostly red.
These tattoos are highly detailed and look quite natural, which is why many admire them.

Styles such as graphics, engraving, old school and new school are also used when applying tattoos on this topic, but the latter two styles are much less common.

You can often see that the image of a nun in a body drawing is depicted as stylized. Most often, such images look quite creepy and frightening, which is achieved due to the compositional features.

By plot
Subject elements of a tattoo also play a huge role in interpreting its meaning.
- In general, for the most part, a nun is the image that is depicted in body drawings as an independent one. Additional compositional elements on such tattoos are rare. However, this also has its own peculiarities. So, if a nun is depicted in her standard guise, her gaze is calm, and she holds a cross in her hands, then such a tattoo symbolizes purity, a desire for the spiritual, religiosity. If, however, blood-red tears flow from the eyes of a nun, which looks rather creepy, then such a drawing symbolizes severe suffering, mental anguish and a desire for their speedy completion.

- Tattoo with a blind nun or nun, in which there is a thorn in her eyes, says that although a person experiences certain difficulties in life, he experiences them easily, as if closing his eyes to all the misfortune and evil. Usually, such wearable drawings are made by the fair sex.

- If the eyes of the nun, which is depicted on the tattoo, are evil or cunning, then this suggests that the person who owns the image is self-sufficient, it is impossible to control him, he is his own master. The vicious grin of a nun means a mocking attitude towards religion, an understanding that good is not always good.

- Most of the caricatures of nuns are depicted on their bodies by those people.who have a negative attitude to any laws, even religious ones, and live by their own rules.

- If the nun in the picture is depicted as seductive and dissolute, then such an image indicates that the person who wears such a tattoo has his own secrets. It is not as simple as it seems.
He tends to always wear a "mask" and be a hypocrite.

- If, in addition to the nun, the devil himself is also present in the picture, then such a wearable pattern symbolizes worldly contradiction, disillusionment with religion. Often atheists depict such drawings on their bodies.

- A tormented nun, on the other hand, means a person who undergoes certain torment and hardship., strives for God and tries to lead a spiritual life. Such a person, as a rule, tries to distance himself as much as possible from material values and experiences an all-consuming love for God.

- Sometimes you can find such drawings where the nun is depicted against the background of a blurred skull. Such a body drawing also symbolizes the coming to faith, but a person does it only after a specific period of time, having gained life experience.

Where to apply?
Nun tattoos can be applied to any part of the body. As a rule, such wearable images are distinguished by their scale. For this reason, they are best placed on the arm, often filling the entire sleeve or applying an image on the shoulder or forearm.

On the back, such tattoos are rarely done, since not every plot will fit well in this part of the body. A more successful solution would be to place an image where the image of a nun is present in the chest area, but this applies to men. It is not recommended for women to place such tattoos in this place, as they look quite vulgar.

Beautiful examples
There are many beautiful sketches of nun tattoos. Here is some of them.
- The stylized images of the nun are often quite intimidating.

- There are other options where the image of a nun is presented in a rather interesting and non-standard way.

- A tattoo with a nun with bloody or black tears flowing from her eyes will also look bright and impressive on her body.