Tattoo with phrases in Latin

From time immemorial, people tried to experiment with drawings on their bodies, made unusual signs in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, to show their strength to others and higher forces. In the modern world, tattoos have not lost their meanings and carry similar functions, but the options for their application and the variety of images have expanded significantly.
One of the most popular ways to decorate the body are all kinds of inscriptions that conceal important meanings or personify the character of their bearer. Writing styles, languages and the number of characters in one phrase, of course, are determined by the person himself, but you cannot argue with statistics: it says that the most popular are tattoo-inscriptions in Latin.

Latin is familiar to many as one of the most ancient languages in the world, which is actually so, and, most likely, it is thanks to this feature that it motivates people to choose a sketch with a characteristic dictum. Expressions in Latin symbolize the deep meaning of what is written and the high level of intelligence of someone who can really feel a given phrase.

Moreover, the very appearance of the inscriptions in Latin causes a genuine aesthetic pleasure, especially if the size and type of the font are chosen as correctly as possible and look good at the place of application.
If you think over all the details and choose a good specialist, then as a result you can get a really high-quality result that will delight you for many years.

Varieties and sketches
There are many different ways to create a unique beautiful sketch of a tattoo that will adorn only your body, will act as an unusual symbol for you. Let's take a look at a few common Latin quotes with special meanings, which are most often chosen for application to the skin.
Philosophical sayings
- Errare humanum est - "It is human nature to make mistakes." A tattoo with such an expression in a sense justifies its owner, equates him with others and serves as a kind of comfort for him.

- Scio me nihil scire - "I know that I know nothing." One of the most famous opinions of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, which remains relevant today.

- Abiens, abi! - "Leaving go". An extremely successful phrase that can become a good tattoo for someone who is not used to looking back into the past, who only needs to move forward.

- Carpe diem. In Russian, this expression can be translated as "Seize the moment" or "Live for today." Well suited for strong-willed individuals who appreciate the moment in the present tense.

- Facta sunt potentiora verbis - "Actions are longer than words." The phrase characterizes those who value their time and prefers decisive action to prolonged rhetoric.

- Cum Deo - "With God!" A laconic phrase for churchgoers and those who sincerely hope for the help of a higher power.

- Deus solus me iudicare potest - "Only God can judge me." You can consider this statement as a challenge to other people, those who consider themselves judges for others.

- Some people prefer to stuff one word on a specific part of the body., which characterizes as fully as possible their nature or what they strive for. These can be words: Libertatem (freedom), Fortuna (fate, luck), Harmony (harmony), Veritas (truth).

- Omnia transeunt et id quoque etiam transeat - "Everything passes, and it will pass." You should not dwell on difficulties, it is important to remember that they are always replaced by positive moments.

- Si vis pacem, para bellum - "If you want peace, you need to prepare for war." A sobering statement that reveals the whole truth of human existence.

Sayings about love
- Mea vita et anima es - "You are my life and soul." A touching gesture of attention can come out of a tattoo with such a phrase addressed to a loved one.

- Amor est vitae essentia - "Love is the essence of life." Here we are talking not only about the second half, but, as an option, about your business, profession, which also need to be loved and adored.

- Dum spiro amo atque credo - "While I breathe, I love and believe." A sensual dictum can come in handy as a phrase for paired tattoos.

- Finis vitae sed non amoris - "The end of life, but not love." It is also a kind of oath of eternal love for someone or something, because true feeling lives on even after a person's death.

- Una vita - unus amor - "One life - one love." An unshakable statement about the importance of being true to your choice. It is especially wonderful when this choice is made only once and for a lifetime.

- Jucundissimus est amari sed non minus amare - "It's nice to be loved, but no less nice to love yourself." The dictum can serve as a motto for a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman: everyone invests in the life of a couple all of themselves, which means that the couple is flourishing.

- Cor meum in aeternum - "Forever in my heart." The saying can be addressed to both the second half and to your child or close friend.

Motivational phrases
- Vivere est vincere - "To live is to win." A tattoo depicting this saying can become a vivid symbol of the fact that its owner is not used to giving up and is ready to further overcome difficulties on the way to success.

- Audaces fortuna juvat - "Fate helps the brave." A phrase that will serve as a reminder that you need to be brave, and then the Universe will certainly be supportive of you.

- Corrige praeteritum praesens rege cerne futurum - "Correct the past, guide the present, envision the future." The life motto of convinced realists will serve as a good option for a high-quality underwear design.

- Primus inter pares - "The first among equals." A characteristic of a person who distinguishes himself from the crowd and does everything to be noticeable, who is followed by people.

- Omnia quae volo adipiscar - "Whatever I want, I will do." A kind of reminder to yourself that you can never stop before difficulties, you need to continue to follow your dreams.

- Actum ne agas - "What is done with, do not return to that." An inscription in Latin, the translation of which, most likely, will respond to those who have decided for themselves no longer to turn to the past, something that has long since sunk into years. Expression can become a symbol of your altered worldview.

- Esse quam videri - "To be, not to seem." An excellent saying about how important it is to forget about masks and remain yourself, be true to yourself and your principles.

- Veni, vidi, vici - "I came, I saw, I conquered." The famous saying of Caesar, suitable for those who are not used to putting up with little, who without hesitation will go forward to achieve their goal.

Modern phrases
- Non progredi est regredi - "Not to move forward means to go back." A wonderful statement for athletes or those moving up the career ladder. And indeed for everyone who cares not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved.

- Gaudeamus igitur - "So let's have fun." An energizing expression that will definitely fall in love with those for whom a fun pastime is far from last.

- Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum - "Donkey from donkeys forever and ever." A dictum that will definitely suit courageous people who love to laugh at themselves and accept criticism from the outside without strain. The sarcastic message will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

- Audaces fortuna juvat - "Happiness accompanies the brave." Indeed, one cannot argue with the truth of this statement: only if a person courageously goes through the trials encountered on the way, higher forces will help him in overcoming them.

- Non foliis, sed fructu arborem aestima - "Judge the tree by the fruit, but not by the leaves." The deepest philosophical saying about how important it is to know the inner world of a person before judging what is outwardly.

- Vive ut vivas - "Live to live." And nothing else! Enjoying every moment, soar above the flow of life and get real pleasure from every moment.

- Absit invidia - "Let there be no envy and anger." An expression with a subtle meaning, which can even be regarded as a prayer, an appeal to higher powers that these two vices be destroyed in the world.

- Mea vita, mea leges - "My life my rules". The most modern phrase about defending personal boundaries and observing your own principles.

Once you have decided on the inscription that will become a full-fledged part of your body, you need to be extremely responsible when choosing a style for a tattoo. Here, of course, it all depends on your personal preferences, as well as on the place where the drawing will be transferred.
The list of design options is quite diverse. Some people prefer ornate inscriptions with monograms, which take up a lot of space and are clearly visible to others. Others, on the contrary, strive to make the tattoo not so noticeable, to preserve the sacred meaning in it, understandable only to themselves.

Some tattoo lovers prefer to fill images in a Gothic design that gives off a certain solemnity, which usually corresponds to their style of clothing, so everything is quite compatible with each other. Others choose a strict style, create sketches, according to which the inscription will seem to be printed on the skin.
In recent years, such a style as minimalism has not lost its leading position. Tattoos made in this way are usually almost invisible on the body, the font style is thin, not striking. By choosing this direction, you will certainly be able to preserve the sacred meaning of the tattoo.

Many people have a preference for well-known Latin expressions inscribed in the composition of an image suitable for him. A phrase with a deep, important meaning for you will delight not only with its fullness, but also with a beautifully executed interpretation outwardly.
It is worth paying attention to a particularly important aspect - the choice of a master, who, of course, must be a real professional.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with examples of his work from the portfolio, study the reviews of other clients on the Internet.
It is important to bear in mind that not all specialists who are good at applying extensive compositions will master the work with text. Stupid spelling or punctuation errors are often found, which is extremely offensive.

Accommodation options
The choice of the place for the most successful location of the tattoo is determined depending on the size, style and meaning that the phrase carries. For example, long lines will look great along the forearm or on the collarbone. Brief statements, written in capacious type, look graceful on a woman's foot or wrist. Volumetric tattoos, which are a combination of a pattern and an inscription, are good to stuff on the back or under the ribs. And both the man and the woman.

If we talk about gender preferences, then women most often stuff phrases in Latin on the neck, wrist, back, ankle. Among men, the most popular are arms, back, chest.

Not so long ago, there was a trend towards a half arrangement of tattoos. For example, it looks original if one part of the expression is applied to the left hand, and the other to the right. By themselves, fragments of a phrase conceal a deep meaning, and when two hands are connected, they acquire even more powerful energy.

It is obvious to everyone that a tattoo is applied for life, which means that choosing a place for it should be approached as responsibly as possible.
The skin in the chest, abdomen and hips is subject to age-related changes - stretch marks, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the tattoo will undergo changes over time. The skin on the wrists is very delicate, so there is a risk that the tattoo in this place will not be durable and will require correction in the near future.
A tattoo can conceal not only an aesthetic, but also a sacred meaning, acting as a talisman for its owner. Therefore, it is extremely important to approach the choice of a sketch with full responsibility, so as not to regret anything in the future. Latin lettering will be a great decoration for your body. Having become classics, they are unlikely to ever lose their relevance.