Tattoos on the arm for girls

Until a few decades ago, women's tattoos were very rare. Now it is already difficult to surprise someone with such wearable drawings. Both young girls and adult women get tattoos on their arms. There are many interesting ideas that are worth paying attention to connoisseurs of this art form.

Advantages and disadvantages
Arm tattoos have many benefits. Correctly selected tattoos help to emphasize the external attractiveness of female hands. They can also be used to cover up old scars. There is enough room on the arms for voluminous and detailed tattoos.
The main disadvantage of such drawings is that they are constantly in sight. Therefore, you have to get used to the fact that they will always attract the attention of strangers. Tattoos on their hands should not be done by people who plan to work in a government institution.
It is also worth remembering that tattoos on open areas of the body quickly fade and lose their attractiveness... Therefore, in some cases, such drawings have to be interrupted or corrected.

What kind of tattoos can you get?
There are many interesting tattoo options that can be stuffed on women's hands. Therefore, it is not difficult to find a suitable sketch for yourself.
Light and attractive flower tattoos look best on girls' hands.
- the Rose... This beautiful flower is a symbol of tenderness and love. It is his girls who most often stuff on their hands. Rosebuds go well with a variety of symbols and lettering.

- Orchid... Graceful branches of orchids can also often be seen on female hands. Delicate flowers can be made in white or pink.The orchid is a symbol of luxury and feminine charm. Therefore, such flowers are filled with pleasure not only by young girls, but also by older women.

- Lotus... This is one of the popular Buddhist symbols. Tattoos depicting a lovely flower are most often done in monochromatic colors. Often, drawings are complemented with graceful patterns or some other significant symbols.

- Lily... This flower symbolizes innocence and purity. The drawing can be either plain or colored. Watercolor tattoos with lilies look the most beautiful. They turn out to be bright and interesting.

- Poppy... Poppy tattoos are suitable for closed girls who have a craving for loneliness. The flowers look beautiful and graceful. Poppy tattoos can be done in any color and style. Most often, such drawings are located on the inside of the hand.

- Gladiolus... In ancient times, warriors believed that an amulet with the image of this flower could protect a person in battle. A gladiolus tattoo will suit a girl who manages to combine strength and tenderness.

Fans of oriental culture will love colored sakura or magnolia tattoos.

To indicate the features of your character, you can fill your body with an animalistic tattoo.
- Birds... One of the most popular sketches is a bird flying out of a cage. Such a tattoo symbolizes a person's craving for freedom and travel. The finished tattoo can be easily complemented with a colored ribbon or a plant that the bird holds in its beak.

- Bee... Black and white or color tattoos with these insects are suitable for stubborn and hardworking people. Drawings of bees can complement flowers or figurines made up of fine lines.

- Small fish... The fish tattoo is a traditional symbol of prosperity and fertility. Now tattoos with carps or dolphins are in demand. Many girls decide to stuff the image of a goldfish on their bodies. It is believed that such a tattoo can attract good luck and happiness.

- Butterfly... Insect with large wings in many cultures is a symbol of lightness and inspiration. Small tattoos are usually done on the wrist or on the wrist. The great thing about miniature drawings is that they are easy to hide.

- Snake... Tattoos depicting these wise and flexible creatures are very different. A drawing of a snake wrapped around an arm will look beautiful on a female body.

- Cat... The meaning of a tattoo with this animal is clear to many. Drawings with cats or cat paw prints denote grace, femininity and inner strength.

- Fox... Tattoos with foxes are chosen by cunning and confident girls. The forest beauty is most often depicted asleep or frozen before a jump.

Cute tattoos with sloths or owls also look beautiful on a woman's body.

Some loving parents even decide to get tattoos based on sketches of children's drawings. Such a memorable image evokes only pleasant emotions in its owner.

Space tattoos
Many girls also find space-themed tattoos attractive.
- Constellations... Such unusual small-sized tattoos are stuffed by girls on their wrists and fingers. Most often, they choose the constellations that match their zodiac sign. It is believed that such a tattoo attracts happiness and good luck to a person.

- moon... This symbol is one of the strongest and brightest. Such tattoos are often stuffed by girls who are interested in mysticism and are actively engaged in self-development. The image of the moon can complement the drawing of a wolf, cat or raven.

- Star... This is a fairly ancient symbol that was present in many cultures. A shooting star tattoo is a symbol of good luck and fulfillment of desires. Such wearable designs can be located both on the outside of the hand and on the inside.

The "sleeves" look original, consisting of a large number of details and decorating the entire arm. Such space tattoos are popular with dreamy and romantic personalities.

A lover of meaningful tattoos will love the idea of putting a drawing of some significant symbol on her body. There are many tattoo options with a rich history.
- Dream Catcher. It is believed that this ancient amulet protects a person from bad dreams and bad thoughts. Trendy dream catcher tattoos decorated with feathers look beautiful on the wrist or wrist.

- Crown... A mini crown tattoo is a symbol of determination and craving for power. This tattoo can be done in any style. Most often, the crown is stuffed on the wrist or forearm. Tattoos of this type are often complemented with other significant symbols. Paired themed tattoos look impressive on the body.

- Treble clef. A tattoo with the image of this sign can be chosen by both a person who has connected his life with music, and one who simply misses his cheerful youth. Most often, a small image with a treble clef is complemented by notes.

- Arrow... This symbol is suitable for purposeful people, as well as those who want to find their own path in life. An arrow tattoo looks elegant. You can even fill such a pattern on your finger.

- Clover. The clover tattoo is one of the best and most famous symbols of good luck. Such drawings are usually made small. In this case, they are not conspicuous to strangers.

Symbolic tattoos are sometimes supplemented with inscriptions or numbers that people associate with good luck.
When choosing a tattoo, it is important to pay attention to the style in which it is made. Now there are several modern stylistic trends that girls of different ages like.
These tattoos look very delicate and graceful. They are distinguished by the use of bright colors.... Watercolor tattoos look great on wrists and shoulders. Most often this style is used to create original floral designs.

There are many fans of Japanese animation among young girls. Therefore, top anime-style tattoos are now popular all over the world.
When choosing a tattoo, you should take a closer look at the drawings with your favorite characters. Such a tattoo will evoke only pleasant associations in a fan of anime culture. Anime-style tattoos are most often done in color. When creating sketches, bright and saturated colors are used - pink, yellow, green, blue. Such tattoos will definitely not go unnoticed.

Tattoos made in this style, on the contrary, are always done monochrome... Such drawings look unusual and even gloomy. This style is great for creating flower tattoos. Tattoos stylized as drawings by medieval artists also look interesting. They are ideal for bright and creative people.

Tattoos in this style are also commonly done monochromatic... They are popular with adherents of minimalism and simplicity. Tattoos consisting of many black dots look great on both the wrists and the shoulders.
Drawings made in this style go well with both solid and color tattoos.

The main feature of this style is that finished drawings consist of long graceful lines... They can be made in any color scheme, but black and white linear tattoos are most common. Drawings in this style can decorate both hands and shoulders.

Lovers of small tattoos with meaning will definitely love this simple style. Such tattoos differ in the minimum amount of detail. They are stylish and neat. Most often, such tattoos are made contour. Many girls fill their first tattoos in this style. Miniatures are most often placed on fingers or wrists.

New school
These tattoos are a lot like traditional old school designs. They also look bright and are complemented by crisp black contour lines.Modern tattoos differ from the old ones in terms of which are used when creating sketches.
This style is used to create tattoos with flowers, crosses, daggers, angels and other symbols. Such wearable designs are suitable for bright, strong personalities who are not afraid to attract the attention of others.

This style has a very rich history. Previously, tattoos of this type adorned the bodies of men. Now drawings with deep meaning are popular among women. Such tattoos look impressive and interesting. Most often they are made monochromatic. However, tattoos consisting of colored lines also look beautiful.

This style is one of the most popular. Such tattoos are difficult to execute, so they should only be done by trusted masters. In this case, the finished work will look as realistic and beautiful as possible.
Tattoos made in this style are most often made voluminous. They are usually stuffed on the wrist or on the back of the hand next to the elbow.

Biomechanical tattoos are not particularly attractive to girls. Nevertheless, such wearable drawings look quite interesting. Images of various gears look beautiful on the forearm or shoulder.

Color solutions
Women's arm tattoos can be very different. Most often, black paint is used to create drawings. Dark tattoos are versatile and suit almost everyone. Plus, black and white drawings are more durable. They fade more slowly and do not deform longer.
White tattoos also look beautiful on the body. But such drawings should only be done by trusted masters. In this case, they will look really neat. A badly done tattoo looks ugly and resembles a scar.

Color tattoos are suitable for bright creative personalities. The most popular colors used in wearable designs are blue, red, green and purple. When choosing a color tattoo, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of your style. So, a person who usually wears classic things in pastel colors will like neat light tattoos.

Dimensions (edit)
The choice of the size of the tattoo depends on how much it will catch the eye of others. Among girls, both very tiny tattoos and large-sized drawings are popular.
People who do not yet have any tattoos on their bodies should pay attention to small pictures. Simple miniature tattoos look great on fingers and wrists. They are almost invisible to outsiders.

Full-fledged tattoos with a lot of detail are usually stuffed on the wrist or forearm. Medium-sized drawings can be supplemented with various inscriptions or patterns. This adds originality and uniqueness to them.

The most voluminous option is the "sleeve". Such a tattoo takes up a lot of space. It covers part of the arm from the shoulder to the hand. Not every girl will dare to decorate her body in this way. To make the "sleeve" look beautiful, it should be done in the same style.

Accommodation options
Having decided on the size of the tattoo, you need to understand which part of the hand it will be on.
- Wrists. Small tattoos of girls are most often stuffed on the inside of the wrist. Such designs are easy to hide under long sleeves, wide bracelets or watches. Paired tattoos look beautiful on this part of the body.

- Forearms. These tattoos are more popular with men. Girls rarely dare to get a tattoo on this part of the body. As a rule, graceful patterns are placed there.

- Palms. Tattoos on the palms are quite rare. Such drawings are always in sight. In addition, they fade and “wear off” very quickly. Therefore, they often have to be corrected.

- Fingers... The phalanges are usually decorated with simple, minimalistic designs. Contour tattoos look beautiful there. Most often they are stuffed on the side of the finger.There you can place an infinity sign, a heart or some kind of inscription. Unfortunately, tattoos on fingers, as well as on palms, wear off rather quickly.

- Shoulder... On this part of the body, you can fill a large or medium pattern. Most often, images on a floral or animalistic theme are placed there.

Tattoo bracelets also look beautiful on a woman's body. They are not striking and resemble real jewelry in their appearance. Such tattoos can consist of floral or graphic designs, as well as beautifully written phrases.

Nuances of application
Most girls are afraid that the tattooing session will be too painful. To make this process less unpleasant, do not get a tattoo on the wrists and at the place of the bend of the elbow.
Only a trusted master should get a tattoo. In this case, the drawing will turn out to be of high quality and accurate. Do not drink alcohol before tattooing. It is also not recommended to hit tattoos during menstruation. At this time, the female body is more sensitive to pain. People with a low pain threshold should ask the master to treat the tattoo site with a special ointment.

After getting a tattoo, she needs to be properly cared for. In the first few days, the drawing must be treated with a special antiseptic. Once the inflammation has subsided and the tattoo has healed, it should be kept moisturized on a regular basis. To do this, you can use natural oil or a quality cream.
So that the drawing does not deform, for 2-3 weeks after applying it to the skin, you need to forget about serious sports loads, as well as going to the sauna and swimming pool. It is also worth watching to ensure that the tattoo did not come into contact with clothing. In this case, the drawing will look nice and neat.
A properly selected and well-groomed tattoo will delight its owner for a long time.