Tattoo in the form of inscriptions

The popularity of tattoos has not faded for many years. People decorate different parts of their body to emphasize a bright individuality, to demonstrate to others their qualities and character traits. There are many popular sketches. These include tattoo in the form of inscriptions.

Language selection and sketches
Wearable and high-quality sketches in the format of a particular recording have gained popularity for a very long time. Representatives of both sexes give preference to such ideas. The demand for such variations is due to the fact that through a correctly selected phrase, people most vividly reflect the characteristics of their personality, demonstrate their interests and life views. In addition, such a tattoo can be supplemented with various auxiliary components and beautiful designs, due to which it turns out to be more aesthetic and original.

To apply to certain parts of the body, tattoo fans choose both small and large letters. In the form of an inscription, barely open mini-tattoos can be filled, which does not attract too much undue attention from others.
When deciding to decorate the body in this way, it is advisable to focus not only on the appropriate scale of the text, but also on the language in which it is implemented.

In English
Today, texts with meaning, stuffed in English, have become top and very often selected. Basically, people want to supplement the body with excerpts from the lyrics. In addition, short motivational inscriptions are in demand. It is easiest to find a translation for English words, therefore, the meaning of any phrases is easy to find.

Here are some trending texts that attract many:
- Never give up, which means "Never give up";
- One life one chance - "One life - one chance."

In French
Sketches of tattoos in the form of text compositions and records in French are in demand today. He is considered to be the most romantic. Any text tattoo in this format exudes a unique charm.
As a rule, inscriptions that speak about feelings, passion, family are reproduced in this language. All phrases used in French are usually positive.

So, Among fans of tattoo art, such a variation is in great demand: Je vais au rêve - "I am going to my dream." Text sketches in French look especially impressive when drawn using an aesthetic and graceful typeface.
In spanish
Today people often decide to have a sketch in Spanish. These options are both short and long. Each phrase has its own specific meaning, which can be close to both ladies and the stronger sex. It should be noted that Spanish lyrics and quotes usually exude daring passion and vivid feelings.

A variety of Spanish recordings look vivid on a woman's body, but similar ideas are great for men too. As a rule, such tattoos are chosen by those representatives of the stronger sex who, by their very nature, are passionate and harsh personalities. Spanish records that speak of love and priorities in life are considered relevant. Motivating words are also in demand.

Here are some trending options:
- Agradezco a mi destino - I thank my fate;
- Camino se hace al andar - walking will master the road.

In italian
These types of fashionable tattoo phrases can be very curious and attractive. The language itself is not the simplest one. There are many tenses, endings and declensions in it. This suggests that when choosing a suitable beautiful tattoo, it is very important to carefully consider the composition of semantic phrases.
Only a first-class tattoo artist should work on creating a beautiful Italian tattoo.
It is advisable to turn to the services of those specialists who are familiar with the language, so that later you do not have to regret the perfect choice.

So, among modern guys, the following tattoo texts in Italian are especially popular and fashionable: Con i nostri pensieri costruiamo il mondo, which means “with our thoughts we create the world”;
In the Arabic language
Oriental motives have been wildly popular for a very long time. Text sketches, full of various wisdoms in Arabic, become the choice of so many people who want to demonstrate their principles, priorities and views to everyone around them.

In addition, fans of tattoo art are attracted not only by the meaning of Arabic phrases, but also by the beauty of this language.
It's no secret that the German language has a certain restraint, clarity, masculinity and brevity. To some people he seems too rude, while others are attracted by the listed qualities. Since German phrases are rarely "verbose", they are often chosen by real men, brutal people, athletes, fighters and simply self-confident individuals.

The top tattoo of the species in question in German reads: Sei stets du selbst - "always be yourself."
In hebrew
Hebrew is the oldest language in existence on earth. Initially, it belonged exclusively to a Semitic family, but later turned out to be the state Israeli language. Until now, Hebrew has undergone many different changes and improvements, therefore it is noticeably modified. Despite these nuances, Hebrew text sketches are often displayed in antiquity format.

In latin
This language is also very ancient. It is widely used in tattoo art. Latin entries are popular with both sexes.It should be noted that this language is attractive for its unique mystery. Latin is mysterious and very beautiful. In a large percentage of cases, sketches in this design imply the deepest meaning, hide a lot of wisdom and parting words.

Often chosen, fashionable and beautiful, the following variations are obtained in the considered format:
- Aquila non capitat muscas - "the eagle does not feed on flies";
- Cujus est potentia, ejus est actum - "whose power, that is the action."

Font types
People can choose to decorate their bodies with small or large phrases, wise quotes or motivating slogans. At the same time, it is important to choose the right not only the phrase and language itself, but also the appropriate font. The latter must be attractive, solid, without flaws or flaws, otherwise the tattoo will not turn out to be quite aesthetic.
Let's take a look at what font styles best reflect text sketches on the human body.
- Graffiti. This means the art of the streets, which in a short time "made its way" into tattoo art. The main idea behind graffiti fonts is a combination of a phrase and a suitable drawing.

- Gothic. This font style evokes associations with medieval writing. It should be borne in mind that often the texts in the Gothic style are extremely difficult to read. Most often, Gothic is displayed in black and white and looks slightly gloomy. Because of this, men prefer this style in the lion's share of cases.

- Calligraphy. This font is as attractive and graceful as possible. Each letter is displayed here with the utmost accuracy and precision. Various beautiful patterns may be present. Most of the Latin tattoo phrases are stamped in accordance with this font.

- Hieroglyphs. This category includes written symbols of absolutely all Asian countries. For these types of tattoos, phrases in Japanese and Chinese are ideal.

- Printed characters. A similar style for text tattoos has become popular and famous relatively recently. Such inscriptions look like they were scribbled on a typewriter. The letters here have corresponding minor flaws, which does not prevent them from looking very attractive and stylish.

Styles and colors
Fashionable tattoos in the form of various inscriptions can be implemented within certain styles. The top direction is lettering.
Lettering is a very interesting style with a large number of different fonts. The direction is perfect for tattoos that showcase different lettering, poems, lyrics, or just words of wisdom. In implementation, such tattoos are not the most difficult; an experienced master can apply them in one session.

If you want to decorate your body with a colored tattoo with an inscription, you can give preference to the style called watercolor... In such compositions, in addition to the text, there may be other components - paint spots or flowers.
Watercolor tattoos are different in that they look like they were actually painted with watercolors and a brush. The direction is especially popular among girls.

Real rebels will like an extraordinary trend called trash polka. Such tattoos can contain unattractive and even terrifying details, elements of outright negligence, chaotically scattered lines. The style in question is usually dominated by black and red palettes. Among the outright chaos and madness, a certain phrase with meaning or just a daring statement can be hidden.

Sometimes images with different texts are realized in Celtic style. She is especially popular with men. Celtic images look frankly brutal and courageous. Any images made in a similar vein provide a deep meaning.

Accommodation options
Modern and high-quality semantic tattoos can be pierced on a variety of areas on the body.There are no strict restrictions on this issue.
Consider which areas for placing text tattoos are considered the most popular.
- Shoulder, forearm. Small quotes or aphorisms look especially attractive and neat on the shoulder and forearm. Often, such options are complemented by miniature drawings or symbols. An attractive background for text will also work. Men's tattoos, stuffed in the indicated areas, always look more aggressive and brutal.

- Chest and abdomen. Often people decide to pin their favorite phrase on their chest or stomach. Girls like to get tattoos under the breasts as well.

- Sides and ribs. Various phrases are stuffed on the side or ribs, but texts concerning religion are especially popular. These can be prayers, covenants, or some kind of postulates.

- Collarbone. A fashionable site for tattoos among the fair sex. Here you can fill in a variety of original sketches of not very large sizes.

- Neck, ribs, arms. These areas are great for getting name tattoos.

- Legs. Various humorous inscriptions are often pierced on the legs. Here you can often stumble upon ironic, sarcastic phrases.

- Back. An ideal place if you want to get a large-scale tattoo with a large entry. There is quite enough free space on the back for the implementation of such expressions as "Everything passes and this will pass", "I came, I saw, I won," and so on.

- Brushes, fingers. Usually people from certain subcultures place text sketches here. This is an ideal area for applying short phrases or single simple words like "family", "love" and so on.

- Face, head. Among young people, it has become very fashionable to place drawings with a variety of text combinations and numbers on the head or face. Most often, there are images with a minimal set of symbols, but with the deepest meaning.