Tattoo in the form of inscriptions for girls

The creation of a voluminous tattoo is a painful process, which is not at all easy for girls from habit to endure. Drawing with a lot of detail always takes a long time, and the healing process of such a wound takes a very long time. An excellent alternative for those wishing to get their first tattoo of young women is the inscription. This body art is created much faster, is less painful and contains as much deeper meaning as complex illustrations.

In most cases, men choose large images and place them on their arms, legs, back and shoulders. Such tattoos emphasize strength and courage, make the stronger sex more attractive and interesting. For a fragile female body, it is difficult to choose a large pattern that emphasizes tenderness and femininity, so a tattoo in the form of inscriptions is a win-win choice for girls. Such a modest illustration will help to share an important message, life aspiration or just a cute phrase that will carry deep meaning and at the same time preserve a graceful girlish image.
The inscriptions can reveal the character of the carrier, because usually expressions are selected not only in appearance and font, but also in semantic load. Words often reflect the girl’s principles, thoughts, or reminders of something important.

Before choosing a phrase, you must carefully consider the location of the words so that the filled words do not play a cruel joke with the carrier. There are mistakes that can greatly spoil the meaning of the tattoo, but after applying them it will be too difficult or even impossible to correct.
Let's take a closer look at the types of sketches that you must immediately abandon.
- Rough and vulgar phrases. Initially, such a drawing is conceived in order to show the playful and sultry character of the future carrier. However, over time, these words become a real stigma, which is incredibly difficult to get rid of, even after overlapping or removing ink from under the skin.
- Words of love near intimate places. At first it seems like a romantic and sexy tattoo, but over time it takes on a not-so-good double meaning.
- Names or initials. Writing the name of your beloved boyfriend is a very common mistake. Despite the fact that today the relationship seems perfect, and a quiet family life is invariably beautiful, no one can say for sure that it will always be this way. This mistake applies not only to the names of loved ones - it can also be the nickname of a favorite idol, the name of a musical group and other initials, whose reputation can change dramatically.

When choosing a tattoo in the form of a dictum, it is necessary to think over many details: the location on the body, the type of font, the meaning of the phrase and the semantic translation (if the expression is in a foreign language).
As a result, all the mentioned little things will help to choose the most successful underwear pattern that will delight both the wearer and her close friends and relatives.

Views and sketches
Choosing a phrase to create a tattoo is a very difficult task, because every language is full of various interesting expressions with deep meaning. You don't have to bother and fill in a quote in your native language, but not everyone likes this option, despite the fact that there are really a lot of good phrases in Russian.
It is risky to fill words in a foreign language, because it is very easy to get into an awkward situation, so it is imperative that you first familiarize yourself with the translation, or even better, ask the opinion of a native speaker.

To make it easier for you to choose your perfect tattoo, we suggest considering beautiful lettering ideas in different languages.
In Russian
Women's mini-tattoos in Russian are often addressed not to people around them, but to the wearer herself. Usually these are simple expressions: "do not fuss", "I can do everything" or "there is only here and now." Motivating phrases on the forearms or wrists replace the words for girls that are lacking in difficult moments in life to accomplish important things.

To accentuate your playful personality, you just need to get a simple tattoo with only one word written in a sloppy font - "spark".
Such an uncomplicated body drawing will bring the desired interest to your person, because everything ingenious is simple. The word "spark" prompts certain thoughts and at the same time makes one think deeper, because it does not mean anything concrete.

In English
Popular phrases in English often contain words of love, for example: “All we need is love” and “Endless love”. No less often there are original tattoos with motivating sayings calling on time to perform important and significant actions. Often the following inscriptions are chosen to create a tattoo: “We can be heroes”, “Life goes on” or “Let it be”.

In French
Small graceful body prints with French lettering go well with flowers, hearts and other cute elements. Most often these are phrases about love, but there are also simple life-affirming expressions that emphasize the character of the wearer of the body pattern. Here are a couple of ideas in the form of short expressions in the language of love: “Cela passera aussi” (“This too will pass”), “L'amor est de tous ages” (“All ages are submissive to love”).

In spanish
Emotional Spanish is great for putting cute little lettering on your skin. Such sayings sound cheerful and cheerful, even if they speak of the sad truth of life. Therefore, motivating phrases are often written in Spanish. Romantic words and beautiful declarations of love are popular among tattoo lovers.
Here are some interesting examples of tattoo in Spanish:
- "Quien si no yo" ("Who but me");
- "Amor sin temor" ("Love without fear");
- “No hay nada imposible” (“Nothing is impossible”).

In italian
In the Italian language, there are many unusual catchphrases that simultaneously emphasize femininity and force one to reflect on philosophical topics. The interpretation of a body design with an unusual inscription can change for the wearer as quickly as her character develops, so such a tattoo will never become outdated. It is difficult to choose the best among the expressions in the language of a European country, so we will just present you with a couple of especially interesting ones: “Avere forza” (“I have the strength”) and “La dolce vita” (“Sweet life”).

In latin
Many thoughtful sayings are written in this language, which are used by lovers of wearable drawings as mini-tattoos. The following expressions are especially popular:
- "Fiat lux" ("Let there be light");
- "Omnia causa fiunt" ("Accidents are not accidental");
- Fortis fortuna adiuvat (Fortune loves the brave).

Location options
The lettering takes up very little space, so it can be stuffed on any part of the body. Choosing a location is perhaps the most important stage in creating a tattoo, because a well-chosen area can emphasize the meaning of a phrase. Words can be addressed to certain people or even to one person using the location, simply by stuffing them on the areas of the body hidden by clothing. The location chosen can also affect the quality of the image and the level of pain during the tattoo creation.

Let us consider in more detail the features of application to different parts of the body.
- Back. The tattoo on the back is almost always hidden from view - the owner can only see it in the mirror, so it is usually meant for someone else. Most often, inscriptions are placed on the lower back or on the upper back to emphasize the femininity and sexuality of these areas of the body. An added benefit of back illustrations is distraction. There can be various imperfections on the skin that embarrass girls, and with the help of tattoos that draw attention to themselves, these imperfections can be smoothed out. The disadvantages of drawing a pattern in such a place include an uneven surface (spine, shoulder blades) and high painfulness of stuffing. Irregularities cause difficulties for craftsmen, especially for beginners, because they have to think over many details so that the sketch looks beautiful on a convex surface.
Therefore, it is better to choose a specialist not for cost, but for experience and professionalism.
If the tattoo is applied in the area of the bones, the owner will have to endure severe discomfort. For this reason, it is better to fill the first illustration elsewhere. In addition, due to the inaccessibility of the zone, it is almost impossible to take care of the wound after typing the phrase. There must be an assistant nearby to change dressings and monitor the healing process.

- Stomach. Intricate phrases written in an elegant font look very beautiful on the girl's belly. Choosing an area just below the navel, the owner of the illustration reserves the choice: to hide or openly show the body pattern. Nevertheless, the sketch in such a place has several disadvantages that must be taken into account. The abdomen is a sensitive area, so it will be very unpleasant to stuff words in this place. Also, this part of the body is prone to deformation from obesity, pregnancy, disease or other factors. When you change the shape, the sketch will also change its shape, losing its original beauty and accuracy.
To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully monitor your figure and health, or get a tattoo on another part of the abdomen, for example, on the side or ribs.
The second disadvantage of a tattoo on the belly is that the belt of trousers is in contact with this area of skin. Rubbing against hard tissue can cause irritation or paint shedding during healing. To prevent a violation of the integrity of the pattern, you will have to abandon classic trousers and skirts in favor of products with a low waist until the wound is completely healed.

- Hands. The inner side of the forearm is an ideal place for life credos and important words that must be remembered in difficult times, because these parts of the hands are always in front of your eyes. The disadvantage of the skin area is that it is subject to frequent friction, which will damage the sketch, as a result of which it will have to be corrected. Another part of the arm that is suitable for a lettering tattoo is the shoulder. Stamping in this place is not as painful as on other areas of the skin.

- Hands. Laconic but thoughtful sayings are often stuffed on the hands. An interesting option for the location of the tattoo on the hands is on the fingers and between them, because here the drawing can be easily hidden from prying eyes. The hands have many moving bones and veins located close to the surface of the skin, so creating an image in this place is not easy at all. By filling the illustration on the hands, it is necessary to prepare for more thorough wound care and long-term healing. The hands are almost never hidden under clothing, and this can be a career challenge. In many areas of activity where you have to communicate with clients, hand drawing can be a serious hindrance.

- Legs. The thigh is a very large area where you can place not only a capacious phrase, because there is enough space to write a small poem. However, you should not get carried away - too long a verse will create the feeling that a sheet from a book is stuck to your leg. A short phrase, written in large, flowery type, can be positioned on the side of the thigh. The winged expression in small letters will look great on the front of the leg (just above the middle of the thigh) - here it will be easy to hide from prying eyes. A long poem can be positioned in the front, approximately in the middle of the thigh.

- Ankles and feet. A short phrase written vertically next to the ankle bone looks very gentle and feminine. Such a wearable pattern is perfect for both lovers of shoes with heels and fans of simple sneakers. Another interesting place for the inscription is the side of the foot. Phrases written in an elegant font look very beautiful here, but getting a tattoo on the foot is not at all easy. Constant wearing of shoes will prolong the healing time and may irritate the wound.
Before getting a tattoo in such a place, you need to choose the right time of year and shoes.

- Neck. The most suitable place for a neat tattoo with a philosophical inscription on the body of the fair sex is the back of the head. In this area, a neat inscription will emphasize the gracefulness and femininity of its wearer. It is not recommended for full girls to fill illustrations on this area of the skin, because the folds of skin formed at the site of the picture complicate wound healing and can quickly ruin even the most accurate work of the master. The neck is a very sensitive part of the body, especially the back, so the drawing process will be painful.

- Clavicle. The area above the sternum and under the neck is very attractive, which is why girls often flaunt it with a neckline and off-the-shoulder clothing. The inscriptions next to the collarbones are great for such outfits, however, things on straps in such a situation cannot be worn, because they will partially overlap the tattoo. By stuffing a feminine tattoo in the collarbone area, girls will have to revise their summer wardrobe. An important advantage of the underwear pattern is that the body in this place is practically not deformed, so the sketch will retain its original appearance for a long time.