Tattoo in the form of inscriptions on the arm for girls

Text tattoos are a fairly popular way of decorating a woman's body. Girls often choose them as their first tattoo, since the text is much faster and cheaper to fill than a full-fledged drawing.
Usually phrases or individual words in Russian or foreign languages are applied to the hands or forearms. To prevent such inscriptions from looking vulgar or even funny, you must carefully choose a phrase and know exactly its correct translation.

View overview and sketches
Text images on the skin can be quite large, containing long phrases or written in large letters, or be quite modest in size. It is not uncommon to see mini-tattoos consisting of just one word or several numbers.
The ink color can be classic black, or you can make each word or even an individual letter a different color. The variety of fonts also opens up a lot of room for ideas. But the most important thing is still the meaning of the typed text.

The most popular variants of phrases that girls choose when they come to the master can be roughly divided into four main groups.
- A family. One of the most important components of any person is his family. It can be parental, including the mother, father, brothers, sisters, and other relatives. Inscriptions in their honor often include words of gratitude, love, and memory. Also, a family can be created by the girl herself. Children's names are one of the most popular tattoos in this case.

- Love. Beautiful phrases and quotes about love, the names of loved ones and their dates of birth, quotes from songs and books that are meaningful only for two - all this is embodied in tattoos. The very word "love" in various languages of the world is the most popular female tattoo in almost all countries.

- Life. Inscriptions about the meaning of life, lines from the poems of your favorite poets or quotes from classics are another popular option for a tattoo, especially in a foreign language. Such inscriptions can serve as a consolation or even a motivator, allowing you not to lose strength of mind in difficult life situations.
If you have a desire to get a tattoo on your body, but you still can't find a suitable quote, you can refer to the lists of the most popular catch phrases.

- Philosophy. Such tattoos are less often found on the hands of girls than guys, but still they are also quite popular. Philosophical statements usually have a deep semantic background and are not deciphered the first time. Phrases about good and evil, the choice of a person, life and death. Often on the hands of women, you can see religious tattoos that include quotes from holy books or the names of angels.

Whatever the theme of the tattoo, the main thing is that the inscription looks holistic and harmonious. The phrase should be one-piece, easy to read. In order for others to immediately understand the meaning of the applied text, it is better to do it in native or most popular foreign languages.
Conversely, if you want to keep some privacy, you can choose one of the less popular foreign languages that cannot be easily deciphered by anyone who meets you.

In English
Universal, or the language of the world - that's what they call English. The phrases written on it can be easily read by most of the people. It is suitable for almost any topic. For example, popular motivational phrases: "Remember who you are" or "Everyone has one's own path", which in translation means "remember who you are" and "to each his own way", respectively. Quotes from great people, for example, the words of Oscar Wilde "Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it", which translates as "Life is too important to talk about it seriously."

In French
If in English you can write on the skin about anything, then in French it is worth writing, of course, about love. For example “Écoute ton coeur” which translates as “Listen only to the heart”, or “Un amour, une vie” - “one love and one life”.

In Russian
An even easier way to declare your position in life to others is to write about it in Russian. For example, I. Brodsky's quote "A man is what he reads", or in the words of M. Gorky "There is always a place for exploits in life."

In spanish
Spanish is the language of passion, and therefore your hottest impulses are best expressed in it. For example, you can write next to the name of your loved one “Mi vida”, which translates as “my life”, or “Eres mi pasi” n y mi locura ”, which directly translates as“ you are my madness and my passion ”.

In italian
Beautiful Italian words about family and life will be an excellent decoration on a fragile woman's hand. You can write, for example, "Mamma, ti voglio bene", which translates as "Mom, I love you." Italian scripture quotes will also look appropriate in more hidden places.for example, the inscription “Il mio angelo custode è semper con me”, which translates as “My guardian angel is with me,” is best placed on the shoulder or forearm.

In hebrew
In recent years, Hebrew tattoos have been gaining popularity, displacing Asian hieroglyphs. Almost no one will be able to decipher them without a hint from the hostess. You can simply translate any phrase into Hebrew or choose any aphorism in the original language.
For example "סוף טוב - הכל טוב" in translation means a similar Russian expression "all is well that ends well", and "הכל צפוי והרשות נתונה" - "everything is a foregone conclusion, but there is freedom to choose."

In latin
Not the least popular language for tattooing is Latin. Most often these are expressions familiar to everyone, which are called winged. “Vincere aut mori” - “Victory or death”, “Viam supervadet vadens” - “He who walks will master the road”, “Carpe diem” - “Seize the moment” and other phrases familiar to most people around.

Font selection
With the right typeface, you can enhance or soften the harshness of a typed expression, turn text into a drawing, or simply make it more pleasing to the eye. The main thing here is personal preference. Note, however, that some foreign letters may become unreadable in some fonts. The phrase should not look like a blurry black spot, the correct font will allow you to see every letter in the word. Among all the variety, there are several of the most popular fonts.
- Calligraphy. The basic principle of calligraphy is artistic distortion of letters. It makes the text brighter, more individual. This tattoo looks attractive, resembling Japanese ink writing.

- Gothic. The era of Count Dracula, mysticism and darkness are the main components of Gothic. A few years ago, such a font was exclusively masculine, but more and more women choose it for applying text tattoos. Phrases about life and death, quotes from songs by rock musicians and even names - all this can be seen in the Gothic style tattoos.

- Graffiti. A style that came to the art of tattooing from walls and fences. Girls rarely use it for inscriptions, but it always looks very impressive. This is a choice for the most daring.

- West. The era of cowboys and the "Wild West" is also reflected in the text tattoos. The style is especially popular in the biker environment, so most often it is chosen by the owners of "iron horses" and girls of motorcyclists.

- Handwritten. The hand-made lettering on the skin is perfect for the most personal tattoos. Quotes from letters from a loved one, the first words of children - all this can be decorated with various decorative curls, lower and upper case letters and even punctuation marks. It is very easy to create a sketch of such a tattoo: you just need to write by hand what the master will then apply on the skin.

- Typewritten. The opposite of a handwritten font is typewritten. Classic Word letters or the symbols of an old typewriter with straight lines and indents - all this is a typewritten font. The famous quotes with the indication of the author under the phrase itself look especially stylish in it.

- Minimalism. A typewritten style that works best for a one or two word mini tattoo. They can easily fit even on one finger or a fragile woman's wrist. Any curls, underlines and other embellishments in it are superfluous.

- Littering. On the contrary, the abundance of decorative lines and curls is the hallmark of littering. Literally this style is translated into Russian as "drawing a letter". For a high-quality drawing, it is best to find an experienced master who has been working in this style for several years.

- Captain Cook's font. An unusual decorative style in which each letter is created from many adjacent dots. Rarely used for individual text tattoos, most often combined with large-scale drawings.

- Braille. Designed for blind people, the typeface has unexpectedly taken its place among tattoo lovers as well. Only a few can read such an inscription, and therefore you can fill your innermost thoughts with braille even on open areas of the skin.
To choose the right lettering text, language and font style, you need to have a sufficiently developed sense of style. If the result of your own sketches is not very encouraging, it is best to contact a professional tattoo artist.

Nuances of application
The arm is a fairly large part of the body, which means that it can be divided into several zones suitable for a tattoo. You can make an inscription:
- on the wrist - the most noticeable place where just a few short words will fit;
- on the wrist - also a fairly open space for short, capacious quotes that do not need a signature and translation;
- on the forearm - a large area that allows you to place a lot of text, which is open mainly in the summer;
- on the shoulder - suitable for large inscriptions that the girl wants to mostly hide from strangers.

The choice of a particular area depends on several factors. First of all, these are, of course, the individual preferences of the customer herself. Someone likes to show their drawings to the whole world, while others prefer that only those closest to them know about them. In addition, tattoos are often done to hide skin imperfections such as pigmentation or scars. In this case, the location of the text depends on their area, location and size. Secondly, the physique and lifestyle of the customer play a significant role. For ladies in the body, tattoos will look better on the forearms, and for slender women on the hands and wrists.
Do not place drawings on the shoulders and biceps if the girl spends a lot of time in direct sunlight, otherwise the ink will quickly lose color and blur. And, finally, no less important criterion for choosing the place of applying the inscription is the pain threshold. It is much more painful to write words on the hands and elbows than on the inside of the wrist, shoulder or bicep. Overall, however, the arms are a good area for tattooing.
The skin on them is not prone to stretch marks and sagging even with age, so the inscription will remain almost intact for a long time, especially if you properly care for a fresh tattoo and update it in time.