Tattoo in the form of inscriptions on the arm

Very often, it is not enough for people to just put a certain tattoo on their body, and then they resort to original inscriptions in order to tell everyone around them about their particular position in life, or with the help of a tattoo to express their secret thoughts, or even their relationship to other people. Tattoos in the form of an original inscription are quite diverse, a person has the opportunity to apply any interesting thought to his body, choose any language and clear font.

Views and sketches
It is worth recognizing that tattoo inscriptions have their positive sides:
tattooed text will cost a little less than pictures;
the original text expression will not lose its relevance at any time;
you can overlap the letters with a pattern if the owner of the tattoo does not want to reduce the text tattoo;
tattooed inscriptions help transform any image - a brutal inscription will draw attention to a man, and a light phrase will help a young girl emphasize her charm.

But there are certain disadvantages in these forms of tattoos:
the master can add text with errors;
all tattoos gradually lose their color saturation - the drawings in this regard are perfectly amenable to correction, but the inscriptions on the body can quickly become unreadable.
Most people prefer to get creative tattoos with a well-defined meaning. Here are the main themes of ideas for the most successful tattoos.

- Love. One of the most wonderful feelings that can motivate a real man to great deeds. Different people have different methods of expressing their feelings, and someone opts for a tattoo in the form of a simplified inscription with the name of their lover.You can fill in recognizable quotes from melodramas, lines of poems, lyrics that are also associated with loved ones.

- A family. Many people want to publicly declare to those around them their boundless loyalty to their own family members. For example, Angelina Jolie stuffed small-sized tattoos on her hands with the dates of birth of all children.

- Friendship. Everyone wants a part of a true friend to be constantly nearby in the most difficult moments of life, when their hands simply give up from powerlessness. Many people get double color tattoos for themselves in honor of long-term male or female friendships.

- Life. Often people like to put philosophical reflections in the form of beautiful tattoos on various parts of their own body. And sometimes they do not want to get by with short phrases, especially the male gender gives itself the opportunity to take a serious walk. It even comes to the point that the size of a wide back is not enough for them to place on it the whole essence of their thoughts about life. And it so happens that such phrases are quite small and easy to understand.

- Freedom. A tattoo in the form of an original inscription about love for freedom on the hand of an ordinary person has its own special brutal character. Freedom of expression in this case can be manifested in individuality and independence, a sense of fearlessness, the complete absence of different stereotypes or labels.

- Motivating tattoo plan. Tattoos in the form of inscriptions with motivational phrases are in great demand. People very often lack the motivation or the stimulating message that moves them to take decisive actions. Men who choose motivating phrases are usually very active and strive to develop all the time.

In order to choose the right language for applying a beautiful tattoo phrase, each layman usually relies on the characteristic features of the language. Someone just likes how some foreign language sounds, and some need originality.
If you need to write something very personal on a part of your body that you are not going to tell everyone in a row, then this kind of words or quotes are best displayed in a language that others do not know. In any case, it is best to know the meaning of the chosen tattoo yourself - so be sure to read the translation of the phrase that you like.

In English
It is the most popular language for applying quotes to your body. It is considered international and the most widespread, for this reason almost everyone can read a tattoo in this language.

In French
A very beautiful and most melodic language is most of all to the taste of men with a fine mental organization, real romantics. It is, indeed, one of the best languages for love phrases. In addition to love inscriptions, various philosophical quotes from the greatest philosophers of France can be applied in this language.

In italian
In this language, a tattoo with the motivation "not to give up" will look great. At the same time, you should know that in this language there are as many as 15 times, here the endings usually play the main role - therefore, it is necessary to clearly check the meaning of the selected tattoo phrase.

In spanish
The very sensual tonality of Spanish words is capable of captivating with its dynamic sound. The owner of a tattoo with an inscription in Spanish must himself be very temperamental, impossibly passionate, courageously graceful.

Today, more and more often, on the streets of cities, you can see tattoos in daring German on the human body. In terms of sounding power, this is a rather solid language, therefore, it can be combined with the original meaning of any phrase as much as possible compositionally.

In hebrew
There are many wise phrases in Hebrew that can be used for tattooing. Wearers of tattooed inscriptions in Hebrew usually give a special sacred meaning to their tattoo and the form of an occult message.Like ornate Arabic script, stylish Hebrew letters should be written from right to left. Before getting a tattoo, it is best to consult with a direct native speaker rather than relying too much on non-specialist translations on the net.

In latin
Another great option is some really stylish Latin tattoos. Various kinds of inscriptions in ancient Latin, indeed, intrigue others, and at the same time look quite attractive. This ancient language has been considered strictly scientific for many millennia; many ordinary people, in general, believe that no one except doctors uses it anymore. Latin is considered the progenitor of many modern languages of the world. In Latin, many of the philosophical properties of thinking can be expressed as brightly as possible.
Most often, fashionable tattoos in Latin are chosen by purposeful men, whose life is full of serious experience.
The owners of such tattoos believe that after they put a certain inscription in Latin on their bodies, their lives began to change significantly for the better.

In the Arabic language
This language is called the storehouse of the wisdom of the East. A characteristic difference of this oriental language from others is that Arabic words are very similar to intricate ligature and, at the same time, are still written from the right side to the left. It is, indeed, a whole art to create this kind of inscription - each letter should flow smoothly and as beautifully as possible into the next letter, this kind of letter looks very aesthetically pleasing if done carefully.

The Arabic language is considered quite difficult to learn, especially for an ordinary person, without special education, it will be very difficult to make the correct translation of the desired phrase. For this reason, it is better to immediately contact the direct speaker of this beautiful language, or choose popular, and therefore, common sayings for tattooing.
And there are also cases when, along with beautiful and philosophical phrases, a person wants to place next to him some unusual drawing - a flower or an animal. In this case, the tattoo will attract even more attention and acquire additional semantic meaning.

Font selection
Gothic luxurious font, characteristic textured application of text inscription, graffiti style, “old typewriter” style - all of them and many other fonts will help to radically decorate not only the appearance of a tattoo, but also the appearance of a person as a whole, and not only in a positive way. but also negative. That is why it is so important to choose your unique font that is most suitable for a particular phrase. In this matter, you can rely on the advice of an experienced tattoo artist. Usually modern men opt for classic, standard fonts. Girls choose the lightest options for writing quotes on their bodies.

Location options
The best way to tell others about your position in life is to depict tattoo quotes on a tanned arm. For any person, such phrases can become one of the most successful tools for self-expression. Hands are considered the most uncovered places of the human body, therefore, the selected tattoos should be as clear as possible in meaning and communicate the owner of the tattoo in a positive way. Human fingers can easily accommodate only 2-3 words, but on the forearm you can use phrases for a dozen different words.

Representatives of the modern youth get-together are stuffed with beautiful tattoos on thin wrists, since this part of the body is most often open, and any image or inscription will be noticeable to everyone. The place on the inner side of the hand can be considered often found, since if necessary, you can hide the inscription under the watch strap or bracelet.

Few run the risk of getting a tattoo in the form of the original inscription on the brush.The problem is that such a tattoo often interferes with ordinary people when they are employed in a serious company, or it may simply not look very pretty. Few people choose the place at the bend of the elbow - there is the place for a creative drawing, but the quote will look deformed after a while.