Old school tattoo

The art of tattooing is becoming more and more diverse every year and does not lose its popularity. Images in different styles are in demand not only among men, but also among women. Old school tattoos in modern society are one of the most relevant trends. This technique appeared in the 19th century, gradually improved and now combines a diverse palette of shades, different sizes, symbols.

Features and characteristics
It is believed that the first old school tattoos were seen by sailors from Europe who visited the Polynesian islands. The impression from the drawings was so vivid and strong that gradually body painting began to gain popularity in the civilized world. It was the sailors who brought tattoos in this style to the traditional world.
The main characteristic features of the direction:
- the presence of a dense black contour;
- simple colors - black, blue, green, red palettes are used most often;
- conciseness of drawings with a minimum of detail;
- both flat and volumetric drawings are approximately equivalent;
- naval and military themes are very popular;
- in addition to drawings, inscriptions are often stuffed; in this technique, you can fill in a name, phrase or date.

The modern style of old school is strikingly different from those drawings that once killed sailors. But the main features remain the same, it's just that the technique has become more refined and overgrown with new details. The essence of the technique is the introduction of the pigment at a special angle. Due to the slope, the paint is located deeper, it does not fade or deform longer. The American style is distinguished - flat images applied as tightly as possible. A clear black outline is formed, rather thick.The technique itself was tailored for men, so most of the motives have a brutal mood. This is due to historical events; there were no women among the sailors.
In modern society, old school tattoos are not very common among women. The reasons are simple: bright ornaments, drawing on visible areas, catchy contour, roughness, large area of use. Women most often rely on miniature, graceful designs that can be safely hidden under clothes. Men, on the other hand, tend to attract attention with catchy contrasting tattoos.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but in general, old-school tattoos are extremely rare on women.

Popular sketches and their meanings
Women's and men's tattoos in modern society do not carry such a sacred meaning as in past times. Most often, small and large, colored and black and white tattoos serve only a decorative function. Despite the fact that the significance of drawings on the body is reduced to decoration, nevertheless, each ornament, any inscription or image has its own meaning. This also applies to the old school style. Among the popular sketches of this direction, several themes can be distinguished.

First of all it is Martin, the symbolism of which is directly related to motherhood. On the one hand, there is no trace of the connection between sailors and the sign of the ancient Greek goddess who patronizes mothers. On the other hand, the same goddess ruled over the heavens and the winds. Therefore, sailors often used the image of a swallow.
In fact, this sign implied a desire to return home as soon as possible. Do not forget that for many, the swallow symbolized love. If you like the image, you can put any of the following into it. And here Eagle has a rather clear odious meaning - imperiousness, strength.

The most popular are representatives of wild felines: panther, jaguar, tiger. Panther or jaguar can be yellow, blue, black. The value is determined depending on the color. The yellow panther symbolizes the sun, the blue-black symbolizes the moon. As for tiger, then it is a sign of strength, resilience, self-confidence. This often refers to the spirit of the warrior. Another old-school sign of invincible strength is the bear.
Often image used wolf, meaning loneliness and incredible fortitude. Fox implies wisdom, cunning, foresight. Snake, creeping or curled up, denotes a keen mind.
Not only animals, but also insects are used in old school technology. For example, a butterfly implies development, becoming, improving oneself.

Floral ornaments in this technique are not uncommon, most often these motifs mean passion, joyful moments, life itself. The popular rose has gotten rid of its negative meaning in favor of a positive one. Today it is a sign of beauty, love, purity.

Other options
There are other current variations of old school tattoos.
- Ship. Initially, tattoos were popular among sailors and it is not surprising that the development of the style began with the symbolism close to them. The ship symbolized the second home and at the same time freedom, the future, the desire to move forward, not to stand still. The modern interpretation is closer to the second meaning, but the traditional ship-house is also a respected symbol by many. The person filling the ship demonstrates his readiness for change and trust in the world as a whole.

- Anchor. Another variation close to the marine theme. In fact, it means protection from any obstacles, difficulties, troubles. The meaning of the anchor has not changed over time, but the modern image is significantly different with spectacular additions in the form of patterns.

- Knife. Knives and daggers demonstrate that the owner of the tattoo does not give up in front of any difficulties. This is a symbol of struggle, a desire to go to the end and get what you want. The knife is metaphorical as a symbol, it means the fight not with people, but with obstacles.

- Heart. A spectacular heart is rather ambiguously perceived as a symbol. The most obvious meaning is love for someone. And also the owner of such a tattoo could imply nobility or fortitude. This sign is rarely depicted alone, most often it acts as an element of the composition.
Depending on the additions, the meaning of the tattoo also changes.

- Scull. The traditional meaning of this drawing is not as gloomy as it seems. This is a symbol of overcoming various obstacles, courage. In modern art, skull tattoos are applied as talismans, amulets.

- Mermaid. This drawing embodies the beauty, not only of women, but of the whole world. And also it is a symbol of family values, tranquility, well-being in this area.

Where to apply?
Tattoos on the body can be located in almost any part of it. The old school technique in the modern formation does not have strict restrictions, but there are traditionally popular application areas.
- On the forearm. The demand for this particular part of the body is explained by the lowest possible level of pain in the process of creating a tattoo. Unsurprisingly, the forearm is in demand among both men and women. Old-school drawings often take up a large area, the entire forearm goes down, grab the back. In women, the pattern on the forearm is usually small and more subtle. Sometimes the tattoo is drawn as the bottom of the sleeve.
- On the shoulder. A universal area that is used for tattooing in different styles, including old school ones. Quite often, images of complex ensembles are placed here, which occupy a large area and are extended above and below. Old school tattoos can start on the wrist, go higher, cover the shoulder and end on the neck. Sometimes the ornament in this technique begins with the filling of one element. Then gradually the attributes are added, and the composition becomes more complex and multifaceted visually and in meaning.
- On the chest. This area is mainly used for male tattoos. Mostly because the masculine images in this area are less vulgar.
- On the back. A very popular area for tattooing in this style. There is no space limitation and you can embody the most daring ideas and the most complex compositions. However, creating a tattoo on the back also has a minus - serious pain. After all, it is the spine that is the most painful area on the human body.
- On the foot. A tattoo using the old cheekbone technique can be located on any part of the leg, most often it is the thigh, calves. The area of the zones is quite large and allows you to implement a variety of ideas - with an inscription, drawings.

Beautiful examples
A chic composition that combines the image of an animal, technology, the theme of space and other elements.

The ship image is a popular theme for this style. It can be overgrown with other elements.

Swallow symbol, lighthouse, flower ornament - traditional style ensemble.

The anchor piercing the heart is a popular topic for tattooing.

The bear symbol of fortitude is a bright drawing that means courage and determination.