Wolf grin tattoo

A tattoo depicting a grinning wolf is not very common. Such drawings are preferred by courageous and strong personalities who are not afraid of other people's opinions.

People have worshiped wolves since ancient times. These animals have always been considered strong, wise and able to travel between worlds. Therefore, tattoos with their images have always been popular. Previously, only strong and brave warriors had tattoos with grinning wolves on their bodies. Now anyone can decorate their body with such a spectacular pattern.

A tattoo depicting a formidable wolf with a grin usually symbolizes courage, endurance and masculine strength. As a rule, such tattoos are stuffed on the body by imperious men.

In addition, a tattoo with a grin of a wolf often means a desire to defend your opinion to the last. The owners of such tattoos usually do not like it when they try to lead.

Girls choose a tattoo with a wolf grin much less often. They usually try to soften the image of a grim wolf by complementing the drawing with an image of the moon or some other interesting details. Such tattoos are suitable for girls with a strong character.

Types and variants of sketches
Now there are many interesting options for a wolf grin tattoo. When planning to make such a composition on the body, you should pay attention to beautiful ready-made sketches. This will make it much easier to find something interesting for yourself.
- Werewolf... Fans of fantasy or mythology will love the idea of decorating their body with a spectacular image of a werewolf. It can be either small or take up most of the back. A werewolf with an open mouth looks menacing and impressive. Typically, these tattoos are done in red and black.The finished sketch can be supplemented with such characteristic symbols as the full moon or claw marks.

- Wolf in flames. The wolf's head, surrounded by bright tongues of flame, also looks rather unusual. Such a tattoo is a symbol of a strong connection with the other world. Tattoos are best done in color. In this case, the flames can be not only red or orange, but also blue or green. Very often, the eyes of the wolf also make fiery scarlet. This only emphasizes the gloom of the tattoo.

- Jumping animal. For active and mobile people who are not accustomed to sitting and inactive, a tattoo depicting a bared wolf in a jump is suitable. Such a drawing emphasizes the willingness to take risks and achieve their goals in any way.
You can stuff both the whole wolf and the front part of its figure.

- A pack of wolves. In the wild, wolves prefer to live in packs. They are very loyal animals. Therefore, they are always ready to defend their flock from any enemies. If the wolf, which is grinning, is surrounded by other animals, the tattoo is a symbol of loyalty to its loved ones. It is suitable for a person who tries to protect his family and relatives from everything bad. Very often, a she-wolf is placed next to a bared wolf. In this case, the tattoo denotes a close relationship between the owner of the tattoo and his soul mate.

- Wolf and flowers... Tattoos like this are more popular among girls. This contrast between wolf's rage and the beauty of flowers looks interesting and unusual. It is with this that the tattoos attract young ladies. You can surround the figure of a grinning wolf with both simple wildflowers and spectacular roses.

- Skull tattoo. Very often, a large wolf is depicted next to the skull. Such a tattoo is a symbol of a person's lack of fear of death. These tattoos look pretty gloomy. Therefore, they are usually stuffed on the body by people with a difficult life path. A massive tattoo with a skull and a wolf looks beautiful on the shoulder blade or chest.

- Two wolves... A tattoo with a pattern of two wolves usually takes up quite a lot of space. Such a drawing symbolizes the willingness to defend against enemies or the struggle between good and evil. To make the tattoo more interesting, one of the wolves is made white or red, the other black.

- The sun... A tattoo depicting a grinning wolf and a large sun will definitely attract the attention of fans of Scandinavian myths. Such patterns are usually made elongated and stuffed on the shoulder or arm. The beast in such a sketch is usually depicted in chains.

- Wolf in the forest. Wild animals are often depicted against the background of the forest. Trees can be supplemented with volumetric clouds. Such a tattoo helps to emphasize the love of freedom and independence. It is also suitable for a person who is constantly drawn to nature.

You can add some kind of inscription to the resulting drawing. It can be a beautiful quote from a song or even a person's life motto.
Animal tattoos are most often done realistic... It is this style that best of all helps to convey all the beauty of wild animals. Wolves are no exception. Bared animals look impressive and menacing. The only drawback of such tattoos is that they take a long time and are expensive. But this usually does not stop true tattoo lovers.

When planning to fill a smaller drawing, you should take a closer look at less detailed sketches. These can be original tattoos made in the style of minimalism or oriental. In the first case, the drawing consists of lines and dots. It is usually made slightly darkened. Oriental style tattoos, on the contrary, consist of bold lines.

You can add lightness to the tattoo by completing a sketch-style drawing. In this case, it will look like a regular pencil sketch. Such tattoos need to be done large. Only in this case they will be beautiful. Small sketch-style tattoos look fuzzy and messy. It can ruin even the most beautiful sketch.Over time, such tattoos can be made more detailed or supplemented with strokes of bright colors.

Lovers of color tattoos should take a closer look at bright tattoos in the style old school... Such tattoos differ from others in their simplicity. A minimum amount of paints are used to create them. The main details in the picture are outlined with thick dark lines. Simple designs made using this technique are often complemented with flowers or stars.

Places of application
A wolf tattoo can be placed on almost any part of the body... The choice of a place for a tattoo should be treated responsibly. Many people prefer to fill in drawings on those parts of the body that are almost never visible to strangers. In this case, the tattoo will not interfere with employment, and also will not be able to quickly bore its owner.

Most often, tattoos with wild animals are stuffed on the shoulder or on the forearm. This type of drawing will look best on the male body. The image with a bared wolf perfectly emphasizes the muscles.
To decorate the body, it is recommended to select realistic tattoos or drawings in the oriental style.

The voluminous tattoo on the arm can later be supplemented with solid or colored details and turned into a sleeve. Next to the grinning wolf, images of feathers, compasses, clocks or flowers look beautiful. The sleeves made in the style of popular films or fairy tales look interesting.

Beautiful large size designs can be positioned on the chest or back. Small contour tattoos - on the shoulder blade, ankle or wrist. One of the most risky options is drawing on a brush. Usually on this part of the body of wild animals are depicted in order to emphasize their attitude to the world around them.

A tattoo with a bared wolf will perfectly fit into the image of a strong and self-confident man or a strong girl. The main thing is to choose the right sketch for yourself and contact a good master.