All about the Panther tattoo

Nowadays, the image of such an animal as a panther is becoming more and more popular. Many endow this wild cat with qualities such as nobility, beauty and grace. In addition, the reason for the popularity of this image is the aesthetic appearance of the panther.... We will describe below what a tattoo with the image of this predator means, what message such a body drawing for girls and men carries.

Panther Is an animal belonging to the feline family, the image of which is immensely popular in many cultures. This animal has been revered and chanted for a long time, endowing it with many positive qualities characteristic of humans.
In ancient times, it was believed that this creature is associated with resurrection, and in Greece it was believed that the panther is the faithful companion of Dionysus, the god of vegetation, grapes and winemaking.
In general, for many people, the image of this animal symbolizes courage, grace, dexterity, flexibility, lack of fear of any obstacles, problems, dedication and some mystery. This image is fanned by mysticism for many.
Panther also symbolizes leadership qualities, independence from other people and circumstances, fortitude.

It is worth noting that the color of the panther plays an important role in the interpretation of its image.
So, images are very common black and yellow panthers... The animal in yellow, which is also known as a leopard or jaguar, symbolizes sunlight and personifies spiritual strength, power over other creatures. The yellow panther was respected and praised, but at the same time there was a fearful, somewhat wary attitude towards her.The reason for this was that in some cultures her image was interpreted as the personification of meanness and evil. However, among the peoples of the countries of Asia and Europe, this image, on the contrary, was associated with protection, the panther was perceived by them as the guardian of the human race.

For the Mayan tribes, this animal also meant a lot: it personified great strength. For this reason, people often donned the skin of a yellow panther. Shamans also used her image in their numerous rituals and ceremonies. They believed that this animal is a kind of guide from a conscious perception of reality to a state of unconsciousness. For them, the panther also meant wisdom, experience, sanity and strength; this image was not associated with cruelty and aggression. And in African countries, this animal was perceived as something divine and holy.
The black panther is interpreted as the personification of darkness, night mysteries. Her image symbolizes nobility, sophistication and grace. For this reason, this animal often lived in the homes of noble people as a pet. In many cultures, it is believed that the black panther is the only creature that is able to compete with the dragon and even defeat it.

Among the pygmies, this image was associated with the god of thunder and lightning, Thor. It was believed that the panther is one of the guises of this deity. In some cultures, this noble animal was also depicted in the form of a werewolf, but this rarely happened, since for most this image was considered independent.
In Christian culture, the black panther symbolizes deceit, deception, treason. However, a positive interpretation of this image is still more common.

If we talk about a tattoo depicting a panther, then it is universal and suitable for both men and women. For both, this image has a positive interpretation:
- force;
- nobility;
- independence;
- spiritual maturity;
- intelligence.

The image of a panther for women is of particular importance. For them, it symbolizes:
- protection of offspring;
- beauty;
- female grace and plasticity;
- vitality;
- maternal instinct;
- self-sacrifice;
- passion;
- loyalty and devotion;
- endless love for yourself, your loved ones, your offspring.

Sketch options
By style
The tattoo, which depicts the image of a panther, can be made in a variety of styles.
The most common style is realism... Typically, such drawings are characterized by a high degree of detail and are made in black and white, a little less often in color. In such images, special attention is paid to the eyes of this wild animal, they convey its mood, which can be either playful, calm, or, on the contrary, aggressive, and also make the drawing more atmospheric, mysterious and deep. If we talk about the size of such tattoos, then most often they are large-scale and represent a full-fledged picture with some kind of plot.

However, a style like minimalism, for a tattoo with the image of this animal will also be appropriate. Such tattoos, as a rule, are complemented by elements in the style graphics or geometry, which gives the picture an unusual look.

Stylized versions of such images also take place. Such drawings can be performed in different style solutions, for example, watercolor, new school and others. Such wearable pictures look very interesting and bright, which emphasizes the individuality of the owner of the tattoo, his non-standard view of the world and the boundless flight of fantasy.

By plot
The plot solution of panther tattoos can be different. These or those compositional elements are of great importance and play an important role in the interpretation of the drawing.
So, the standard version is the image of the panther as an independent object. It can be either a small or a large drawing, depending on the wishes of the owner of the future underwear design. On such a tattoo, only the head of a panther or an animal in full growth can be depicted - this moment largely depends on the wishes of the client and the skills of the tattoo artist.

If the panther is depicted in full growth, then her pose is of great importance. So, if the panther in the figure is alert, sneaks, tries to hide, this is a symbol of the transience of life.
Such an image, as it were, indicates to a person that a variety and spontaneous situations can occur in his life, which are simply impossible to predict, and therefore it is necessary to always be on the alert, while maintaining composure, reason and wisdom, not succumbing to the pressure of emotions and feelings.

If the panther is depicted in a jump, then such a pose symbolizes courage, dedication, the ability to provide full protection to both yourself and your loved ones, the desire to defend your principles and, if necessary, fight for them.

If only panther head, then such a pattern may have its own characteristics. So, if the picture shows the grin of this wild cat, then this is a symbol of aggression and strength. Such a wearable image serves as a kind of warning to other people that it is dangerous and difficult to be at enmity with its wearer. If the panther is calm, then this means wisdom, experience, reason and composure.

Now it's worth saying about compositional details, which are often depicted in such drawings. The most popular option is a panther head with a crown on it. Such a drawing can be both stylized and made in the style of realism. It symbolizes nobility, emphasizes the high self-esteem of a person, his self-confidence, beauty and grace.

A panther surrounded by flowers or with a rose in his teeth - this is also a very popular pattern that is applied to the body as tattoos. These tattoos are done mainly by girls. Delicate flowers soften the meaning of the image. As a result, such a drawing symbolizes beauty, femininity, energy, sexuality, gentleness, but also independence, self-confidence, the ability to stand up for oneself, if required.
The stylized drawing, which depicts the Pink Panther, also looks quite interesting. - the character of the famous cartoon of the same name. This is a rather extraordinary hero. A tattoo with his image is suitable mainly for those people who always look at the world with a positive, they are charming and open, always ready for new acquaintances.
As a rule, they also have a good sense of humor and friendliness, they often become the soul of the company and are rarely not in the spotlight.

Where to place?
The tattoo, which depicts the image of a panther, can be placed anywhere, depending on the preferences of the person who will later be the bearer of this drawing. So, large-scale drawings are most often depicted on the back, chest, abdomen, arm or shoulder. Most people prefer an area like the forearm. The reason for this is that in this place the process of applying a tattoo does not feel so painful, which for many plays a decisive role in choosing.

Small Images can be positioned literally anywhere. This can be the leg, hip, hand, shoulder blade, wrist, ankle, lower back, collarbone, neck, or any other area. On any part of the body, the panther will look attractive, bright and unusual, if, of course, the master who applied the drawing has experience, skill and talent.

Beautiful examples
There are many options for beautiful panther tattoo designs. They can be made in different styles, colors and sizes. Below we present some variations of such tattoos that are perfect for both women and men.