All About Cancer Tattoo

Zodiac sign tattoos attract the attention of men and women. Many people opt for the Cancer sign. However, when choosing a sketch and additional elements, you should be interested in their meaning. It is also important to determine in advance the place of application and the color scheme, which also affect the semantic load of the tattoo. Zodiac Cancer is liked by its mystery and originality.

Cancer does not exist without a shell, which is a reliable protection for its insides, eggs... People born under this zodiac sign also have a kind of "shell" that protects them psychologically. It is very difficult for an outsider to get into the inner world of crayfish.As a rule, rationality, pragmatism, insight and rationality are inherent in this sign.
Tattoo sign of the zodiac "Cancer" can carry several values at the same time. Most often, the image symbolizes ambition, initiative, endurance, self-respect, the desire to adhere to strategy and tactics. And also a tattoo with cancer means attachment to events that have remained in the past, and sometimes the search for true love.

The type of Cancer sign is very interesting and often consists of two crossed nines or commas.... The image in sketches is easily played around, turning, for example, into the display of Yin and Yang symbols. Often, the "Cancer" tattoo is applied by harmonious and balanced natures who want to emphasize this feature.
Zodiac sign Cancer on the body is more often liked by purposeful people who know what they want from life. It also attracts those who wish to go through self-improvement. Cancer tattoo owners note that they become less wasteful and more closely follow their goals. And also the image is able to endow the carrier with analytic abilities and become a support on the path to outstanding results in various fields.

For young people, underwear with cancer is associated with wisdom, high intelligence, and a practical approach. Often, such a tattoo contributes to a calm mood and a desire for spiritual development. A bright and visible image allows you to be the center of attention. In addition, personalities with him are considered excellent storytellers and the soul of the company.
A tattoo with the zodiac sign Cancer symbolizes the combination of a philosophical mind with a simple, even comic attitude to life's problems. Sometimes it can mean an inextricable connection with a series of trials in life. People who rely only on themselves, have achieved recognition and material prosperity like painting cancer.

Each of the zodiac signs is fraught with magical influence.
It is believed that Cancer, applied to the skin, gives strength, courage, makes the character more solid, and a person more self-confident.... A correctly selected sketch will positively influence the fate of the owner throughout his life. For a long time, the zodiac sign Cancer has been attributed to the healing value. Currently, such a tattoo is done by those who need to overcome complex diseases.

For men
Representatives of the stronger sex should take into account that cancer is filled with female energy and is sometimes capable of transmitting these traits to the carrier. Therefore, it is desirable to give preference to monochrome, ideally black sketches, without unnecessary elements. The patron saint of crayfish is the Moon, which endowed the sign with a sacred meaning.
Eastern peoples character as a number 69 were correlated with the sign of Yin and Yang, as well as with infinity.

The Sumerians there was a belief that under the constellation Cancer was born the son of Nannar, the son of the god Enli. He taught people crafts and spirituality, which led to development and prosperity.

In ancient egypt the sign was associated with a scarab beetle and meant rebirth - both bodily and spiritual.

- Among Christian there was a belief that people born under the sign of Cancer are the owners of unique knowledge.

Modern men most often choose a tattoo with this constellation to strengthen the inner core, self-confidence, fertility. And it is also believed that he helps guys not to make mistakes and get rid of weaknesses.

For girls
Women wear designs with the Cancer zodiac sign to show themselves caring, prudent, sensual and emotional. Very often, such tattoos are liked by independent and independent natures who are ready to cope with any difficulties. The zodiac symbol of cancer, applied to the skin, makes it possible to focus on yourself and overcome feelings of guilt. Women often complement the sketch with various details, including flowers, marine fauna, geometric elements, ornaments. Some say that the Cancer constellation tattoo helped them become happy mothers.

Images of the zodiac sign Cancer are most often chosen by sensitive individuals who are distinguished by daydreaming and a craving for romance. As a rule, the presence of such a symbol on the hand indicates that a woman perceives the world as a whole more subtly and is characterized by frequent mood swings.
Cancer sign bearers have a rich imagination, but at the same time they gently and confidently achieve their goals.

Thumbnail overview
Cancer zodiac sign has a strong connection with the water element, therefore the image of arthropods is often complemented by elements from marine paraphernalia. Algae, original stones, sand can become an effective part of the composition. The zodiac symbol will look good when paired with its companion Moon. A complex sketch will look very original, in which a lunar path is visible against the background of the water surface, and a crayfish is located at the water's edge.

No less interesting are the compositions where arthropods are simply located next to a large image of a celestial body.Variants where the constellation is supplemented with an inscription in Latin are also very popular.

Quite often, the sign of Cancer is depicted as nines or commas, which seem to lie on top of each other. Such a pattern can be both horizontal and vertical. Usually sketches are made small and are complemented by stripes, curls, floral motifs.

The Cancer zodiac sign belongs to the water element, therefore, tattoos are most often chosen in a nautical style. These sketches can be decorated with the sea, waves, crabs, seaweed, starfish and other elements.

An interesting option would be a tattoo with inscriptions. The most popular are those where the letters are an accompaniment for a constellation or zodiacal symbol. Any font can be used. In this case, the inscription can be placed both horizontally and vertically, and in the form of a semicircle.

A typical depiction of the Cancer symbol, as in astrology, shows that a person is sensitive, passionate, devoted to choice and open to procreation. An arthropod with a skull is most often applied by those who are interested in mysticism and everything otherworldly.

Backing crayfish are depicted as insecure individuals who often do stupid things. To enhance the sacred meaning of the tattoo, the composition can be supplemented with pearls, coins, and various sea inhabitants.

Mysterious cancer should be well thought out in terms of color scheme... After all, the magical effect of the tattoo on the wearer depends on the color. Experts advise not to choose one color, but at least use several of its shades. Zodiac designs will look great in aquatic colors such as blues, blues and turquoise.
Silver and white are also good options.

Several colors in the image must be combined correctly. So, shades of red indicate that the courageous and self-confident owner of the tattoo is very belligerent and ready to repulse anyone. Quite often, in such compositions, the carapace of the cancer is made in the form of armor.

Blue shades in body images of arthropods symbolize the ability to think rationally in all situations. And also the choice of the blue palette indicates that the carrier is a cold and calculating person. Most often, such colors are chosen by people with extensive life experience who find the right solutions in any difficult situations.

Natural, natural shades mean positive changes. The owners of such wearable designs show that they have rethought the past years and abandoned the bad things that were in the past. Cancer made using dark shades means that a person has the same qualities as an arthropod.

For tattoos with the Cancer zodiac sign, minimalism is most often used. This style is great for an intricate constellation or lettering symbol.

New cheekbones should be chosen if the drawing will be large-scale and have clear contours. At the same time, the color palette will often be colorful.

For the decoration of abstract images, ornamental is best suited. Bright shades are perfect to highlight the peculiarities of the arthropod habitat.

A schematic drawing, in which an important emphasis is placed on beautiful transitions of light and shadow, will be able to convey the dotwork style well.

Tribal-style cancer looks very original.

Realism can look beneficial without any additions. The main thing is to choose the right colors and shades.

Tattoos made using the handpoke technique have an interesting look. The image is applied using only a needle and paint, without a typewriter.

Places of application
From the place where the Cancer symbol is located, the meaning of the tattoo can change. Men prefer to stuff this mark on their chest. This helps to become more self-confident, strengthen the spirit and will, and also become stronger physically and mentally.On the shoulder, a tattoo with an arthropod is done more often by the fairer sex, since the drawing on this place fills with feminine energy and contributes to the conception of children.

Drawing a zodiac sign on the forearm helps to improve relationships between loved ones and create a family. The place on the right wrist should be selected for cancer, if you want harmony in various areas of life.
Left - suitable for doubting and insecure individuals who are unhappy with their lives.

For the mysterious arthropod, it is better to choose the right hand, in particular the palm, hand and fingers. This will fill your life with positive things. Sleeve tattoos look impressive on the arm. To achieve professional success and for the purpose of self-development, it is recommended to print the pattern on the neck.

Sensual natures should paint the image of the cancer on their side. If there is a need to strengthen the relationship with the soul mate, then it is worth choosing a place for a tattoo on the thigh. On the back, large-scale compositions are made that enhance the positive qualities of the owner.

Small sketches should be done on the lower back, on the shoulder blade or on the collarbone. These places allow you to achieve inner harmony, overcome weakness, and become wiser. For men, cancer will reveal its positive and powerful effects if done on the leg. A tattoo in this place will force you to move forward towards your goals.