Variety of tattoo with an angel

Among the huge variety of all kinds of body images, a special place is always occupied by tattoos with angels. Usually, drawings depicting these divine and innocent creatures allow a person to demonstrate to those around him the level of his spirituality, a certain infallibility, but in the modern interpretation, they can also easily denote unrequited love, strong protection and patronage of heaven, certain doubts and hope for a brighter future.

The word "angel" in translation from Greek means aggelos - divine messenger. This is a well-known heavenly creature that transmits divine decisions to people and helps earthly inhabitants to defend themselves from all kinds of evil forces. A tattoo with an angel on the body most often has a clear religious connotation, and in this case it will denote devotion, the connection between the owner of the tattoo and God.

The guardian angel among many nations, even today, is a symbol of protection from demonic forces and the forces of human evil.
If this kind of tattoo is applied from the point of view of character, then it helps its owner to highlight his positive features with the help of the image of an angel: high spirituality, open kind-heartedness, merciful responsiveness, all-encompassing love for others.
For many, a tattoo with a messenger of heaven is equivalent to an image of a talisman. Such people believe that the angel depicted on the body will help protect them from various diseases, protect them from the evil eye, save them from troubles, help overcome possible disappointments and various kinds of fears, and allow them to find real earthly happiness.For young girls, the image of the heavenly messenger has its own special sacred meaning - it is an unquenchable hope for a brighter future under the heavenly protection of their own guardian angel.

The philosophical meaning of such an original tattoo can be defined very broadly. The image of an angel with a cross is a kind of symbol of hope, and besides that, it is also a reminder of significant losses in life. If the messenger of God is on his knees, then his owner is praying for health, balance within himself, for help in making the only right decision.

Images with angels allow many people to go through very difficult periods, to fill their lives with faith in a happy future. Also, such drawings can symbolize the fact that bad events quickly pass and are forgotten one day, they help to tune a person to a positive perception of the surrounding reality.

Types and sketches of tattoos
It doesn't matter which specific tattoo you choose in the final version - large or small, with an ornate and instructive inscription in Latin or in Russian, the most important thing is that this tattoo helps you reflect your attitude towards life and express all your aspirations for positive changes in it ...

Consider the most popular types of heavenly messenger tattoos.
- Cherubs. Most often they are depicted as small naked babies with small wings, usually soaring in lush clouds. Cupid, striking arrows of love and swinging on a swing, also refers to heavenly beings, although in some cultures it is considered not a good, but an evil genius. In our country, tattoos with angels are endowed with a romantic meaning, and their owners firmly believe that these kids will bring them good luck in love.

Sometimes you can see an image of a crying cherub on a tattoo - a sign that the owner of the image has gone through a difficult relationship and still cannot let go of them.
- Angel wings. This is one of the brightest symbols of angelic beings. It is the wings that help to make any image with God's messengers recognizable and for this reason they have a special meaning when applied. Fully spread wings will tell about the incredible strength of spirit and faith of its owner. Folded wings or even broken ones will mean agonizing doubts about the choice. Men's tattoos in the form of open wings, especially on the back, can eloquently indicate that the owner of the image wants to become a guardian angel for his loved ones forever.

- Archangel. In fact, the archangels are the most important angels, because they are endowed with great opportunities with heavenly power. The most revered are Michael and Gabriel. The images of these archangels can be seen more often than others in religious colored tattoos. Drawings of this kind help to emphasize the spirituality of a particular person and tell about the importance of faith on his life path.

- Angel and demon. If the messenger of God and the evil demon are drawn together on one tattoo, this kind of picture will mean a serious struggle within the person himself - in such a tattoo one can read the struggle of positive and evil thoughts. Depending on who wins in this picture, the meaning will also change. A sketch may include a defeated demon and an angel flying up with a sword in hand over it, or the victory of the forces of evil over a defeated heavenly messenger. Also, in this way, you can quite clearly express the idea of combating human vices or bad habits.

- Praying messenger. The image of the praying messenger of God in a tattoo most often expresses the hope for atonement for committed sins. Usually, in this case, an angel is applied to the body with his hands neatly folded on his chest, with a face frozen in supplication, and often such an image is complemented by a stylish cross or rosary.

- Tattoos of warring messengers. Such an image would represent protection.In such pictures, you can often notice the dominance of faceless invincible strength and power. Angels with weapons in their hands will radiate peace of mind, almost innocence, because in their case they do everything to make good overcome evil.

Styles and colors
Tattoos with divine messengers can be done in different styles, which is what professional masters use, offering their clients an endless variety of design options for such tattoos.

The most significant, serious tattoos with guardian angels or archangels are advised by masters to do in a realistic style or in black and white graphics.
The lightness and brightness of the image is best for expressing watercolor or fun new school style. You can easily move away from traditional classics and portray an angel using a style such as dotwork, or in a fairly popular Japanese style. Girls can opt for a minimalist style - drawings of small wings are applied to places that are invisible to the eyes of others on their bodies.

The colored angels on the human body are mesmerizing. It will be better and more interesting if the tattoo artist uses the full range of colors, plays with black shadows and light highlights, and makes believable transitions. This will convey the meaning of the tattoo with the messenger of God with maximum realism.
Angel tattoos will be simply superb in rich blacks and catchy pinks, incredible yellows and heavenly blues. The merry cherubs painted with white paints will look exquisite. An angel in the form of a woman with crimson wings will look great on a brutal body - a real symbol of the transience of human existence.

Location options
Small cherubs will look best on the chest and shoulder blade. Large sketches of God's messengers on the sternum are most often placed by people with a dark past, which eloquently testifies to their sincere desire to become on the true path as soon as possible.

An angel with outstretched huge wings will look as impressive as possible on a man's back, although more and more often this kind of tattoo can be seen on flexible women's backs. A tattoo on the back in the form of an angel flying into the sky will tell about the spiritual formation of its owner.

Images of this kind are superbly rendered with many fine details.
On the shoulders or forearm, you can see both a flying angel and a messenger spreading his wings. Such a tattoo will mean the desire for fundamental changes or the complete rebirth of the owner.

Tattoos in the form of small angel wings are very often asked to be done on the wrist, neck, fingers. On the hands, an angel tattoo is mostly done in the style of minimalism or a completely miniature image. A whole exposure with angels can be applied on the hips or ribs.

The angels on the arm sleeve are beautiful in the form of a plot pattern. Small cherubs are usually depicted on the collarbone. For purely religious reasons, you should not put praying angels on your legs, shins, lower back.