Number 13 tattoo

Many people apply tattoos not just to stand out, but to interest others in this, to hook them with any feature. After all, it is known that people who love eccentricity often make dizzying success in their careers and personal lives.

According to Orthodoxy and ancient Russian beliefs, the number 13 means misfortune... "The Wrong Dozen", 13 disciples of Christ, one of whom betrayed the latter - this interpretation keeps many Russians and Russian-speaking people from putting such a number on the body. However, in Judaism, Maya beliefs, in Japan, this number, on the contrary, is a symbol of prosperity and happiness. Muslims also generally do not see anything wrong with 13 - for comparison, they identify Friday with approximately the same as Saturday for the Orthodox, this day is special, and if it falls on the 13th of the month according to the calendar, then there is nothing sacred about it. ...

At the same time, in many countries there are no 13 houses and apartments - the numbering can be regarded as 12a and 12b, and then immediately comes the 14th. Nevertheless, hot and ambitious young people are principled - they deliberately use "bad" tattoos, including the image of the number 13, believing that faith, religion are a particle of good, and numerological prejudices are heresy from the evil one, and the person himself is the blacksmith of his own happiness and destiny ... Career, wealth and power can be achieved even with a skull and bones punctured on the skin or a black cat. For ambitious men, the number 13 on the skin is a symbol of indispensable success.
As for girls, women, the number 13 on the body is an indicator of the absence of prejudices and a person's confidence in the future.

Types and variants of sketches
Ready-made tattoo options, perhaps, will push on some of their ideas.
- The number 13 can be applied to hands (one number on each) or legs. On the back, it is somewhat reminiscent of the player's number on the field.

- No need to apply skull and bones - it can be a skull with a hat. This picture is reminiscent of Erron Black's "Day of the Dead" character from Mortal Kombat 9/10/11.

- The number 13 is applied in the form of "strip" numbers, moreover, they have different lengths. Coloring the enclosed areas will give additional contrast - for example, black outline and red shading.

- To those who love card rune style, you can capture the numbers 1 and 3 on the background of a deck of playing cards.

But you can always dream up and imagine what the future of a tattoo might look like.
- "Carpet" the execution resembles the patterns of carpets from the Middle East, Central Asia and the North Caucasus. Zigzags and lines are drawn inside the outer contour of these numbers. The numbers themselves are also performed with broken lines initially.

- People of creative professions - a wedding photographer, commissioned singers and DJs - it seems like a funny option in the form of an image of a waffle cone, in which this number is located in the middle. This is a reference to a positive lifestyle, creative work that involves the exchange of vital energy with the audience, clients who order celebrations.

- Travel lovers can fill, for example, the image of their bike with the number 13 on its background. This tells others that the biker is an adventurer, riding ultra-long distances, including cycling to other countries. Perhaps its farthest "flight" is 13,000 km. Or in his youth he had 13 bright and memorable long-distance trips.

- Dates of birth... For example, 06/13/2013 - a person was born on this day, later he will knock out this date for himself in Roman or Arabic numerals.

- Branch of a tree with thirteen leaves, a flower with 13 petals, a cutaway rosehip (or an ear of wheat) with 13 kernels, etc.

- Complex tattoo: the number 13 seems to be written with fingerprints.
Modern computer technologies, for example, creating a sketch, drawing in Photoshop, come to the rescue in the work of applying such a tattoo.

- Football lovers, for example, they can gouge out on their skin an image of a player of their favorite team with the 13th number, who became the record holder for goals scored and became famous as a legend of his time.

"Linear work", or "linework" - clear contours in execution, without halftones and transitions. This style is suitable for small "tattoos", including those with the number 13, for example, painted on the neck and chest in the form of a medal or a large number on the back, as on a football player's uniform.
Trash polka - a mixture of realism and classics, combining clarity and orderliness with carelessness. It brings to mind the sudden end of existence. An example is a black raven with a white outline of the number 13. People who have got this tattoo on themselves are rebellious in their souls.

Fancy - a style about fairy-tale characters. For example, if a gamer girl pokes on her shoulder an image of Kitana from MK-11 (with a fan with the number 13), which she depicts in masquerades dedicated to the Mortal Kombat series, then she will make this tattoo in blue tones. The advantage of the fantasy style is its colorfulness and aesthetics, devoid of sacred meaning.
Watercolor - a style in which there are no sharp color transitions and lines. Feature - soft colors and pastel shades. Basically, these tattoos are done in color. A tattoo with the number 13 will not be noticeable immediately and not in any kind of lighting. For example, there are shades that stand out well in green or blue light (in a disco).

Places of application
On a man's chest, a voluminous inscription or a magic number will fit without problems, you can choose any style and color scheme.
Putting the same number 13 on the little finger in a simple form is a fairly quick procedure in terms of time-consuming. Since the lines are short and there are few of them, a professional handyman will do this in a matter of minutes.

A tattoo of the number 13 with additional elements will look good on the wrist. There are an infinite number of ideas for implementation.
This tattoo can be applied to any part of the body, it all depends on the person's desire - whether he wants to hide the tattoo or put it on public display.
A tattoo, which makes no sense to hide, may be on the arm. If you want to show the image only in the summer on the beach, then you can place the numbers on the back, chest, leg.