What do swallow tattoos mean and what are they like?

One of the brightest symbols of spring is considered by many to be a fast and easy swallow. A tattoo with this brisk bird can have very different meanings for both modern men and women, but the common meaning for this drawing is the coming into a person's life of all kinds of updates.

At first glance, a bright tattoo with this spring bird seems very simple and even somewhat banal, and it can be interpreted as a symbol of freedom, good luck and youth. However, in many countries of the world, this kind of tattoo will have a special designation:
- the ancient Greeks believed that the swallow is the messenger of the goddess Aphrodite, who patronized love relationships;
- the Chinese called this small bird a symbol of all new achievements and successful life changes;
- the Japanese identified this bird with mothers who, with sacrificial love, protect their family hearth and take care of their loved ones.

For seasoned sailors, a tattoo in the form of a small bird meant a successful long voyage and its successful end without loss. It is for this reason that she was in great demand among representatives of all maritime professions.
Often a tattoo with a swallow can, oddly enough, be noticed on the hands of professional boxers. This kind of drawing may have a specific meaning for these athletes. In addition to the well-known fact that this tattoo can bring good luck, it should also give the boxer's punches a great swiftness and speed, which this bird is distinguished by in its light flight.

In certain cultures, this bird is considered a symbol of financial well-being.
The image of a flying swallow will also mean the rapid flow of life, in addition, the pure thoughts of the owner of the tattoo.The bird that is drawn in a cozy twisted nest is a sign of love and fidelity in a relationship. A bird with a four-leaf clover in its beak or a horseshoe will mean luck throughout life and guarantee good luck in all, even the most difficult endeavors. A swallow carrying any flower in its beak is a symbol of eternal spring, incredible beauty, endless youth and enduring hope.

A funny swallow tattoo is most in demand among girls. They are sure that the swallow will bring them full happiness in personal relationships and become a quality amulet. If a girl quite deliberately opted for such a tattoo, then this means that for her all the values of the future or current family life will be in the first place. For a number of adult women, a tattoo with this bird can be a real symbol of gaining freedom in personal space.
Young guys, as well as respectable men, put a specific meaning into such a simplified tattoo - an uncontrollable desire for full-fledged freedom, life independence and speed so beloved by many modern men.

In esoteric teachings, such a bird is called an excellent talisman, which helps to direct you on the right path. This means that the demand for a swallow tattoo among modern men is fully justified.
Types and sketches of tattoos
Swallow tattoo is better to choose in bright colors. Most birds are depicted with bright breasts. Images of birds hovering in a flock in free flight or sitting on numerous branches will look very realistic. And the variation where the swallow sits in its nest with the chicks will look very romantic. This sketch symbolizes that its owner will put his own family first in his life. This kind of tattoo usually has a significant size, for this reason, such a pattern should be placed on the shoulder blade for women or on the chest for men.

If you are more into small tattoos, then tiny drawings of these flying birds will be the best solution. They are suitable for placement on absolutely any area of the human body. Two or three birds look very original on the neck, behind the ear, in the lower abdomen or on the foot.

A whole flock of swallows will represent a love of various travels. A small bird, if depicted with playing cards, can be considered a mark of luck for gamblers. The same elements can be considered poker chips or dice. The meaning of the simplest swallow tattoos is in the modesty of their owner - such drawings will not be visible, they do not carry a demonstrative load.

With other elements
A swallow tattoo is a commemoration of spring awakening, love of life, this kind of tattoo will be more appropriate with all kinds of inserts. For example, a tattoo of a small swallow in a composition with hearts, various twigs or with a flower (especially often they can be seen with roses) will look just great. The image of a black bird looks beautifully paired with a white dove. The dove is also considered a symbol of true love, so the combination of two birds should bring vivid feelings to the life of the owner of the tattoo. Often, together with the bird, a catchy inscription with a semantic load can be placed.

A pair of tattoo with two small birds soaring in the sky is most often chosen for themselves by lovers. Stuffing two identical birds on their wrists, lovers try to show everyone around their pure love, mutual fidelity. By applying a tattoo of several small swallows at once, a person shows that he likes his life, he has pure thoughts in relation to other people.
More often, the drawing of several swallows is chosen by people who are not very lucky in life, not entirely dexterous, but eager to get these qualities.

Styles and colors
If you carefully look at the ready-made drawings of tattoos, you can definitely come to a reasonable conclusion that this spring bird will come out creatively in any colors, styles available, on any part of the body, alone or in pairs, without any elements, background, or as a large picture ...

Many people opt for a color tattoo in a bright watercolor style. Smooth color transitions, smeared brushstrokes of different colors look like a trace from an expanding wing. The watercolor technique gives the author an excellent opportunity to convey in a flashy all the lightness of the image and the naturalness of a bird's eye view. This kind of drawing will look great in any size.

An experienced master will try to show the bird in a very believable way so that the impression is created that it is almost alive.

The selected image is dotted under the skin, which will make the black-and-white drawing softer.

old school
Birds in this style are usually depicted by fans of vintage antiquity and fans of bright colors.

Girls more often opt for the minimalist style. Very tiny black swallows can be applied to the ribs, fingers, ankle. You can even fill them behind the ear, making the tattoo a more secret symbol.

Places of application
A tattoo with a small bird looks very elegant on almost any part of the female or male body. The meaning of the picture does not change very much.
On the neck
Placing a swallow around his neck, the customer wants to demonstrate to the whole world around him that he longs for protection in order to go through life more confidently. More often this option is drawn with all sorts of additions. A bird with a sprig of clover, a berry or a small flower in its beak looks pretty attractive. Sometimes a tattoo can be supplemented with semantic quotes or a thin hand-drawn chain.

On the lower back
This tattoo can be made in one tone or in any possible color. A multi-colored bird will look very creative on the lower back.

On the hand
The bird on the hand will definitely help its owner in his diligent endeavors. She will give a girlish look a more reverent look, but she will add a little sense of purpose to the male sex. The bird, located on the brush, becomes a good amulet, which will guide the owner on the right path through life.

A tattoo on a girl's wrist will mean that her mistress puts her youth, beauty and her own freedom in the first place. A black swallow hovering in the sky will look quite creative if placed on a thin wrist.
The bird, constantly in a state of flight, seems to want to help its owner believe in himself.

Forearm - This part of the body is often visible. A person shows with his choice of a tattoo his own seriousness, the subtlety of his sensitive soul, romantic nature, the search for his beloved half and his desire to create a strong family. Applied directly to the palm, hand or between the fingers, the spring bird can become an amulet for a successful career, an effective assistant in reaching various heights.

On the foot
A miniature swallow tattoo on a woman's leg looks very attractive. Here you can place either one bird or several birds of a suitable size. The bird on the thigh will be considered a common, insignificant symbol. The bird will tell you about his light disposition and sensual nature. And also such a person is charming.
On the ankle, a tattoo with 1 or 2 birds will become a real symbol of free life choice, the search for the right path. For many peoples, the swallow is defined as a valuable landmark in life.

On the shoulder
Shoulders are indicators of male reliability, they often demonstrate how he is ready to be responsible to his family. For this reason, men often stuff tattoos with delicate birds on their broad shoulders to show that they can always be relied upon with hope.

On the chest
The sternum area is always responsible for all kinds of experiences and family affairs. The tattoo on the chest will tell about the passionate dreams of a free person to create a family, the dreams of a family person to preserve their marriage and hope for strong and reciprocal love. The swallow placed on the collarbone is a symbol of free relationships.

On the side
Ribs are usually personalized. With the help of the image of a swallow, a person seeks to completely change the world within himself, his perception and thinking, he tries to find answers to eternal questions, to find his life purpose.

On the back
A tattoo on the whole back with various representatives of the animal world, especially with birds, will be responsible for the state of the rear of a person and for his family, for his decisive courage and vitality. Choosing a quick swallow for his tattoo, a man demonstrates his constancy and loyalty. The place between the two shoulder blades can be considered a kind of center of energy, where the male ego and all ambitions are mainly concentrated.
If the swallow is located on the shoulder blade, then its owner is striving for independence.

On the belly
The tattoo on the belly will look good on both slender female and pumped up male bodies. The image on the belly will look especially great if the owner has a beautiful, athletic abs.

Beautiful swallow tattoos, due to their different meanings and catchy look, will never go out of style. They can become a stylish talisman and bring peace and real hope to their owner.