Monkey tattoo overview

Unlike Western countries, the peoples of the eastern lands have attached special importance to monkeys for a long time. Tattoos depicting this animal have a variety of interpretations, depending on the composition and style of drawing. From this article you will find out what meanings a monkey tattoo can have and on which part of the body it is better to place it.

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In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that monkeys were able to learn and understand the speech of people, therefore they treated such animals with respect. Egyptian mythology says that the god of wisdom Thoth looked like a baboon. The Egyptian deity is the patron saint of creative people: writers, artists and musicians. Tattoos are depicted on the skin not only in order to attract the protection of higher powers, but also by investing in them the ideas of the transience of time, because the behavior of baboons has a certain cyclicality throughout life.
In some countries of Asia, ancient people believed that humanity came from the bond between the sacred monkey and the giantess. It was believed that the first people were born from the connection of these two creatures.
In China and Tibet, people have often noted in stories that primates love to mimic and imitate human actions. For this reason, in Asian countries, the image of such mammals on the skin means optimism, ingenuity, humor and diplomacy of the carrier's character.

The inhabitants of Mexico revered the primate as a god of fun, games and dancing. Many people believed that if a baby was lucky enough to be born under the sign of the Monkey, he would always be the soul of the company, have a good sense of humor and high eloquence skills.Christians and Maya Indians gave monkeys not such beautiful interpretations as other peoples. The civilization of Mesoamerica put various vices, such as ignorance, lust, stupidity and laziness, into the image of a humanoid mammal. People professing the Christian religion also gave the images of monkeys negative character traits: greed, indifference and envy. Sometimes there are tattoos with a biblical theme, for example, a primate with an apple in its mouth. Such an illustration signifies the fall of its owner.

The primate body pattern has a different meaning depending on the gender of the wearer. The Chinese believe that for men, a monkey tattoo represents a sharp mind, a humorous character and an excellent memory. It is believed that an illustration with an orangutan or gorilla means the ability to think strategically, the ability to ensure material well-being and always keep your promises.
Large body drawings in color, depicting only the head or snout of the animal in a realistic style, express the wearer's desire to have power, be a leader and always be the center of attention. Men who choose sketches of this type are able to go towards their goal and lead worthy like-minded people. However, you need to be careful when choosing the emotions of a monkey: aggressive animals mean the ability to "go over their heads" to their goal and be indifferent to violations of moral principles.

The image of a monkey on a woman's skin personifies the sociability, activity and flirtatiousness of the wearer.
Sometimes the monkey can be interpreted as excessive curiosity and talkativeness, so the plot of the illustration must be chosen carefully.

Species overview
Modern tattoo artists are able to create sketches with a wide variety of connotations: from deep philosophical meaning to overt humorous meaning. A monkey tattoo has a different interpretation depending on two factors: the plot and the style of illustration. Let's take a closer look at these types of underwear and their meaning.
By plot
People have lived near monkeys for centuries, so they know a lot about the behavior of various species of primates. Sacred significance was attached to some subspecies of monkeys, while all mortal sins were attributed to others. We offer to consider the most popular monkey tattoos.
- Gorilla. Large primates have the best learning, development, and self-improvement abilities. Gorillas show an active interest in knowledge and an enviable tenacity in achieving their goals. A gorilla tattoo emphasizes the keen mind and wisdom of its wearer. The grinned muzzle of a mammal personifies the expressiveness of character and the readiness for self-defense.
The large drawing gives the wearer stamina and determination.

- The monkey king. The crowned primate is a popular character in Chinese traditional mythology. The prototype of the mighty beast is an Indian deity named Hanuman. The Monkey King is believed to be the patron saint of family well-being. The crowned primate is a powerful character with supernatural powers, so many people put it on the body as a talisman or talisman, warding off troubles and adversity. The beast is often depicted in a soft, cartoon style to emphasize the openness, purity of intent and sincerity of the wearer. There are many legends about the great Monkey King, cartoons, games and TV series have been created.
Some lovers of body art choose the image of the character, relying on a certain work.

- Three monkeys. One of the most popular monkey plots originating from Japan. The illustration with three monkeys covering their eyes, ears and mouth is a childhood mascot in Japanese culture. The Japanese believe that the three primates represent the idea of refraining from bad deeds and protection from falsehood.The popular image has the phrase "If I do not see evil, do not hear evil and do not speak about evil, then I am protected from it." In Russian-speaking countries, the abbreviated wording is more common: "I don't see, I don't hear, I won't tell."
The image of the symbol with three monkeys on the skin symbolizes the wisdom and caution of the owner, as well as the willingness to defend against slander.

By style
Depending on the chosen style of illustration, the monkey takes on a different character and interpretation. Let's take a closer look at several popular styles of monkey tattoos.
- Realism. Orangutans, gorillas, monkeys, baboons and other representatives of the monkey species, applied to the skin as realistically as possible, personify the responsibility and leadership qualities of the owner. Large animals symbolize strength, authority and strategic thinking. Medium to small monkeys represent caring, affection and family well-being.

- Cartoon style. Bright characters with hypertrophied body parts are appreciated among tattoo lovers no less than realistic sketches. Various emotions are conveyed much easier and more effectively through cartoon animals, which is why drawn monkeys are so popular. Tattoos of cartoon monkeys are most often chosen by people with a creative nature who have retained their childish views of the world around them. Cartoon primates represent the openness, spiritual purity, and kindness of their hosts.

- Minimalism. Tattoos in the style of minimalism seem simple and uncomplicated, but being able to simplify the figure of an animal beautifully and naturally is not an easy task.
In addition, a limited number of elements requires a high quality of performance, because in a simple image the meaning lies precisely in the reliability of the transfer.
Body drawings with primates in the style of minimalism personify the practicality and straightforwardness of the wearer, because a simple picture carries a minimum of materials and a maximum of information.

- Humorous tattoo. Primates are often the subject of jokes. This feature was reflected in tattoos as well. A popular way to joke with a monkey tattoo is to apply it to the abdomen so that the place under the animal's tail is right on the navel of the tattoo wearer. Such illustrations are chosen by courageous and self-confident people who have a good sense of humor and even know how to make fun of themselves.

- Geometric style. This is an amazing and extraordinary way to get tattoos. The most popular use of geometry in primate illustration is to divide a drawing into two halves, the first of which is done in a realistic style, and the second is created from many shapes and lines. A monkey made in this style symbolizes the cyclical and fragile nature of life. Wearable designs in a geometric style are chosen by people who are inclined to think about the meaning of existence and search for new knowledge.

Where can you locate?
In order for the tattoo to look impressive and not lose the quality of the details, it is necessary to choose the right location on the body. The location for the monkey body art depends on the size and context of the selected sketch.
- Large tattoos with realistic primate faces look best on the shoulder, forearm, or thigh. For lovers of humorous illustrations, there is a large realism tattoo applied to the back. The chimpanzee is portrayed in full growth as if he clung to his shoulders and rides on a person. Also, large tattoos are placed on the stomach, depicting a shameless monkey teasing others.

- Medium-sized illustrations are most often depicted on the arm, chest or calf. Sometimes primates are depicted on the back of the head or the back of the hand, emphasizing the importance of the depicted plot.

- Monkeys in the style of minimalism are best placed on the neck, collarbone, wrist or ankle. These unusual places are best for tiny tattoos.They successfully emphasize the grace and sophistication of a neat sketch.

Beautiful examples
Tattoo artists can always offer you sketches of drawings to apply. You can also preview the options in advance and familiarize yourself with their meaning, so as not to get into an awkward situation. In pursuit of a suitable interpretation, it is important not to forget about the visual component: all the details of the image should suit the owner. You can also invite the master to combine details from several interesting illustrations with primates.
We propose to consider several popular options for a tattoo with monkeys.
- Mini monkey. Such a monkey will perfectly emphasize the modesty and complaisance of the owners.

- Chimpanzee in geometric style. The image looks magical and supernatural, representing the monkey as a kind of deity.

- Gangster gorilla. A brutal illustration that at the same time personifies male physical strength and reveals the soul of a vulnerable romantic.

- Three monkeys. Most often, this symbol is depicted in realism, but in a cartoon style it looks no less interesting.

- The monkey king. A domineering crowned primate tattoo immediately reveals in the owner the desire for leadership and overcoming difficulties.

- Gorilla with sound effect. An unusual tattoo that "screams" that the wearer wants to be seen and heard.

You can see even more interesting sketches of monkey tattoos in the next video.