Fire tattoo

Fire tattoos can often be seen on the body of both men and girls. This article will discuss the meaning of such images, the types of tattoos with fire and the most successful locations.
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Since ancient times, people have worshiped four elements: fire, water, earth and air. Fire is the most significant and unpredictable symbol that arouses great respect in people. It warms and promotes cleansing, but at the same time it destroys and destroys. One of the first drawings that people began to put on their bodies were images of flame and fire, associating them with solar energy and light, endowing with magical power and strength.

Fire tattoos are very popular nowadays. They are used as the main motive or as an addition to the finished picture. For women and men, such wearable images have different meanings, although the main idea of such tattoos is transformation and transformation.
The fire burns everything in its path, leaving ashes. The flame, touching something, completely changes it. Just as the phoenix bird, swallowed by its languages, can be completely revived, so many people who have chosen this symbol for themselves are able to cleanse themselves, transform, and renew themselves.

The drawing in the form of fire demonstrates inner strength, which, like a natural element in a raging form, cannot completely control the situation. Such an image is usually chosen by people endowed with an ardent and passionate character.
- The flame tattoo symbolizes the indomitable intensity of passions, the relentless desire to move forward. The owner of such a wearable image is more often a person endowed with spiritual warmth, but passion and love will invariably rage in him. Often, the image of fire speaks of depravity and temptation.
- For women, this tattoo means passion, sensuality and transformation.... Men's "fire" tattoos are symbols of energy, striving for power, transformation. Fire is often depicted as a burning torch or candle. In this case, the tattoo will indicate the inner state of a person, his energy.
- Fire is also a symbol of destruction, because an unbridled element is capable of sweeping away everything in the way. But she not only burns the past, but also gives the opportunity to appear new. In this case, a tattoo with fire will personify rebirth, the appearance of light in darkness, hope for a brighter future. Knowing how to control this element, you can reach unprecedented heights.
- Such a tattoo is also a symbol of rebirth.... Each person who chooses such a sketch will be able to “burn bridges”, forget troubles and be reborn in a new image. Such tattoos indicate the readiness of their owner for renewal and rebirth.
- In addition, such a drawing is chosen by people endowed with secret knowledge., it is not in vain that in philosophical treatises the fire obtained by Prometheus personifies the praise of light, teaching, knowledge. Such a tattoo will be chosen by a person endowed with developed intuition, who has chosen the path to knowledge and light.
- Has a similar tattoo and mystical overtones. It is fire that is used in many religions for purification. A drawing depicting a flame will help improve abilities, cleanse of negative influences, remove all bad from life. Together with prayers, the flames will rise upward, straight to God.
Flame is often a complement to the main picture. So, the image of a heart surrounded by tongues of flame can speak of a desire to adhere to certain ideals, or of mental anguish.

Types and sketches of tattoos
A tattoo is not just a beautiful picture - it is the pride of the owner of the picture. That is why, when choosing a style for a tattoo and color schemes, one should focus not only on personal preferences, but also listen to the recommendations of the masters of tattoo parlors. Each master, who is professionally engaged in such work, invests all his talent in the chosen drawing, making a tattoo an ornament. A beautiful work of authorship allows you to stand out, show its uniqueness.
Arriving at the tattoo parlor, you should decide on a sketch of the future tattoo, decide on the size, style, color scheme.

Among the most popular options are sketches with fire, supplemented with various elements. These include images of weapons, skulls, fairy-tale characters, fantastic creatures, animals.
Sketches with fairy tales... These options are more commonly seen in women. Often they use pictures of the firebird. The fiery feathers that frame the bird can be perceived as an indicator of their exclusivity, beauty and endowed with magic. Men, on the other hand, often choose images of a dragon spewing sparks and smoke from its mouth. Such a picture underwear speaks of the nobility of its owner.

- Tattoo with zodiac signs... Often, fire tattoos are supplemented with symbols corresponding to the sign of the zodiac. For example, for Aries, such a symbol is a ram, from whose horns a flame bursts out. Sagittarius also often use this option, complementing arrows with tongues of flame.

- Tattoos that indicate a profession are considered especially popular.... Flame tattoos are definitely more suitable for rescuers, firefighters and people who often find themselves in extreme situations. Similar sketches are also relevant among creative people, musicians, rock guitarists. A guitar on fire symbolizes an unbridled desire for change and a reluctance to obey traditional rules.

- Skull tattoos. Sketches with skulls are also in demand. They usually develop into a large scale composition. Sketches with skulls engulfed in flames are more often chosen by people who are ready to constantly take risks. Their blood boils in veins, adrenaline rages. Such extreme personalities are ready to climb any mountains, conquer the sea surface or compete in races. Often, such drawings warn them against making rash decisions or actions.

- Sketches with animals... A fire depicted next to some animal will symbolize forward movement and unstoppable energy. Often such sketches are also with negative connotations, personifying the power of destruction or rage.

- Salamander tattoos are popular.... It is not for nothing that this animal is considered a fire sign, because the salamander personifies constant movement.

- Fire tattoo with name... Such options have become very popular lately. Their choice speaks of a desire to constantly improve.

- Car tattoo among the fire will denote unbridledness. The owners of such tattoos cannot stop in time, they often become uncontrollable.

- Merging of the elements. Fire tattoos symbolize an indomitable element, which is difficult to contain if it is already raging. Neighborhood with air or water can pacify it, or, conversely, awaken a wayward fire. Often there are drawings where the flame is adjacent to water or ice. Such images testify to the duality of nature.

- Flaming heart... Fire is a symbol of passion, intensity and desire to continuously move forward. The tattoo placed in the chest area speaks of the love heat blazing in the chest.

- A flower in flames is also considered a popular option.... Rose combined with fire symbolizes an indomitable and unbridled passion.

In the event that a fire is depicted in the form of a burning torch or candle, this speaks of the inner state of a person, his fullness and readiness to give his energy, to give knowledge.
Temperamental people who are not afraid to take risks can pay attention to the sketches of tattoos with flickering flashes, which are symbols of a newly reborn life.

Colors and styles
Individuals who choose a tattoo in the form of fire usually prefer a certain color scheme. According to experts, most visitors who have chosen a tattoo in the form of fire fill the sketch in black. Black and red are the most commonly used shades for this type of tattoo. And also quite often the body pattern is complemented by blue, orange, yellow or brown.

Having decided on the shade, you should choose the style that is most suitable for the sketch.
- For images with fire, a variety of styles are often used. it old school, new school, chicano and even fantasy... You can often see options for drawings made in the direction realismthat captivate with their colorfulness and realism.

- Sketches made in the style of watercolor... The interweaving of colors made in rich shades will look very bright and natural. Such drawings are always done in color. Often they are supplemented with different elements, letters or even whole sayings.

- Tattoos look very interesting and unusual. in japanese style... Bright tongues of flame, turning into thick clouds, will look stylish on the hand, riveting attention.

- Tattoos made in the style of blackwork, this option is more often preferred by men.

- Minimalism Is one of the most used styles when creating such tattoos.
A black and white drawing, made in a minimalistic style, will be appropriate for areas that can be hidden with clothes if desired.

Location options
"Fire" tattoos can be stuffed on various parts of the body... The choice of place usually depends on the size of the tattoo, the chosen style, the presence of additional elements used to create the picture.
Both small images and large-scale compositions remain popular. Mini tattoos are usually chosen by women, preferring to fill them on the wrist, ankle or fingers. For men, zones in the chest and shoulder areas remain a priority.

Body-worn images will look more advantageous:
- on the finger;
- on the palm;
- on the forearm;
- on the neck;
- on the ear;
- on the foot;
- in the chest area.

The most successful areas for the location of such tattoos are the arms, legs, and chest. On hand, according to the masters, more than 65% of visitors prefer to get a tattoo. About 20% choose the wrist for this, and 5% - the shoulder. Tattoos on the legs, neck and other areas are considered the least chosen options.
The arm is the most successful place for large-scale tattoos. Pictures on hands are a symbol of male power. So, a sleeve made in a suitable style will allow you to most successfully reveal the essence of the tattoo.

The drawing on the knuckles looks good. And also such tattoos will be most appropriate on the wrist, as they are clearly visible, regardless of the choice of clothing.
The forearm, wrist, and area around the arm are ideal locations for exclusive images.
Here you can fill in a rather large picture in color with the appropriate meaning.

The location of the tattoo on the shoulder, as well as in the chest area, is considered very popular.
A tattoo in the form of a fire on the leg will look organic, especially if it is combined with the energy of the owner of the drawing, his character.
Large drawings are more often filled by men. Small drawings are more suitable for women, they will organically look on the ankle.

The location of the picture can tell a lot about a person, about his character, ambitions.
- A tattoo located in the area hearts, indicates a strong feeling that burns the owner of the tattoo from the inside. Drawing in this area will talk about self-sacrifice and mental anguish.
- If the tattoo is located on back, this indicates the desire of the owner of the tattoo to move forward.
- Image of fire on feet symbolizes movement, speed.
- Tattoo in the area groin will talk about excessive sexuality.
- Tattoo with fire on head or in the adjacent area it can indicate a genius person endowed with high mental potential and strength.
The place of tattooing and its meaning contribute to the enhancement of the fiery energy. Fire is a double symbol, which can mean both the striving for the beautiful, lofty ideals, and be the exact opposite in the form of willfulness and disobedience.

The choice of a tattoo should correspond to the character of its owner, his lifestyle.