What do spider tattoos mean and where to place them?

Arachnids are a fearful symbol of death and danger in many cultures around the world. There are many interpretations associated with the image of this insect. Both negative and positive qualities apply to the image of a spider. Most will assume that this is a tattoo of a biker or a bandit, but this drawing has much more meanings.

Traditionally, spider tattoo designs, like spider webs, have negative connotations. Thus, its positive meanings remain undisclosed, although there are a lot of them:
- wisdom;
- fertility;
- harmony;
- equilibrium.

These values are quite justified if you look at the insect in its habitat. Its web is unique and complex, suggesting intelligence and wisdom. Its food consists of various beetles and insects, symbolizing the balance of life. And, of course, female spiders, who are extremely fertile, give life to thousands of insects.
These beautiful mysterious creatures have inspired people since ancient times. Ancient cultures perceived the web as the connecting matrix from which everything arose. Thus, the web means the relationship between life and nature, and the spider is the creator.
This pattern is equally popular among men and women. For example, in India it is a weaver of peace and a symbol of cosmic order, it is both a creator and a storehouse of wisdom.

The spider often denotes a solar creature and is associated with the sun due to its ray-like legs. In this respect, it also symbolizes: life, vitality, health, energy.
In addition, the insect has eight legs, which speaks of infinity, cyclicality, time, progression and balance.
In Islam, white spiders are considered to be symbols of good luck.
This is a lunar creature, therefore it symbolizes: passivity, intuition, mysticism, time.

Symbolic meanings of the tattoo:
- luck;
- magic;
- progress;
- secrecy;
- practicality;
- creation, creativity.

Spiders have been awe-inspiring to humans throughout history, so it's no surprise that many indigenous peoples around the world view them as elements of the divine.... From the rivers of Ancient Egypt to the vast lands of America, these insects were considered gods of wisdom and cunning. Until now, spiders are often depicted in conjunction with tribal patterns and signs. This is how the natives demonstrate their magical powers.
Native American storytellers tell of the spider woman who existed at the dawn of creation before the advent of humans. She taught people the art of weaving. Today, the insect is a symbol of fertility, balance and harmony. He appears on Native American clay sculptures.

Although spiders are not strong creatures in terms of physical strength, they have very ingenious mechanisms that ensure their survival. Therefore, a spider tattoo symbolizes cunning, cunning and strength - especially strength of character and intellect.
On a spiritual level, an insect is often a reminder to take responsibility for life and make choices. In the same way that a spider deliberately weaves its complex web, we all build our lives.

In addition to the insect itself, the web that it weaves also plays a special role. Fighting is one of the main meanings, and this is especially important if it also includes a captured insect. You can use a similar tattoo to show others that you are struggling with various things in life, such as alcoholism.
For others, the web may mean that they are in a situation that is not comfortable for them, but which is difficult for them to get out of. The sailors draw the pattern to show that they are homesick, or they leaned on the side of their boat for so long, and the spider managed to weave a web on their elbows.

Bikers also love cobweb drawings, and for them it symbolizes the “web of destiny”, meaning that a person is caught in the “destiny” that life has chosen for him, and there is no way out. Other meanings that can be associated with spider webs include intelligence, because the spider requires it to create its creation.
Varieties of tattoos
The meaning of a spider tattoo can vary depending on the details. These are not only large tattoos located on the entire back, but also small spiders that hide on the chest, behind the hair or behind the ear.
The insect is depicted in black, white or color. In each case, the designation will change.

Black Widow
One of the most popular options is the black widow tattoo. Such an insect looks light, fragile, weak. This is often a female symbol, which speaks only of the apparent fragility of a woman, in fact, this is a special hidden power, since the black widow is poisonous and ready to kill at any moment.
The black widow tattoo is associated with femininity, sexual power, wisdom, independence. This is one of the most popular ideas that symbolize connection with the spirit world. The image is associated with women with a strong, indomitable character.
The female black widow is known to eat the male after mating. Therefore, it is a symbol of the fact that a woman does not need a man, she is strong even without his presence.

Creeps down
If a person depicted an insect on his body that is crawling down, then in this way he tells others that he is tying up with something, as a rule, this concerns bad habits.

Climbs up the spider web
If you depict an insect crawling up the web, then it is believed that this will certainly bring good luck. Such a symbol indicates a striving for the set goal, for the implementation of ideas.
It is advisable to depict a spider crawling upward with eight legs.Together with a similar symbol of infinity, the tattoo instills confidence in a person. A man or woman with such a symbol on the body must necessarily have such qualities as:
- stubbornness;
- fearlessness;
- courage.
Among other things, people who want to achieve peace of mind also depict a spider crawling up the web.
In some cultures, this tattoo also symbolizes wealth.

- A tarantula tattoo can be a dark symbol. This is probably the scariest spider of all species, so you can imagine that such an image does not carry a positive connotation. But it can mean that you are struggling with the dark side of your personality or that you are very disappointed in something.

- The spider skull tattoo also conveys dark symbolism. As we said above, the spider is often associated with death, therefore, paired with a skull, this message is enhanced.
Many fans of horror and dark magic films apply this pattern to their bodies.

- A spider on the neck can be a symbol that a person is having a difficult time. This is a demonstration that now a person is in a state of stagnation, as if he is caught by a spider in his web.

- Spider-Man tattoos are very common. They are applied to the chest or arm to show their courage, endurance and willingness to save the lives of others.

- A special decoration that you can add to a spider is a key. This element adds mystery to the tattoo. It attracts attention because few people can understand what it is for. You can make a drawing in one black color or make it in color. Additional details will make the tattoo more interesting.

- If one spider looks minimalistic, then several spiders crawling along different parts of the body, such as the neck, arm, toes or back, look super modern.... These drawings always attract attention and look good in color with additional elements.

- Vintage spider web - one of the most popular variations on the theme described, since it has a very attractive appearance. This is not a simple design with numerous rings, but a special pattern, unique in its own way.

It is very important to clearly understand the meaning of the tattoo before applying the pattern to the body:
- a skull and web tattoo symbolizes death and evil;

- stars and spider webs represent power;

- a grave and cobweb tattoo symbolizes death;

- a sketch in the form of a flower and a spider web personifies beauty and creativity;

- the tangled web design symbolizes safety and protection.

There are drawings applied in the style of minimalism, and there are other popular styles using the described theme.
Looks good style graphics... Such spiders are always depicted in black and white. They have good realism, sometimes they are complemented by other elements, for example, a skull.

There is one more style, no less popular - old school. The spider made using this technique will differ in the original image. The work uses bright colors that indicate the desire of a person to stand out from the crowd.
Technique is considered one of the most difficult to perform. dotwork. or point style. This is a good option for those who decide to decorate their arm with a sleeve with a spider image.
Tattoos in this style are always unique.

Tribal design looks great as a tattoo. The spider's shape is unusual, although there are the same number of limbs. The creation of a spider is more abstract and artistic here than in the same technique of realism.
Tribal tattoos are done in black and white. They decorate the body well. This style takes away the ferocity of the spider and makes the tattoo more friendly and decorative rather than scary and dangerous.
Cute cartoon spider with other elements looks charming. Different colors make this pattern more vivid and attractive.This kind of tattoo design is more suitable for girls.

Sketch selection
Cobweb tattoos can be done by both men and women, but they are most commonly found on men. In order to convey spiritual and religious meaning, they are often combined with the Christian symbol of the cross. The most popular theme designs are skull and stars.
Male and female sketches are different. Girls' drawings are not so aggressive; men can afford to use a skull or any other symbol of the dark side in the composition.

Consider the following prime examples of what a tattoo might look like.
- A spider descending from head to back looks original for girls.

- The 3D spider on the back looks especially realistic if it is made by a real master.

- A colored spider with a rose is a good option for both men and women.

- The neck-strapped version in black is a complete composition, a real work of art.

- A bold solution is to depict an insect on the cheek, but it looks original.

- One of the options for how a girl can portray a black widow on her leg.

- Another version of a cute female tattoo that can be safely used by a man.
The spider turned out to be neat, graceful, but at the same time its deadly power is felt.

Accommodation options
Since the location of the spider and the web, the size, style and color allow for many unique characteristics to be combined in a single tattoo design, there are various accommodation options.
- Tattoo on the neck it is considered a good place for those who want to bring the drawing out for everyone to see. It demonstrates strength and power, symbolizes the fact that every day we get entangled in the web of life, but thanks to our inner strength we overcome any situations. The tattoo can be done in any style. Small images on women look best. You can apply a cartoon style.

- Another of the most common places is elbow... This tattoo symbolizes the web of fate, a difficult time in life.

- On the shoulder the black widow looks good. This insect is distinguished from others by a red mark on the body. The 3D tattoo looks creepy and awe-inspiring. If everything is done correctly, then it seems that a spider is really crawling over the body. Such works are available to real masters.

- In general, there are many options for where On the hand one could depict an insect. This is not only a sketch with cobwebs, but also with other additional elements. Tattoos are applied on the hand, on the fingers, on the wrist, on the palm and even on the forearm.

- Today it has become popular to make drawings. on the lower back, abdomen, chest... Usually, such drawings are suitable for women, the main thing is to think over the design correctly. When choosing a male style, these places become a good option for working with a strong half of humanity.

- Men prefer to apply a spider more on the back, on the leg, on the shoulder blade, on the thigh or on the ribs. Extraordinary personalities decide to get a tattoo on the head, most often on the back of the head, on the face.