The meaning of the "Salamander" tattoo

Salamander is a lizard that can be found in Africa and Europe. Since ancient times, this exotic creature has aroused interest in people. Many endowed him with a number of magical features and noble qualities. Nowadays, the image of a salamander is often applied to the body as a tattoo. What does such a drawing mean and where is it better to apply it, is described in the article below.

Value and for whom is it suitable?
The salamander is a reptile that, in many of its features, resembles an ordinary lizard. And although this creature naturally has a low body temperature, it usually has a bright color, often called "fiery". For this reason, in ancient times, many people believed in some magical features of this amphibian, endowing it with even the ability to live in fire. Moreover, the salamander was considered the spirit of the fire element.

Christians believed that this reptile is asexual, and therefore for them it was a symbol of faith, purity, virtue, as well as a fiery struggle with temptations, passions and various temptations.
In England in the Middle Ages, it was believed that the salamander means strength, heroism, fortitude and courage.

By the way, it was this creature that was depicted on the emblem of one of the French kings. In his understanding, the salamander personified good and victory over evil. Subsequently, representatives of many noble families wore the coat of arms depicting a reptile.
If we talk about the meaning of a tattoo depicting a salamander, then her message is extremely positive, although it is interpreted in different ways. For some, this amphibian personifies resilience and invincibility, for others it represents a kind of amulet that protects against evil spirits, dirty thoughts, and resists any evil.In addition, many consider the salamander to be a symbol of rebirth, as this creature is capable of regenerating.

The salamander tattoo is suitable for both women and men of different ages. And for those, and for others, a similar tattoo has the same meaning.

Usually, preference for such a tattoo is given by people who tend to strive for leadership and victory. Usually these people have confidence, decisiveness, clearly follow the set goal, trying not to go off the intended path, and various kinds of problems do not scare them. They are calm, reasonable, although sometimes they go to extremes, do not depend on others and have great faith in themselves, in their own strengths.

Beautiful sketches
There are many different options for a fire salamander tattoo.
The drawing of this lizard, made in the style of realism, looks quite impressive and bright on the body. Most of these images are detailed. In this case, the drawing is most often done in color. The choice of options for depicting a realistic lizard is not so wide: it can be depicted sitting on a stone or flower, among boulders, crawling on the sand. The choice, of course, depends only on the wishes of the owner of the future tattoo.

The option with a stylized drawing of a salamander looks no less interesting. Such a drawing can be black and white - in this case, it will look quite strict and concise. But in color, for example, in watercolor technique, it will look no worse.

In the case of a stylized image, the options for the image become somewhat larger. It can be just a silhouette of an amphibian, or a detailed drawing.

In addition, they often draw a lizard in a cartoon style, depict tongues of flame around it, thereby emphasizing the fiery nature of this creature. And you can also draw two salamanders at once.

It is also interesting to play with the pattern on the body of the salamander. For example, a pattern made in the form of a mosaic masonry will look good. There are other variants of patterns: various kinds of curls, magic symbols or tongues of flame, symbolizing the mysticality of the image of this amphibious creature.

It is worth considering that the image of a salamander on the body, as a rule, is not complemented by various kinds of inscriptions, as is often the case with other types of tattoos. The thing is that for many, such a drawing is already of great importance, so unnecessary elements will only spoil it, make the image overloaded, sloppy.

Where is the best application?
A salamander tattoo will look beautiful and effective on almost any part of the body: on the leg, arm, neck, ankle, thigh, back or chest. When choosing the location of the future drawing on the body, one proceeds from its planned size.

So, if you are planning a large tattoo, then the area of the skin should be of the appropriate size. Large salamander images work best on the chest, back or shoulder. Such drawings are often preferred by men.

Girls, on the other hand, quite often choose more miniature images of a salamander. They can be applied to the neck, shoulder blade, wrist, or around the collarbone. Images of such a plan will look neat on the female body, further emphasizing its sophistication and beauty.