Tattoo on the theme "Happiness"

Happiness tattoos are very popular. In this article, we will consider their varieties and features.

Features of the subject
Since ancient times, people have put a certain meaning into body drawings. Many of them were applied not only as decoration, but also perceived as strong talismans that can attract gods to the side of a person, attract good luck, luck and happiness to him.
At the present time, such drawings are also very popular. Many people get tattoos, wanting to attract happiness and well-being into their lives. As a rule, bright shades prevail in such wearable images, in particular, yellow color, which symbolizes joy, light energy and fun. However, there are exceptions.
In general, this amulet is one of the most harmless. It is suitable for both young children and adults, as it does not carry anything negative in itself.

Interestingly, in ancient times, the Slavs had their own sign, which symbolized happiness. For people, he acted as a talisman, which helped all those who deserved patronage from him. This sign was called "burdock of happiness".
Its name is quite simple to explain. Burdock in ancient times was very valuable, because it had medicinal properties. Its petals, seeds and root were actively used for treatment and even added to some dishes. The burdock could ease pain or inflammation, and promote faster wound healing. The fact that the burdock constantly clung to clothes was also perceived as something magical. Many believed that this plant is capable of "attaching" happiness and luck to a person.

Such a talisman can look differently.Most often, it is a rhombus enclosed in a circle, on each side of which there are protrusions with a cross in the middle.
A tattoo with a charm "burdock of happiness" is very popular. However, there are other tattoo options that have similar meanings. It can be different images of animals, plants, birds, insects and more. Such drawings are suitable for both girls and men of different ages.

Types and variants of sketches
There are many options for tattoo designs that attract good luck and happiness.
- A very interesting solution would be a tattoo in the form of the chemical formula of happiness - C₈H₁₁NO₂. Such a tattoo can be done in color to emphasize its semantic load, and add certain inscriptions to it.

- No less popular are tattoos depicting a Chinese character., which literally means "happiness". This inscription can be either an independent object in the drawing, or it can complement a more extensive image in terms of the plot.

- And for those who believe in numerology, you can get a tattoo depicting the number 7... Many believe that this is a happy and wise number - this has been the custom since antiquity.

- Tattoo with the image of the Slavic talisman in the form of a burdock also suitable for a person who wants to find happiness. As a rule, such a drawing is performed in red.

- The four-leaf clover tattoo is also considered a magnet, which attracts good luck and happiness. To double the meaning of such a drawing, you can add an image of a horse horseshoe or a ladybug to it, the image of which is also interpreted as a symbol that brings light energy, positive and joy.

- The insects that bring happiness also include the butterfly, bee and scarab beetle.... They also look very interesting on tattoos.

- Dandelion tattoos have a similar meaning.... However, it is important to consider here that a young dandelion should be depicted in yellow. A mature plant with a fluffy "cap" carries a different message. Some perceive such a drawing as a symbol of loneliness and sadness.

- Images of animals and birds can also be interpreted as symbols of happiness. Among such animals, a cat, a fox, a miniature hummingbird and a parrot are distinguished.

Tattoos with images that symbolize happiness can be done in different styles.
- So, if we are talking about the image of plants, animals, birds and insects, then the style is best for such tattoos. realism... It is characterized by a high degree of detail, catchiness and showiness. Such drawings look naturalistic, which delights many.

- For such drawings, as well as for images with various inscriptions, a style such as watercolor will be appropriate.... These tattoos, as a rule, are distinguished by their brightness and colorfulness, which already inspires a positive attitude. At the same time, such images look very gentle, as if they were applied with real watercolors.

- The minimalist style for such tattoos is also suitable. Such images look very laconic and interesting, and in some cases they are also bright, especially if they are performed in color.

- Sometimes they also choose the style direction of new cheekbones for drawings on the topic of happiness. Typically, images made in this style are distinguished by color saturation, volume and bright outline.

Places for tattooing
Tattoos on the theme of happiness can be applied to any part of the body - it only depends on the preferences of the person, as well as on the scale of the tattoo. As a rule, they try to apply drawings on this topic where they will be visible to other people.
So, if the drawing is small, then it is placed on the wrist, on the finger, on the ankle or neck. It is there that small drawings look most harmonious.

For large drawings, a large area of skin is required. For them, as a rule, places are chosen such as the back, shoulder, forearm or chest.