Features of a lion tattoo and their variety

Tattoos help people express themselves, emphasize their individuality and originality, convey some idea to the rest. However, before filling this or that tattoo, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its interpretation: not each of them means exclusively something positive. In this article, we will consider the features of a lion tattoo and its most popular sketches.

Total value
The lion is traditionally considered the king of all animals that live on land. This animal has long been endowed with such qualities as wisdom, nobility, prudence and justice.... It is not for nothing that the image of a lion has so often appeared over the years on the coats of arms of rulers, noble families and even entire kingdoms.
In ancient times, in different cultures, this beast was even associated with deities, considering the lion as the personification of some of them. This meaning of the image is especially relevant for Buddhists: they believe that the lion is one of the incarnations of the Buddha himself.

It should also be noted that in many legends and myths, fictional creatures have lion features, for example, the mighty griffin, according to mythology, had eagle wings and a lion's body.... The same can be said about the Egyptian Sphinx, which for many is still a mystery.
In the Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions, this predator is of great importance. There he is the totem animal of Jerusalem. Images of a lion can be seen in large numbers in the Torah sanctuary. It is believed that this beast is engaged in the protection of God's message.

But in Christianity, this animal is interpreted in rather two ways. On the one hand, it denotes a wise and just ruler who uses his power for good purposes.On the other hand, the lion among Christians is a symbol of all those who easily succumb to pride, having received priority over the rest. In this context, the power vested in this wild beast is seen as a kind of test that can be passed with dignity or completely failed.
Leo also plays a special role in astrology, because there is a whole zodiacal constellation with him. There, this animal has the following designations: power, pride and strength. However, all those who were born under this zodiac sign are endowed with negative traits, which include selfishness, stubbornness and some arrogance.

Types and sketches of tattoos
There are many options for lion tattoos: with glasses, with wings, a clock, a grin and more. Some of these drawings are applied for aesthetic reasons, while others, on the contrary, mean a lot to their owner. Below we will consider the most popular of the sketches.

Such sketches are very, very common. They are the most popular among both girls and men, in contrast to the drawings, where the lion is depicted at full height. Many consider such a tattoo as a talisman. It is believed that it helps to develop or strengthen such human qualities as strength, self-confidence, the ability to adequately cope with various life trials.
The way the lion is depicted in the figure is also of great importance. So, resting animal means prudence, wisdom and peace, and open-jawed lion - completely different: his grin symbolizes aggression, impulsiveness, decisiveness in action, the ability and desire to defend himself, his principles.

With crown
A lion with a crown on his head is depicted quite often: it is not for nothing that this animal is called the king of all animals. A tattoo with a similar pattern will indicate that a person feels like a leader, and he has every reason for it, or in fact he is. In general, the crown only helps to emphasize all those traits that are inherent in a lion: nobility, power, determination, firmness and perseverance.

With flowers
The image of a lion or lioness with flowers is most often applied by girls, because floristry, as a rule, in its general understanding means grace, feminine energy, beauty and softness... That is, in combination with the image of a lion, the flowers seem to soften the meaning of the main picture, make it more calm. For this reason, floral elements in such tattoos are appropriate.
Flowers can be placed on the lion's head in the form of a wreath or around it, depicting a meadow on the tattoo. Floristry is also suitable for drawings where there is a whole lion family: a lion, a lioness and a lion cub.

With a dragon
Both the lion and the dragon are powerful and strong animals, which have long been endowed by people with nobility, wisdom, courage and justice. The general meaning of the picture, where both of these animals are present, can be interpreted as a desire for absolute power, a clear presence in a person leadership traits.

Paw print
The lion's paw print also looks very interesting. You can design it in different ways. For example, you can just draw a footprint that has been pressed into the ground with a powerful paw. And you can also depict such an imprint, inside which you can see the lion's features: nose, eyes or mane.
It is worth mentioning the meaning of such a picture. In general, the paw mark is considered to be special. Leaving an imprint, the beast also leaves its energy. That is, we can say that a paw tattoo can contribute to the birth of a person's inner strength, help him gain courage, strength, self-confidence, and become more responsible.

Lovers are very fond of doing paired tattoos, trying to emphasize in this way the power of their love and an unbreakable bond. Lion tattoos for such occasions are also suitable.
So, a girl can fill a drawing with a lioness on her body. In this case, the guy should get a tattoo with a lion.
By the way, such tattoos can be decorated in different ways. For example, you can place crowns on the heads of both animals, or add inscriptions like "queen" and "king" - here it all depends on your preferences.

Styles and colors
In terms of color, a lion tattoo can be very different. Men and girls tend to prefer the classic black and white colors. However, there are also exceptions. So, a drawing with a lion can be performed in natural shades characteristic of this animal. However, there are more extraordinary and interesting options, for example: a lion can be painted in the color of space or using all those shades that are present in the rainbow.

In terms of stylistic directions, the choice is also great. So, now the style is extremely popular minimalism... It is as simple as possible, which is its zest. Tattoos in this direction are easy to perform, which affects their cost.
In addition, such small drawings are hardly noticeable, as a rule, they can be easily hidden, and this is a big plus for those who want, but still do not dare to tattoo because of fear of losing their job.

And here realism suitable for those people who want to see a sizeable and noticeable tattoo on their body. Such drawings, as a rule, are detailed to the smallest detail. They are characterized by naturalism, which causes a "wow" effect for many.
However, small tattoos in this style are unlikely to be executed, since it will most likely be simply impossible to draw small elements in them.

And for lovers of colorful and bright tattoos, such a direction as watercolor... Drawings in this style are bright and catchy, which helps them to be visible to others. Their main features are the lack of clear contours and softness in terms of transitions between shades.

Style graphics for drawings with a lion is also suitable. These tattoos are done exclusively with strokes, which can make the image look a little rough. In addition, a feature of this style is that it uses exclusively black color when applied, without halftones.

Location options
A lion tattoo can be located anywhere: on the sternum, leg, forearm or ribs. However, there are nuances that are worth paying attention to.
The first thing to consider when choosing is dimensions of the picture... So, it would be better to place large images on the calf, shoulder, thigh, chest, back, sleeve or in the area of the shoulder blades. Mini tattoos or medium sized tattoos will look more appropriate around the neck, hand, wrist or finger.

The second factor that influences the choice of location is the visibility of the tattoo. If you are afraid that because of the tattoo you may have problems with employment, then it is better to select those parts of the body that are covered with clothes most of the time. These include the back, ribs and chest.

Well, the third factor is susceptibility to pain. The process of drawing a pattern can be very painful, especially in those places where the skin is as close to the bone as possible, is distinguished by its thinness or is strewn with nerve endings.
If you are very susceptible to such sensations, then such places for application, in particular: the area of the face, knees, fingers and ribs, should not be chosen.