Variety of tattoos with an infinity sign

The mystical symbol of infinity has become a very popular tattoo among both girls and men. This pattern can be applied to any part of the body, and it will look great. The article will talk about the variety of tattoos with an infinity sign, as well as about the meaning of this sign, where it is better to apply the drawing, and which sketches are suitable for girls and which ones for men.

A halo of mystery is associated with infinity and thus attracts the attention of mankind to itself... There are several versions of the origin of the sign. According to one of them, the sign of infinity has been known to people for a very long time. In the mountains of Tibet, an image of a serpent is carved, devouring its own tail. According to legend, this snake, called Ouroboros, tries to swallow its own tail, but it constantly grows, and everything goes on a new loop. The meaning of the legend is that the end of the old is the beginning of something new, and this circle is endless.
In India, the sign of infinity depicted the harmony of a man and a woman, the interaction of yin and yang. The symbol consists of two circles, one of which moves clockwise and the other counterclockwise. From a philosophical point of view, infinity is an eternal self-knowledge that cannot be reached to the end. This idea can be expressed in one phrase "There is no limit to perfection."

An infinity tattoo has several meanings. It means:
striving for freedom;
waiver of any restrictions;
thoughts about the current moment of life;
reincarnation of life, the wheel of Samsara;
for girls, such a tattoo means eternal mutual love;
love in the broadest sense - for loved ones, friends, animals;
self improvement.
The main features of the tattoo can be noted that it suits absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and religious beliefs of a person, and does not carry any negative message.

Types and sketches of tattoos
There are a lot of drawings with the sign of infinity. For women, there are tattoos denoting endless love, family, this is also a mass of beautiful small drawings with a letter, initials or a phrase. There are sketches of large tattoos for men. Infinity can be depicted as an oblique or double figure eight. There are paired tattoos, which are more often applied by lovers or already married couples. And also paired tattoos are popular as recognition by best friends or close relatives. You can always find something that suits you. We offer you to consider the most successful sketches of various tattoos.

With one sign
One of the most common plots is the serpent... Ouroboros is painted like a snake, but you can often find him depicted as a wingless dragon. If you look at the drawing from the point of view of the Christian religion, then the serpent carries evil, deception and destruction, but the ancient Greeks revered it as a symbol of wisdom. And also the snake serves as a symbol of Aesculapius all over the world, one has only to remember the sign of medical services. The dragon in Asian countries is revered as a symbol of wealth and glory. In any case, only you put the meaning in your stuffed body drawing.

Tattoo is also common in the form of a curved arrow. Such a sign can be interpreted as a return to the main goals in a person's life, or as a constant war with oneself, for example, the fight against bad habits, or with the surrounding reality.
The infinity sign is stuffed with various variations, for example, in the form of bent reinforcement... He is also drawn with a simple mathematical sign. Such drawings are preferred by straightforward and uncompromising personalities who prefer to "cut the truth-womb". The meaning of the tattoo, again, you put it.

There are sketches of tattoos exclusively for girls - we are now talking about drawings with a flower. This type of tattoo is preferred by romantic natures who dream of great and bright love. Not only a rose is depicted, but also any flower that you like. A flower tattoo can be with or without thorns.

Beautiful paired tattoos are obtained with picture cardiogram... The essence of such a picture is extremely unambiguous - death is followed by rebirth.
Original design of the sign in the form of a bow on the neck will undoubtedly rivet the attention of a strong half of humanity. Flirty and erotic.

With other elements
The desire for creativity and human imagination sometimes give rise to original combinations of one symbol with others. In our case, such additions are a feather, a heart, an anchor, birds, inscriptions, names and a number of other "additions". Let's consider the most successful combinations of a sign with various elements.
Infinity with a feather - one or more - means freedom, awareness of your life path. You can often see a sign not just with a feather, but also supplemented with an inscription. Moreover, the inscriptions can look like the names of children, loved ones or initials, any word or a phrase that is important for a person. The meaning of such a tattoo is interpreted depending on the inscription, and can contain many meanings.

If the infinity sign combined with the heart, this drawing often depicts dependence on any strong feeling before losing his mind. However, we can talk about love for a pet, for example. Again, you are making sense.

Inscriptions and numbers. A combination with an inscription - with the names of children, their own initials or second half, an important phrase - or with numbers speaks only of the importance of an event or person in your life.

Infinity with birds. Such a tattoo is associated with freedom, the immortality of the soul, serves as a reminder of the parent's "nest" or building one's own.
Combination with sea anchor is interpreted as confidence in the salvation and reincarnation of the human soul, the purification of the spiritual component of people.

Double infinity. It is believed that the sign brings harmony and stability, leads to the acquisition of eternal luck and prosperity, and not only spiritually, but also materially. However, if the double infinity is stuffed in the form of a cross, then the essence of the symbol is the acquisition and knowledge of God and the world order, human self-improvement.

Nicely combination of sign with a pattern of mother and children or human figures. The meaning of such a tattoo is simple - love for family, children, parents, relatives.
Such a drawing can be supplemented with both initials and memorable dates.

Infinity and triangle. They are stuffed in two versions: the Ouroboros sign in a triangle or an endless triangle. Such a tattoo can be interpreted as an ordering of living space, a triune beginning.

It is worth noting that the sign is also stuffed with other elements: skulls, chains, the sun, the moon and asterisks, butterflies and many others.
Styles and colors
The tattoo is applied in a classic black color, but if the drawing is complemented by some elements, then other colors can be used. More often they use gray, blue or red, but it is not forbidden to use other colors and shades - it all depends on the sketch you have chosen and your imagination.

The original drawing has no style as such, just an inverted figure eight. If we talk about various additions to the sign, then most often they use the stylistics of dotwork, watercolor, geometry, linework, miniature, original style, various varieties of ethnicity. A beautiful drawing can turn out in the style of graffiti or with a gothic font.

Location options
The location of the badge depends on the size of the badge and the acceptable dress code for your job. Small tattoos are stuffed in ideal places for this: on the finger, on the neck, and can be done behind the auricle, on the back of the neck. However, bold and ready for experimentation personalities can place a drawing in the larynx region.

The collarbone is an excellent place to place a tattoo - with a strict dress code, it easily hides under office clothes. On the hand, it is applied to places such as the wrist or forearm. On the leg - ankle, calves. Large drawings are made on the back, on the lower back or on the chest.

If you believe in the immensity of space, the eternal change of death and rebirth, the wheel of Samsara and other theories, then such a drawing will reflect your beliefs, without offending the religious feelings of any confessions, diasporas, subcultures and others.
Such a unique tattoo has a wide meaning, which you yourself can choose. Of course, whatever meaning you choose, those around you can see their own essence in the tattoo.