Sun tattoo

The symbol of the sun is a popular subject of body art. In the article, we will tell you what it means for girls and men, what it happens, in what techniques it is applied.

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The sun has long been associated with humanity with a deity worthy of worship. It was considered sacred, brought light, warmth, life to the world. Different peoples could be interpreted in their own way.
- In pagan Russia, it was the personification of Khors - an imperious divine being, riding across the sky in a fiery chariot. He was honored for his wise disposition.
- The Celts associated the meaning of the sun with the sign of eternity. It was often depicted with rays in the form of fiery flaming tongues. The sun was drawn as a circle on the cross.
- For the Aztecs, the sun was a pure spirit, capable of moving along the earth with the speed of the wind. Its meaning was associated with freedom.
- Major tribes considered the sun as the eye of the sky. He was equated with the higher powers.
- For the Egyptians, the sun was the supreme god Ra, who patronized the pharaohs. He was endowed with tremendous magical powers.
- In Greek mythology, it is associated with Zeus, thanks to the sun, the supreme ruler could follow people.
- For the Japanese, the sun was the goddess of women and the serpent Amaterasu. According to Japanese culture, a divine person ruled the world with the help of the sun.

In general, the sun is considered one of the most powerful symbols with an ancient history. It was used in rock art. The meaning is associated with the calendar, the human attitude.
From an astrological point of view, the sun is interpreted as an inner light. It is compared to the heart, kindness, the best character trait.
Depending on the manner of execution and the embedded meaning, a tattoo with the sun can mean life, rebirth, eternity and immortality. It indicates inner power, strength, courage and dignity, energy.

The sun tattoo is a wearable decor with a positive message. Most often it is done in order to change life for the better, believing that the sign protects a person from life's troubles.
The tattoo is universal: suitable for men and women. May be the first wearable design. With its help, you can mask a scar, burn, partak.
In China, it is considered a predominantly male tattoo. Indicates yang energy, activity and authority.

Men's tattoos depicting the sun indicate a person's leadership abilities, his inner strength. The man with the sun tattoo is reliable, loyal, responsive. This is the choice of people who can come to the rescue at any moment. Depending on the additions of the picture, its meaning is associated with luck, courage, courage, faith in people.
For girls, this symbol is considered the personification of purity, light energy, protection from negativity.
This is a choice of attractive and cheerful natures, bright and optimistic.
Interpretation for women is associated with the ability to preserve home and comfort. Such decorations indicate fertility, devotion, striving for truth and love for others.

Types and sketches of tattoos
The sun can be applied to the body as an independent element or combined with other details against the background of global plots. For example, he is most often depicted with a crescent moon.
Such a drawing means the meeting of day and night, the ability to achieve the impossible. It is considered one of the most powerful body amulets with positive energy.

The sun can have a multifaceted performance. It is stuffed in the form of a mini-tattoo, an original pagan star, a circle of fire, a geometric motif. Often the sign is depicted with a human face.
One of the popular themes is the rising sun tattoo. It happens more often small, denotes new beginnings or physical changes in a person's life.

In addition to the classical performance, the symbol is depicted as a divine principle. For example, the Egyptian god Ra looks like a pharaoh with an eagle's head.
Such a plot is close in spirit to guys who believe in the highest justice and prosperity.
The tattoo in this design symbolizes spirituality, courage, honor.
An equally interesting plot is the combination of the sun and the moon. There are many interpretations of this topic. The drawing can be light and small, flat and voluminous, made in different techniques of body art.

Types of drawings are divided according to the degree of complexity, ethnicity. They differ in additional elements, embedded meaning, manner of performance.
The most concise options are a sun tattoo with rays in the form of simple lines without any drawing and volume. These are small female tattoos. They are performed mainly with one pigment.
In addition to the traditional execution, many points can be created. The rays are straight, wavy, triangular (geometric), the sun disk - painted over or not clogged with paint.
Inside the circle there may be rings of a smaller diameter, spiral patterns. Sometimes a simple sun tattoo is embellished with a human face without much detail.

The classic drawing is a pagan black sun with an ancient history dating back more than 5 thousand years. The symbol is interpreted as a path to the other world, the discovery of spiritual purity.
In the middle of the solar circle there are runic elements that protect a person from enemies and negative factors. These are 12 rays of a broken shape.

Slavic Kolovrat is single, through. The direction of rotation of its rays can be the same and different (it is the opposite, if the amulet has 2 rows of rays).
The sign indicates the birth of a new one, is a triumph of life, reminds of the end of existence. In addition to the traditional design, it can be depicted in the form of a conventional pattern with a black disk and rays.

Sometimes there is a runic letter in its center. Sometimes it even resembles a flower, a wheel - the storylines are varied. In addition to runic, geometric ornaments, Kolovrat, it is depicted ascending.
Also stuffed with two-faced (together with the month in the solar circle). This is a sign of striving for solar harmony.
In addition, the Slavic sun is depicted as a mask. She can be formidable, harsh, sometimes spiteful, kind.
The meaning of any interpretation is the same - such a tattoo is a powerful talisman.

Beautiful symbols made in the form of Polynesian patterns look spectacular on the body. They are based on a tribal - a drawing dedicated to magical creatures and deities.
Such a tattoo has a special semantic load and sacred meaning. The drawing consists of intertwined patterns, spirals, geometric shapes, curves and other elements. All of them are made with one pigment with a dense blocking.

The Polynesian sun is symmetrical and consists of several circles with repeating patterns. A mask is drawn in its central part, the eyes of which can be opened or closed.
Along with this, the sun can be depicted as rising and setting. In the first case, the meaning is associated with the flow of energy and awakening. Sunset indicates rebirth.

The presence of a spiral element is interpreted on the basis of its performance. A closed spiral is a sign of constancy and development. An open symbol is associated with updating and restoring.
Sometimes Polynesian sun tattoos are like shields with a frightening image of a deity. Moreover, the sun itself in them is often part of a complex ornamental composition.

Other options
In the search for an individual sketch, non-standard tattoo options appear. For example, one of them is the idea of duality. In this case, the sun is divided into 2 halves, exposing the mechanical essence hidden inside it.
The luminary, decorated with a dotwork, looks interesting. The dotted pattern gives it lightness and uniqueness. Moreover, in women's tattoos, it looks like a decoration for the body, in men's tattoos it is an imitation of a shadow, resembles the technique of painting pointillism.

Often the face of the sun is the focus of the drawing. In addition to the usual options, a frightening samurai mask can be depicted in the center of the disc. A sketch with an inscription in the center of the sun disk looks unusual.
Interpretation of yin-yang is another extraordinary solution. It is performed in the form of a circle with a sign in the center and branched rays.
This version of the tattoo looks great in the contrast of red and black colors.

In addition to the traditional form, the sun is presented in the form of a pagan deity or an old man who personifies wisdom.
An equally original version is the sun with rays in the form of a cobweb. It will look appropriate not only on the shoulder, but also on the elbow. In this case, the main part will look better in black tones.

Styles and colors
The stylistics of the image can be different. The beautiful half of humanity is in demand for sun tattoos in the style of minimalism. As a rule, they are carried out in a single line.
Such drawings have no detail. They are recognizable due to their general shape. They are devoid of shade, they are performed mainly with black pigment. Less often they can combine red, blue, black colors.

Among men, the trash polka style is more popular, which is characterized by the decoration of decomposition. The message of technology is based on the frailty of being. The sun is an addition to the main character - death.
It can be overlapped by geometric lines, supplemented with inscriptions. Such tattoos are stuffed in black. Depending on the complexity of the plot, it can combine several styles of tattoo.

Popular images of a bloody sun rising over the foamy waves of the sea. In such sketches, it is drawn in the form of a red disk with wide beams.
The red sun is depicted against the background of a lighthouse and windy weather. The picture can be framed by an abstract outline, strokes, dots or blots.

The sun in ethnic tattoos is part of a larger plot. In most cases, it is complemented by an ornamental pattern with certain symbols. It is applied in black.
In ornamental female tattoos, the sun can look like a stylized flower with ray petals or even foliage. Such ideas are embodied with the help of additional work - a stylistics performed through many points.

Colored tattoos are stuffed in old school style. Depending on the embedded meaning, the luminary can be framed with thorns, thorns, closed intertwined lines.
Men choose realistic tattoo options. For example, it can be an image of the Egyptian god Ra, embodied in natural colors, as detailed as possible.
The sun in realism complements the main composition. A formidable animal is often depicted against its background. For example, it can be a wolf at sunset, a lion, a bull, or some other animal.

Application options
The location of the tattoo depends on its size, the complexity of the pattern, the physiological characteristics of the body, and the client's taste preferences.
Big jobs stuff on the back. Here they are best viewed. In this case, the pattern is often placed along the spine.

Men, on the other hand, prefer to decorate the sternum with the transition to the shoulder and forearm. Both the black and the classic sun are stuffed over the heart, on the forearm, complementing it with various auxiliary details.
Some compositions look great on the back, covering one side of the spine. For example, it can be a drawing in the Aztec theme with rays, each of which is decorated with a special ornamental pattern.

Realistic tattoos look spectacular on the upper arm, stylized, geometric ones - on the chest, shoulder and forearm. The arrangement is traditional, sleeveless.
Small drawings are placed on the wrist, hand, palm. On these parts of the body, laconic luminaries in black are perfectly visible. Girls decorate their necks and even little fingers with simple tattoos.

The shoulder is not chosen very often. However, the sun, rendered in the finest traditional Maori patterns, is a dramatic option that fits on the hip. Also, girls like the location between the shoulder blades.

Men's tattoos, in addition to the chest, can be located on the ribs. If a man decorates his entire back with a similar pattern, the image is replete with detail.
Non-standard technique - placement on the elbows and knees. The sun is exactly the element that will naturally emphasize the relief of the body, hide rough skin. The variants of drawings here are limited only by the imagination of the master and the client.
With the existing skills and experience on the elbow and knee, a tattoo in the style of old school, dotwork, blackwork will look.

The manner of performance also varies. The sun can be traditional or unusual. For example, made in the form of a hole in the wall, where cracks play the role of rays.
The volumetric version with the sun in the form of a metal shield will also be spectacular. Depending on the style and taste of the client, the solar shield can be decorated with runic characters and letters.