Meaning and examples of Arrow tattoo sketches

An arrow is a type of melee weapon that was used in hunting and warriors in battles. Today, it is a powerful, fairly popular sign, often applied to the body as a tattoo. We will tell you about what such a symbol means, and what tattoos with its image exist in the article.

The image of an arrow with feathers is one of the most common tattoos. It is applied by both men and girls who want to decorate their body with a picture. Before applying such a symbol, it is worth learning about its meaning.
It should be said that arrows in ancient times were often used in combination with a bow for hunting or in battles.
The image of such an arrow could often be seen on the emblems - this emphasized the connection with the army. Many believed that the arrow symbolized courage, determination, heroism. It was for this reason that the arrow was believed to be an exclusively masculine symbol. However, this is not at all the case.

Many are mistaken, believing that the main meaning of the symbol in the form of an arrow is somehow connected with the military sphere. In fact, this sign has quite a few meanings. So, an arrow is accuracy, the ability to choose the right target and follow it, despite all the difficulties and obstacles. The arrow is a symbol of calmness, determination, self-control, ingenuity and poise. Such a sign is an indicator that a person is able, if necessary, to protect himself, his loved ones.

Besides, its direction is also of great importance for such a sign. So, if the arrow is directed towards the north, it symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, knowledge.The direction towards the south means innocence, towards the east - foresight, the ability to make grandiose plans. And the direction of the arrow to the west symbolizes developed flair and intuition.

This symbol can be interpreted in another way. Do not forget that the arrow is used not only as a cold weapon, but in some cases also as a pointer. If you interpret the symbol in such a context, then it will mean for a person movement in the right direction. Such a tattoo will help its owner find the right path, will help in the search for truth, its purpose, and harmonious existence.

This sign has one more meaning. It is associated with the famous Cupid or Cupid, who is the owner of a bow and arrow, which is endowed with magical powers. In this context, the body drawing is seen as the desire of its owner for love, true, sincere and complete. In addition, such a sign symbolizes femininity, eroticism and the energy of sexuality. It is for this reason that images endowed with such a meaning, as a rule, are made mainly by the fair sex.

Variety of sketches
There are many feather arrow tattoos. In this case, the arrow in the figure can be depicted as an independent element, or as part of a large composition that has a specific plot.
If we talk about the style decision in which this tattoo will be performed, then it can also be different. His choice depends only on the preferences and desires of the owner of the future tattoo.

So, if you want to make yourself a small tattoo that will not immediately catch your eye, then the best solution would be to turn to such a style as minimalism. As a rule, tattoos made in this style are applied in black and white, but sometimes there are drawings made in color. Images of this kind look very neat and strict on both male and female bodies. Such a pattern, if necessary, can be easily hidden under clothes.

However, there are other options as well. So, drawing an arrow can be done in the style of a graphic or watercolor. Both options, if performed correctly, will look spectacular and interesting on the body. Such style solutions are suitable for both female and male tattoos. The style of realism, which is characterized by detail, will also be appropriate here.
If we talk about the plot component of tattoos, then it is also quite important for the interpretation of the picture.

The most popular is the version of the image of an arrow with various symbols. These can be runes, symbols and other inscriptions. The meaning of such a tattoo will largely depend on the interpretation of these very symbols.
The image of the arrow itself plays an important role. So, if it is depicted as a whole, and its tip is especially sharp, it symbolizes determination, readiness to go into battle, determination. Such an arrow was used by the African peoples, for them it symbolized the announcement of an attack on enemies or their capture. Their broken arrow, on the other hand, meant the end of hostilities. Therefore, the image of an arrow broken in half symbolizes peacefulness, the desire for stability and life in harmony both with the world and with oneself.

There is also a variant of a body image in the form of a full-fledged weapon, which is a combination of arrows and a bow. As a rule, most often depict a bowstring and an arrow stretched on a bow. Such a drawing symbolizes the health of a man, vitality. If such an image is complemented by a killed bird, for example, an eagle, then this also symbolizes the desire to win. As a rule, such wearable images are made by people who have an active life position.

This version of the image, like a heart pierced by an arrow, also has a special meaning.This underwear pattern indicates that a person has already found his true love. This image symbolizes eternal loyalty and devotion to your partner. It also signifies the unity and energy of sexuality.
A drawing with the outline of a rose next to an arrow has a similar meaning.
It symbolizes the thirst for love, a great desire to find a person who is close in spirit, a life partner.

The variant of the drawing, which depicts crossed arrows, is also quite popular. Such a tattoo symbolizes strong friendship, connection of destinies. This version of the image is suitable for people who want to get paired tattoos with someone close to them.

Places for application
Arrow tattoos are usually not very large. For this reason, they can be applied to almost any part of the body: on the arm, on the leg, on the wrist, on the finger, in the region of the ribs or collarbone, on the back or on the forearm. If you still want to get a large tattoo, then in this case it is best to depict it on the forearm, back or chest - it is these zones that have the largest skin area.

Beautiful examples
There are many options for sketching arrow tattoos.
For example, here is a minimalistic drawing suitable for both girls and men.

And here is a more gentle execution of a similar pattern. Such a tattoo will look very impressive on a woman's body.

The large color image of an arrow also looks interesting when played around correctly.