What does the "Svarog" tattoo mean and what are they like?

Svarog is a god who patronizes blacksmiths and many other people doing physical labor. In Slavic culture, this deity is the father of all other gods, the creator of the whole world. We will describe below what the male tattoo "Svarog" means, what options there are with its image.

Svarog is the name of a deity, which in Slavic culture is considered the supreme god. This god is often depicted as a blacksmith. This is explained by the fact that he is the patron saint of physical labor and blacksmithing. In ancient times, many people believed that Svarog was a kind of progenitor of many crafts, he was revered and perceived as a teacher. There is also another opinion. So, some believe that Svarog is a blacksmith god who, with the help of his hammer, created the worldly world, all the stars and the world of the gods.

The main symbol of Svarog is considered to be a square, which is also called the Star of Russia or the Seal of Svarog. Such a symbol is an eight-pointed star, personifying a hearth or a forge, from which tongues of flame tend to escape. In addition, such a star means the unity and diversity of the forms of the universe. In Slavic culture, this symbol was endowed with powerful power. He was one of the brightest and most powerful.

Most of the tattoos depicting Svarog or his symbols are chosen by men. So they strive to emphasize their masculinity and strength. It is believed that such a pattern on the body provides its owner with protection from all sorts of ailments, gives self-confidence and adds decisiveness, contributes to the spiritual development of a person, and also helps to achieve success in material terms and in career advancement.

Besides, such a symbol on the body means fire, intuition and prudence. Especially a tattoo in the form of it is recommended to be done to those men whose activities are related to the military, medicine or blacksmithing. He will assist in making the right decision, choosing the right path and contributing to the achievement of the goal. This symbol will also help those who seek to continue their family and acquire healthy heirs.

In general, a tattoo with the designation and symbols of Svarog is a talisman for men, which provides them with well-being, courage, health, strength, well-being and family happiness.
Species overview
There are several popular types of tattoos.
The Svarog Square is a powerful symbol that allows you to gain self-confidence, strength and wisdom, promotes career growth and fostering qualities such as courage, courage and willpower. The Svarog square among the Slavs also symbolizes the sun, the four sides of the world, family, life, and also people who have a developed creativity: artisans, creators and all those who are engaged in the creation of something new with their own hands.

As a rule, such a symbol is applied exclusively by men, and in those places that are hidden from the eyes of strangers by clothing. In addition, a tattoo in the form of a Svarog square is recommended for mature men.
Those who have not reached the age of majority should not get such a tattoo. The reason for this is the strength of this symbol. Its owner may simply not be able to cope with such power, which can negatively affect him.

The wheel of Svarog is an equally powerful symbol with tremendous power. In Slavic culture, it symbolizes life, prudence and honor. This symbol is a circle with eight rays. They represent the four seasons and the four elements. Such a tattoo will bring success to its owner in all his endeavors, increase luck, and contribute to the acquisition of peace of mind and stability.

Svarog's shield is another symbol that has tremendous power. Its second name is Shield Altar. This symbol provides full protection from unkind looks, from bad thoughts, promotes the disclosure of personal potential, the acquisition of harmony, stability in all spheres of human life.
This tattoo is an eight-pointed star with a ninth central point. It should be noted that the number "9" itself was not chosen by chance. In Slavic culture, this figure was considered magical.

It is believed that it belongs to Svarog. Such a sign on the body will serve as a kind of amulet for its owner, endow him with wisdom and prudence.
Svarog's hammer is another strong amulet. Only men depict a tattoo in the form of him on their bodies. On women, the hammer is extremely rare, since it is not their symbol. Such an image is suitable for all those who have reached the age of majority, that is, the age of a warrior.
A tattoo in the form of a hammer of Svarog helps its owner gain wisdom, develop his strength and abilities. In addition, it provides protection from diseases, unkind thoughts and enemies, helps to ensure harmony in the family, and strengthen the marriage bond.

Where can you stuff?
A tattoo "Svarog" can be done almost anywhere: on the arm, on the shoulder, on the forearm or on the chest.
When choosing a location, it is important to pay attention to the size of the tattoo. If this is a full-fledged plot that can take up a large amount of space, then in this case you need to choose the zone that has the largest skin area: this is the back, chest or sleeve. For small tattoos, just about any part of the body will work.

Besides, it is worth paying attention to what kind of image you want to make on your body. If this is a Svarog square, then in this case it is necessary to choose the area of the skin that will be hidden from the eyes of strangers under clothes most of the time.If we are talking about a wheel, then it is recommended to fill it on the back, in the area of the shoulder or chest. Svarog's hammer will look best and most effective in the neck, shoulder or arm. All other images can be positioned on any part of the body that suits you. It doesn't matter.

Beautiful examples
There are many sketches for Svarog tattoos. Here are just a few of them.
A variant of a plot tattoo, the center of the composition of which is Svarog himself.

And here is the Svarog square, depicted in different versions. Such a tattoo looks impressive and at the same time very mysterious.

Svarog's shield looks great on a male body.

Beautiful tattoo with a hammer of Svarog.