Features of glowing tattoo

In the last decade, unusual tattoos have come into vogue - they consist of bright fluorescent paints. During the day they are practically invisible, but in the light of ultraviolet radiation they give a neon glow. These are very stylish items for all the club goers.
What is it and how is it done?
Glowing tattoos are a special style of body painting. In daylight, such a tattoo is not visible, most often it is white or slightly grayish. Some paints are completely invisible during daylight hours.

This trend in tattoo art is relatively young. The technique was actively spread in the 1990s due to the growth of neon trends. At that time, when creating images, the masters took ink with compounds of phosphorus and zinc, which pose a serious danger to the body. The most irresponsible manufacturers used a component called EverGlow - it was originally created to dye marine boats, so the use of such a substance in tattoos cannot be called anything other than barbarism.
Even with observance of all sanitary requirements, maintaining sterility and regular antiseptic treatment, applying such a tattoo is fraught with severe allergic reactions and even the development of certain types of skin cancer.

Today, formulations with this toxic chemical are practically not used. Professional tattoo parlors have switched to modern pigments based on zinc sulfate. A special manufacturing technique makes them light-reactive - responsive to ultraviolet light.
The effect of glow-in-the-dark tattoos lasts as long as the simplest tattoos. Of course, over time, the flickering will gradually fade, but it will not completely disappear.

It is also important to understand that if you later decide to overlap such a tattoo with any other based on colored ink, the result will not be what you expect. The image will appear less saturated and the glow will disappear altogether.
The composition of pigments is improving every year, and the number of negative reviews about them is decreasing. However, none of the formulations used to date have received FDA approval. Therefore, you always make any neon tattoo at your own peril and risk.

Such tattoos are optimal for fans of club life, visitors to bars and nightlife. The image is revealed in ultraviolet light and guarantees increased attention to its owners. Such tattoos are suitable for experimenters who like everything unusual and new. These people love shocking in all its manifestations. They stage eccentric antics, violate established norms, and go against the tide.
The adornment will also be an excellent solution for boys and girls who, due to their professional activities, do not have the opportunity to fill patterns on their skin that are noticeable under normal lighting.

Types of tattoos
Glowing tattoos can be divided into three types.
The image is noticeable in daylight, in the night darkness it starts to glow, the colors become brighter and more saturated. The option is optimal for people who do not hesitate to show their wearable drawings to others, regardless of the time of day.

In the daytime, the pattern on the skin is not visible, but with the arrival of darkness under the neon light of the club lamps, it begins to shine in all its beauty. Optimal for people who are not inclined to advertise their active nightlife at work.
A combination of these options. In this case, only part of the image is visible during the day, and at a party in the club, the tattoo is supplemented with spectacular details. For example, you can fill the image of the Moon with ordinary pigment on your skin - it will be visible during the day. And under ultraviolet lamps, fluorescent stars will shine around her.

The style is suitable for liberated women and men who have a great sense of humor and love to shock others.
From the point of view of execution technique, luminous tattoos can be inked in two ways.
Standard - the tattoo is done using standard tools (typewriter, module or needle). In this case, a classic pigment is injected under the skin, and then neon paint is driven in under an ultraviolet lamp. The cost of such work is quite high, since fluorescent colors have a liquid structure, and some manufacturers have an oily structure. This significantly slows down and complicates the work in general.

Temporary tattoo - in this case, the pigment is distributed over the skin surface with a thin roller, without driving in. The stability of such a dye is 10-14 days; in case of need for prompt removal, any alcohol-based solution can be used. The dyes are used here the same - with a liquid consistency, so creating a tattoo is a complex and meticulous process.

Temporary tattoos, if desired, can be done independently at home. There is no risk of infection here, so they do not require antiseptic treatment and maintenance of sterility. The main thing is to purchase a specialized high-quality pigment and a stencil for applying a high-precision pattern.
It is important to pay attention to the correctly selected sketch of the drawing. Tattoos can be large or small, classic or abstract. If you do not pay enough attention to the selection of the sketch, then the image will look like not so much a tattoo as an ordinary spot on the body.

Keep in mind - painting over some area of the skin with completely glowing paints will not be easy. Therefore, to create a tattoo, an image in the form of an inscription or sketches with lines is used.The most widespread styles are calligraphy, linework, engraving and geometry.
As for the sketches, the only limitation here is your own imagination and personal wishes. If we talk about the most popular trends, then the top 3 looks like this.
Personal inscriptions - names of loved ones, symbols and dates. The ability to see them in a certain spectrum of light makes the tattoo mysterious and gives it a lot of intimacy.

Smile of the Cheshire Cat - everyone knows this unusual creature from the work of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". In the luminous version, such an image looks very interesting.

Galaxy drawings - space tattoos with planets, stars and nebulae are organiceven when done with traditional pigments. The use of fluorescent paints adds originality and realism to them.

Nuances of care
In order for an ultraviolet tattoo to give a bright glow, it must be properly cared for. This is primarily due to protection from sunlight, especially during the first three months after applying the image. At this time, it is very important to use a strong sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
Another point is the cleanliness and sterility of the treated area. Dirt on the wound can darken the pigment. The image will be dim even after the skin is completely healed.
It is important to protect your tattoo from perfumes, scented creams and household chemicals. Any care components that could cause an allergic reaction should be excluded.

In all other respects, you need to take care of the glowing tattoo in the same way as for any other. In the first days after manipulations, rinse with clean water, apply a wound healing cream and wrap with sterile disposable diapers. The first 4 days they are changed at least once a day, then the tattoo can be left open, but avoid friction between the treated area and clothing.

And in conclusion, a few recommendations.
- Meticulously approach the choice of a tattoo parlor - only a large one with experienced, proven masters will suit you. In little-known establishments, there is a high risk of using fluorinated dyes.
- Be sure to ask for a certificate for the coloring pigment.
- Do an allergy test. This can save you a lot of unpleasant situations.