Tattoo "Three triangles"

The desire to shock others, to express one's attitude to the world, to consolidate some life priorities, or simply to depict philosophical categories in graphic symbolism - all this is characteristic of the tattoo culture, which has become especially widespread in recent decades. A master who is engaged in printing a drawing not by craft, but by vocation is a real artist who understands the deep meaning of sacred symbols.

The "Three Triangles" tattoo is a multi-valued image, the subtext of which is variable depending on age and gender.

Description and meaning
The meaning of this image does not lend itself to an unambiguous definition, since the meaning of a geometric figure has been applied in different cultures, religious, esoteric and philosophical teachings. This is the form in which they tried to depict the harmonious structure of the Universe, the principle of the hierarchical structure of the entire surrounding universe or the unity of sacred principles, the single nature of heaven, earth and man.

The triangle is the first flat figure, a graphical replacement for the three - a mystical number, revered, which has repeatedly been subjected to various interpretations.
One triangle means unity inseparable by semantic associations:
- earthly firmament, airspace and a person forced to stay between them;
- family ties (mother, father and child);
- a human being, consisting of body, soul and spirit;
- in ancient Egypt it was considered a symbol of the nature of existence (indestructible trinity);
- an equilateral triangle indicated the completion of a process, structure, time cycle.

The meaning of the image changes according to its position and tradition of location. At the same time, placement with the top down means the feminine principle in all its sacred manifestations - from the genital organ to the great Nature. The top-up shape is used to represent the masculine principle. The well-known Star of David - two superimposed triangles - means a hexagram, an organic union of the origin of the generative and the creative.

The "Three Triangles" tattoo has a variable meaning, which, even in the case of ignorance of the interpretation, according to people initiated into philosophical and esoteric subtleties, indicates an attitude towards the world in some intellectual superiority. If the choice of the image was made with the awareness of the symbolism of one triangle, then it emphasizes strength and wisdom, as well as a special attitude towards life.

But even if a person leaned towards the triangle, not fully understanding its meaning, but simply because he liked the harmonious flat image in an unusual combination, then this speaks of some spiritual strength, belonging to the chosen ones, capable of coming to self-knowledge over time.
According to tattoo artists, a penchant for such ambiguous images means the ability to self-sacrifice, to reject the personal and unimportant in order to profess an idea, preserve spiritual values, and find hidden truth.

For men
Even one shape can change its meaning depending on which triangle is depicted. In equilateral, it matters where the top of the symbol faces. For example, if it is directed upward, then it means a fiery element, downward - water. But with a truncated top, the meaning changes - this is already earth and air.

There are certain subtleties that change depending on configuration, cultural background, presence of additional details or color.
- The main meaning is the indissolubility of the role of the male individual, as a representative of the already established human community (primacy in the family).
- The second (no less important) - inclusion in the continuous chain of the genus, to which he belongs, regardless of his knowledge of previous generations and his desire to be a link in a centuries-old chain.
- And only the third part of the image speaks about the wearer himself, who chose the image on the skin. It has three inseparable features at the same time - physical strength, spiritual power and wisdom, which makes it possible to use the first two correctly.

The traditional placement of three triangles for males is on the forearm or hand. Some researchers are sure that this does not really matter, does not bear any additional symbolism. However, there are masters who believe that not only the chosen place of application matters, but also the method of image - contour, more distinct or with the use of additional symbols. Not everyone can read the tattoo language, but the choice of drawing already characterizes a person at the level of his subconscious associations and his inherent character traits.

For women
The meaning of the symbol does not particularly change if a representative of the fair sex has expressed a penchant for it. This is the trinity of birth, life and death of a person of his presence in the inseparable chain of the clan and his deep essence, consisting of a mortal body, an eternal soul and the strength of the spirit that governs existence, destiny and beauty.

Three triangles for girls can be regarded by outsiders as an internal readiness to fulfill their eternal destiny. - procreation or as the maturity of the emotional sphere, the willingness to enter into a serious and responsible relationship.
Hence the frequent image not on the upper limb, but between the shoulder blades, which means consent to carry the burden of the family intended by life, raising children, and implementing relationships between generations.

In any case, the sacred meaning of the tattoo changes if it is not just a schematic drawing of geometric figures in black, but it contains either additional symbolism, or unusual placement, or it is made in color combinations.

Species overview
The composition of three triangles leaves room for imagination not only for the experienced tattoo artist, but also for the person who first decided to resort to the power of this art. Since the 3 corners of the geometric figure had a different (and at the same time similar) interpretation, a tattoo in ancient times could denote belonging to a particular stratum of society, family, indicate status, carry a semantic load. Each new symbol was understandable to others, but in modern reality people use them arbitrarily. Therefore, in the case when the plexus is complemented by an image, it is imperative to know its exact meaning, otherwise a triple pattern can denote a meaning that turns out to be the opposite of what its owner wanted to say.

Triangles in a simple weave mean trinity: the return of a symbol to its original - already basic - meaning.
Three in one can be interpreted in different ways. Located together in one triangle, with the addition of a Mobius strip or with beveled corners and embossed details, most often they are male. They talk about the strengthening of the trinity, the propensity for meaningful actions, the confirmation of the standard identification.

The same image, but inverted, means a tendency to chaos and non-standard behavior, rejection of stereotypes. Many consider it a sign of creativity and a tendency to think outside the box.
The crossed figures, complemented by the magic sign Valknut (which means the knot of the chosen ones) - all the same trinity, but with the attraction of otherworldly and magical powers. This knot has eight different combinations, for which there is no single interpretation. They can be detrimental to the person making the unfortunate choice.

Where can you place it?
The traditional image is placed on the neck: women are more often behind, and men - on the side. A neat triangular symbol of a small size is suitable for positioning on a woman's hand, which looks pretty nice. Observations show that representatives of the stronger sex prefer to fill such images on the wrists, legs, forearms.

Girls and women can place a tattoo wherever fantasy suggests, but more often they choose a neck, shoulder blade, foot or lower back.
There are no special rules and warnings against a place for such a simple image, but if a person intends to supplement it with some kind of image, not particularly analyzing the sacred meaning, but simply because he liked the drawing, the place of placement must be handled carefully. For example, the mystical eye on the lower back is clearly inappropriate, since it means the omnipresence of God's eye, and placing it in the lumbar segment looks like a mockery of the sacred meaning of the triangle and the magic eye.

Beautiful examples
Tattoo artists who perform a variety of designs using modern techniques usually try to warn their clients about the difficulties of creating an image that is made using the traditional method. The painlessness of applying a temporary tattoo means not only the absence of painful sensations and difficulties (in some cases) with healing, but also the ability to get rid of an unsuccessfully chosen tattoo over time. Now you can use henna painting, paint of natural or chemical origin, dye spraying.

In any case, you should carefully study the sketch you like, understand its inner meaning, additional meanings of symbols that seemed especially picturesque. Below are a few examples that you can use safely.
- Male bicolor on the back of the neck.

- Colored on the arm (gender does not matter).

- Penrose triangle - wrist.

- A beautiful option for a girl.

- Tattoo from the master Timur Morpheev - on the back, with a tree.