All about the cobra tattoo

Lovers of body art find a cobra tattoo very attractive: it attracts the attention of others to their bodies. The image of a formidable reptile is mesmerizing to the eye. This plot is incredibly interesting, although it is not new. Cobra tattoo does not lose popularity and is often found these days.

A snake tattoo is distinguished by grace and natural beauty, the power of a predatory reptile. She has an ambiguous symbolism, which they have been trying to unravel since the time of the existence of Ancient Egypt. In the area surrounding the Nile, the hooded cobra stood for power. Therefore, this symbol adorned the forehead of the pharaoh, emphasizing the power and strength of the ruler on earth and heaven.
A venomous cobra with a swollen hood was considered the symbol of the eye of Ra. The luminary was endowed with the ability to give and take life. And the reptile, applied in a prominent place on the hand, symbolized the power of fate. She was also considered as a fateful symbol because of the story of Cleopatra. The famous queen used snake venom to escape to another world. At one time, the tattoo of a deadly reptile was also the hallmark of suicides.

Suicide is condemned by religion and society, but a modern picture of a cobra may not necessarily have such an interpretation. Sometimes she personifies not a sinful intention, but a desire not to forget that fate determines the outcome. You cannot decide for yourself when to end a life given by God. And this is far from the only meaning of the image of a dangerous snake on the body. Cobra tattoos are popular among young people and connoisseurs of body painting in the middle-aged segment. Such tattoos are to the liking of people with atypical thinking.
You can also draw a parallel between applying a cobra tattoo and craving for more wealth. In India, it is still believed that Naga is the keeper of countless treasures. It is believed that the creator rested on a cobra at different stages of the creation of a complexly arranged world.
And among Buddhist monks, the reptile in question is considered a positive creature. According to legend, it was she who protected the body of the little Buddha sleeping under the open sun with a hood.

A tattoo in the form of a cobra is characteristic of courageous and purposeful individuals who are worthy of resisting the hardships of life.... Usually these are people from a creative environment with many talents, ideas and extraordinary thinking.
However, the meaning of each specific tattoo must be judged by the general plot. For example, a snake spraying poison indicates the aggressive disposition of the owner of the tattoo. This is a domineering person who seeks to subjugate those around him. He likes to instill fear and control. Cobra plots can have a double meaning, depending on where on the body they are applied. And even the background can influence the interpretation of the image.

For men
A cobra tattoo is the choice of strong-minded men who are not accustomed to obeying, having their own vision of the picture of the world and unbending will. These are always people who confidently achieve their goals, even if the comfort and feelings of loved ones are at stake. At the same time, the bearers of such a tattoo are smart, incredibly resourceful and very attractive.
Mostly men choose a tattoo with an attacking cobra, as the rattlesnake in attack symbolizes strength and courage. In this case, attention is focused on the head of the reptile, the expanded hood, predatory fangs, and scales are drawn in detail.

For women
Beautiful tattoos with a cobra in the center of the plot are not uncommon on female bodies. Girls prefer colorful drawings that emphasize their mystery, grace and natural ability to seduce. Cobra for a woman is a symbol of hypnotic influence on men. It is not for nothing that in many legends there are plots in which the gaze of the snake bewitches. The grace of a hissing cobra not only hints at female dangerous charms, but also warns of the dangers of jokes with the mistress of the tattoo. Poison is a serious weapon that prophesies an inevitable painful death.
Carriers of such an image on the body are often power-hungry, having many talents.... They with magnetic force attract male attention to themselves. Cobra as a talisman promises them a lot of success in different spheres of life. Cobra has a long history of controversy. On the one hand, this is a cruel killer, and on the other, a healer. There is even a belief that the symbol of a reptile on a female body has a positive effect on childbirth. A cobra tattoo on the thigh is associated with the beginning of a new life.
The grace of feminine forms is very favorably emphasized by the image of a writhing snake, especially when a graceful predator wraps around a beautiful flower.

Sketch ideas
There are surprisingly many possible options for wearable designs and areas for their location. The sketch with a snake shedding its skin is associated with rebirth and the acquisition of wisdom. In ancient mythology, the reptile was associated with eternal youth and immortality precisely because of this ability. The old skin is shed - life continues in a new shell.
And if a snake has an open mouth, this should be interpreted as aggression and a willingness to defend personal boundaries and interests.

With the head of a snake
A snake head tattoo has a standard meaning - domination, masculinity, strength.

The snake that opens the hood is a warning of danger. The inflated hood on the cobra's head signals its readiness to defend itself. The bearer of such a tattoo seems to declare this. He is full of energy, decisive and uncompromising. As for the location of such a pattern, it is advisable to transfer the sketch to large areas.A small snake tattoo with a straightened hood looks unimpressive and does not carry the necessary energy.

With crown
A sketch of a cobra with a crown on its head emphasizes the desire to establish power and subjugate others. It is typical for women no less than for men.

With flowers
A tattoo of a reptile on the arm, complemented by a rose or an apple, is characteristic of girls. Its owner is difficult to resist the temptation. In the company of rattlesnakes, not only rosebuds are popular, but other flowers as well.

King Cobra
In natural realities, a snake of this species is known for its aggression and ruthlessness. The wearer of the tattoo with her as if warns that jokes with him are bad. This image means imperiousness, deceit and temptation.

Other options
Since the cobra is inherent in the ability to regenerate, in many cultures it is considered a symbol of rebirth.... For men, this is a sign of immortality, and the weaker sex considers her the patroness of motherhood. A tattoo of a reptile crawling along the blade of a sword speaks of a difficult ordeal that befell a person. Perhaps we are talking about the fight against a serious illness in the past or present. A snake tattoo looks wonderful in a realistic style when even the smallest scales are masterfully drawn. The most diverse shades are selected.
The drawing of an asp, applied to the shoulder, in the chest area, on the forearm, looks impressive, when the head of the predator seems to break through the skin and seeks to get out of the body. It will also be beautiful to capture a rattlesnake curled up in rings. If you add a skull to the sketch, it will mean a direct threat, danger. The drawing of a snake showing teeth is filled with a similar meaning. It is worth noting that in nature the cobra does not open its mouth if it does not prepare for an attack.
A sketch with a plot of a snake charmer and a cobra emerging from a jug looks interesting.

Where to do it?
One of the popular options for the location of a tattoo with a cobra is the back.... Drawings of any format look attractive over a wide area. A tattooed plot in this area will emphasize the figure and personality of the person. For many young people, the preferred tattoo sites are legs, wrists, and even whole sleeves. The image of snakes looks great on the embossed parts of the male muscular bodies. It emphasizes physical masculinity and a warlike spirit.
Girls often prefer painting on graceful legs in order to divert their eyes from skin imperfections. Drawing a snake always slims, because it is possible to make the curves of the snake body in a way that will be more beneficial. Drawings on female bodies are full of grace and look very realistic. The most mobile and noticeable area for a tattoo design is the hand.... The shoulder and forearm have been covered with body designs since ancient times. Of course, this is not the place when you want to hide a tattoo from prying eyes.

Artists like to work with the shoulder area - in this case, clients of the tattoo artist rarely experience much discomfort. Tattoos on the neck are worn by confident, courageous individuals who are not subject to outside opinion. This area is distinguished by a high level of soreness and the inevitability of loss of tattoo beauty with age-related changes. Body patterns look beautiful on elastic young skin, dense and elastic, like the cover of a snake.
Men clog the front and side parts of the neck, and girls more often decide on a tattoo in the delicate occipital region. A snake on a woman's neck can look incredibly graceful, imitating a necklace. A tattoo with a snake on the back, at the base of the spine, looks very sexy and carries a special energy, because the female predatory energy is concentrated at the point in question.

If the sketch is thought out in a competent way, it will be possible to successfully emphasize a slender waist and all the advantages of a girl's body.... A reptile wrapping around limbs can become a tool for visually lengthening them. Girls often choose colored snake tattoos.They also prefer the image of reptiles in a non-combat mood. Such tattoos can contain a magical meaning, a witchcraft female essence. It is not for nothing that dried snake skin was present in the arsenal of experienced witches. So the woman emphasizes that she is able to turn all her secret weapons against the ill-wisher.
Women are also attracted by plots where the cobra sheds its skin renewing itself. This symbolizes rebirth, a new path, etc. And any woman generally dreams of preserving eternal youth. Therefore, the tattoo is applied as a talisman of beauty, women's health and attractiveness.

Beautiful examples
- The snake closed in the "sign of infinity" is a symbol of wisdom and acceptance of one's path in life.

- A snake biting its own tail is a symbol of the fact that the lessons learned in life were not in vain. If there are flowers on the sketch, it means that the conclusions have been made, the bad is behind, life is getting better.

- The famous plot of the meeting of a cobra and a mongoose.

- A snake tattoo in the form of a bracelet will add special mystery and originality.

- The sword is another symbol that often complements the snake tattoo. It is a symbol of struggle. The plot can characterize the wearer of the tattoo as a strong fighter with a serious illness.

- Cobra wrapping around a naked girl is the preferred male tattoo.

- The twin cobra tattoo is another popular male tattoo, doubled strength and aggression.