Sketches and meaning of the witch tattoo

Tattoos with the image of a witch attract fans to decorate their bodies with mystery, mysticism, because this image is surrounded by myths and legends, sometimes very scary. And also it hides behind itself the centuries-old history of mankind. Let's figure out what such a drawing means, where you can stuff it, and consider a few attractive sketches.

The meaning of a tattoo
A witch tattoo can be done in the following interpretations.
- Evil scary old woman with a long nose, crooked teeth and warts, it personifies deep-seated resentment, disappointment, anger, a desire for revenge. The bearer of this image clearly expresses the experienced betrayal and unwillingness to trust people again. He is angry with the whole world, ready to answer blow for blow, no longer wants to let anyone into his soul. For such a person, there are no half-tones, half-measures: only black or white, good or evil - nothing else in the middle. Such a tattoo can mean that its owner carries a negative in himself, directs all his forces to destruction.

- Beautiful young witch is the personification of secret knowledge, hidden abilities. Such a tattoo suggests that one should look at things a little more deeply, trusting more the "sixth" sense than the eyes. The carriers, as a rule, are famous for their very developed intuition, it is almost impossible to deceive them. Such people have no fear of the world, because they know that their invisible helpers will always show them the right path.

- Witch in a classic pointed wide-brimmed hat means the need for protection. The cap, as it were, covers the owner of the tattoo with an invisible dome, protecting it from negativity and evil inclinations of ill-wishers.The image of a witch in a hat is chosen by people who are not entirely confident in themselves, have a soft and pliable character. The tattoo helps the owner to loosen up, to become a little more decisive, assertive.

- Tattoo with erotic overtones, for example, a beautiful young witch with a deep neckline and long flowing hair, sitting in a cheeky pose on a broomstick, personifies the frivolity and windy nature of her wearer.

- Men often choose the image of a witch burning at the stake. Such a tattoo usually carries a very negative meaning: it is pierced by guys who have suffered the betrayal of their beloved girl, eager to take revenge on her. They seem to burn it in their souls again and again, until only ashes remain from feelings, as well as from memories.

And also the value of a tattoo, the main component of which is a witch, is influenced by additional elements.
- Web. It means the desire to acquire new knowledge, interest in learning.

- Skull, skeleton. This is a kind of "witch's toolkit", which she will not hesitate to use when necessary.

- Candle. It personifies a deep inner world, a thirst for knowledge of all the secrets of the universe.

- Owl. It is a sign of wisdom, symbolizes the connection of the wearer with the forces of nature. A witch with an owl is a priori not evil - rather, she is a wise and fair woman, always ready to give useful advice.

- Snake. Warns of danger always lurking nearby.

- The witch's cauldron. Depending on its image, it can mean different things. So, empty expresses the absence of important life events in the past. Overturned or inverted represents the loss of control over the present, seething on fire suggests that happiness is not far off.

- Bat. Such an image means a certain secret hidden in the soul, a rich inner world, as well as a willingness to demonstrate to those around him his true nature, without hiding behind a mask.

- Witch on a broom symbolizes a kind of flight from difficulties and troubles, a desire to rebuild and change your life for the better.

So, if you summarize all of the above, we can say that a tattoo with a witch can mean a lot - it all depends on how exactly the witch will be depicted, what artifacts will surround her. However, in any case, the symbolism of wisdom, secret knowledge and orientation deep into the deepest recesses of the wearer's soul will remain unchanged.

Types and variants of sketches
A witch tattoo can be performed in almost any style - from graphics to new cheekbones. In addition, there are no requirements for the color scheme - the sorceress will be good both in monochrome and in color.
Let's take a look at some interesting sketches.
- An evil old witch, casting a spell over a cauldron of boiling potion, is made in bright colors and a cartoon interpretation.

- Black and white witch on a broomstick - her face is hidden behind a wide-brimmed hat, but the figure is presented in all its glory.

- A witch being burnt at the stake. The drawing is quite detailed, its execution in monochrome does not in the least reduce the effect of the image. At the feet of the witch sits a black cat, its tail folded in the letter S, which may be a reference to the famous Salem witch hunt in 1692-1693.

- Another tattoo in black and white is the face of a beautiful young witch, complemented by "helpers": snakes and a spider.

- A minimalistic image of a witch flying on a broom, surrounded by bats.

- A very beautiful, bright picture, made in watercolor technique: a young witch with long blue hair in a pointed hat is stroking a black cat. A skull is visible behind her. The crown of the hat is decorated with flowers, which indicates the close connection of the witch with the forces of nature.

Where can you apply?
The image of a witch on a tattoo is often plot-based, so for its placement it is recommended to choose locations with a large area: shoulders, forearms, back, hips.But if you like minimalism, you can stuff a miniature schematic witch on the wrist, collarbone or ankle.
The most daring can try to place the picture on the side of the neck.