Behind the ear tattoo for girls

Tattoos for girls have become especially fashionable in the last decade, when new varieties of images have appeared, located in unexpected places. Behind the ear designs have been in vogue since 2009, when a feminine tattoo style became popular, emphasizing the jewelry on the earlobe and repeating its line. Delicate designs in this area look original and beautiful, and also set off the piercing.

Representatives of the better half of humanity, trying to decorate their image and make it unique, began to fill various patterns right under the earrings. In salons, tattoos behind the ear for girls are becoming more and more popular. This arrangement of patterns on the skin has its advantages.
The place behind the auricle is often hidden under a haircut, headscarf or cap and does not attract attention at those momentswhen it would be inconvenient for the owner of such a tattoo. For example, during work or study sessions, the drawing can always be hidden. The practicality of such a tattoo is also expressed in its compactness.

The application of permanent tattoos behind the ear has recently become fashionable and is still considered an original way of decoration. In addition, the choice of themes for pictures remains fairly wide, despite their small size. These can be familiar images of insects, structural patterns, flowers, animals, stars and inscriptions. The image of monograms or hieroglyphs looks perfect in such a place. Behind the ear, you can also hide the name of your beloved on the heart.

Delicate drawings in pastel colors or 3D images of spiders and other insects that look like living things look especially beautiful and unusual.
Stylish designs on leather should be chosen according to the general preference of the wearers. You should also take into account the features of the tender zone, next to which there are lymph nodes important for health. Therefore, this kind of tattoo must be done in well-established salons, and not at home with amateurs. The procedure in this area will be quite painful and will become available only for those who agree to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty.

Overview of options
For small drawings behind the ear, inscriptions, signs, lace fragments that beautifully go around the shape of the shell are perfect. The popularity of such mini-tattoos is constantly growing, since they can be shown at the right time and for this you do not need to undress. By elegantly pushing back a strand of hair, you can reveal a secret sign intended only for those to whom it is addressed. Girls consider it especially beautiful when behind the curls one can see a multi-colored peacock feather, a mysterious monogram or an elegant flower.
Such cute drawings serve as special feminine enticements and have a magnetic effect on some men. The animals drawn behind the ear attach special importance to the image of the owner and in no way spoil it.

Feather or flower tattoos behind the ear are often perceived as an extension of the piercing and are a special decoration that cannot be removed.
The fashion for the western type of tattoo is often expressed in the images of silhouettes of animals and birds, tufts of feathers or bunches of flowers. Signs of the zodiac, letters of exotic alphabets, patterns of spider webs and drawings of bats are widespread. They look especially beautiful if they are made by real talented professionals and match the style of the rest of the accessories and clothes. Only then will the tattoo emphasize the individuality and elegance of the girl wearing it.

The inscription on the ear can look very mysterious and interesting, especially when it is written in a foreign language. Arabic letters, Japanese hieroglyphs or the classic Germanic script can always emphasize open-mindedness and erudition. Images of any memorable dates, birthdays, monograms with initials remain relevant: both their own and especially dear and close people. The beautifully stuffed first letter of the name looks minimalistic and elegant, which will remain relevant until the end of life.

Taking into account the presence of a small area for drawing behind the ear, the inscription should be very concise and connected with a sublime idea. Often, one hieroglyph or two or three beautiful letters, symbolizing something dear to their owner, is enough. Along the line of the shell, you can place a quote from your favorite author or a line from a poem.
It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of this type of tattoo, as priorities may change, and the drawing will remain forever.

Tattoos in the form of heavenly bodies and stars located behind the ear look romantic and original. They look very mysterious, especially when the drawing is done in style and contains some idea expressed in the number of celestial bodies or in the order of their arrangement. After all, a tattoo should carry a certain meaning. For example, for Indian girls, the image of an asterisk means the dream of a harmonious family life in the future.
The stars also mean the spiritual state of a person, his striving for an exalted heavenly beginning. Through the stars, people connect with cosmic energy, the infinity of the universe. It is not for nothing that the images of stars behind the auricle are often found among famous actors, artists, showmen and athletes.

For modern girls, mini-tattoos are filled with a certain meaning, especially when it comes to such a delicate place as the area behind the ear. The most popular are images of floral ornaments and flowers. Beautiful inflorescences emphasize the fragility and romance of nature. A drawing of a sakura twig or a symbol of purity - lavender will give the girl a special grace.
A small beautiful rose will suit any woman, but a flower with thorns speaks of unrequited feelings. Weightless dandelions with flying feathers give lightness and spontaneity to the look. The lotus flower, which can be located with petals around the ear shell, speaks of the enthusiasm for oriental practices.

Original stylized drawings of birds and animals will look unusual behind the ear of a girl who associates her character or lifestyle with the chosen image. So, the little hummingbird is associated with youthful energy and tenderness. She is most often preferred by creative people. Very young girls prefer images of a swallow, which is a symbol of spring and freshness. Many girls like the little chanterelle behind the ear, especially when it is red. This fluffy beast reminds of the cunning and resourcefulness of the lady wearing his image.

The drawing of the cat speaks of tenderness and affection, and the butterfly speaks of the elevation and sensitivity of the owner. The wolf is a symbol of severe isolation and isolation of character. Images of bees testify to the feminine principle, and snake tattoos are suitable for girls with magical inclinations. The graceful reptile has always been a symbol of wisdom, and the various options for placing the rings of its long body can tell about many features of character and hobbies. This is both sacred knowledge and infinity.

More ideas
Brave and inclined to take decisive action, the fairer sex like to depict spread wings behind the ear, preparing for flight. Feather images associated with dream catchers or attributes of writing always look creative behind the ear. An image of a staff with a treble clef and several notes can become a musical pattern associated with the organ of hearing. The ear line is beautifully accentuated by multi-layered laces, which are available in a large selection in any salon.

Beautiful examples
The feather tattoo behind the ear looks interesting, which continues with miniature fashionable earrings. It looks very artistic and elegant, especially with a matching outfit and gathered hair.

For a girl seeking a high social position, a drawing of a small crown behind the ear is suitable. So she informs others about her big plans for the future.

Those who dream of a strong large family and children should pay attention to the sketch of a clover flower with four straightened petals.