Meaning and sketches of the "Bear" tattoo

The image of a strong and noble bear inspires many people to create beautiful sketches of tattoos. Such drawings attract both guys and girls. Therefore, tattoos with bears are now very popular.

Having decided to get a tattoo with a bear, you need to know in advance what it means. These tattoos can have several different meanings.
Rebirth... In nature, bears hibernate for the whole winter. In the spring they wake up and go hunting with renewed vigor. Therefore, a bear tattoo can become a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of a new life.

Force... Bear tattoos also often symbolize a person's strength and courage. Such drawings are most often filled by men who are always ready to defend their territory and fight for a place in the sun.

Masculinity... Previously, images of bears were applied to their bodies by warriors. Therefore, such a tattoo can emphasize the heroism of a man and his belligerence. Tattoos with this symbolism are usually stuffed on the shoulder or back.

Wisdom... The Japanese consider pandas to be wise animals. Therefore, tattoos with these cute bears are also popular. They are suitable for calm and patient people.

- Power... In ancient Egypt, drawings of bears could only be applied to the body by the pharaohs. Therefore, the image of these formidable and strong animals has become associated with many people with unlimited power.

It is worth noting tattoos with cute cubs or cartoon characters. They symbolize kindness and gentleness of character.
Such tattoos are suitable for sweet and open people who remain children at heart.

Style solutions
Bear tattoos can be done in almost any style. When creating your original sketch, you should pay attention to the most popular stylistic directions.

This is one of the most sought-after contemporary styles. It has several main features:
brightness and realism;
high quality;
Both brown bears and polar bears are depicted in this style. Such designs often complement images of other forest animals, as well as flowers or branches. Tattoos made in this style are difficult to apply. Therefore, they should only be made by professional craftsmen.

This stylistic trend is also very popular. Drawings in this style consist of neat thin lines. They look unusual and interesting. A sketch depicting a bear can consist of lines either completely or in half. Monochrome tattoos are sometimes complemented with colored details. Dark blue or green paints are usually used to decorate such tattoos.

This style is very different from the previous two. Watercolor images of bears look very delicate and graceful... Such drawings do not have clear outlines. They are often complemented by various colored spots and smears. Watercolor style tattoos can be either dark or pastel colors.

There are other less popular styles that can be used to create sketches of bear tattoos.
Blackwork... This stylistic trend is popular among graphic lovers. Such tattoos are performed in black. Drawings can be applied to a clean body, or used to overlap older artwork. Black tattoos are capable of overlapping tattoos of any complexity. Works in this style are more popular among men. Guys usually have these tattoos on their arms or legs.

- Geometry... Tattoos made in this style are composed of various geometric shapes. These can be circles, squares, or triangles. They are usually performed in black. They look neat and do not take up much space on the body. This style is often combined with others.
Watercolor or realistic bears can be enclosed in a circle or triangle, or placed next to geometric shapes.

- Celtica... The ancient Celts revered bears. Images of these animals often adorned the coats of arms, flags and emblems of warriors. Modern tattoos made in the Celtic style are suitable for strong and confident people. These tattoos are made up of patterns drawn with thick lines. They are applied to the neck, shoulders, or back.

Minimalism... A bear tattoo made in this style looks unusual. The drawing can be either contour or filled with paint. Small bear tattoos are most often found on the wrist, neck or ankle. As a rule, such tattoos are done in black and white, but there are also colored versions.

- Old school. Traditional style tattoos look bright and unusual. Colored tattoos are complemented by a clear black outline. Bears are usually depicted as brown or black. The finished designs are often decorated with flowers, unusual headdresses or leaves. A bear tattoo done in this style will look great on both male and female bodies.

- Polynesia... This is the name of a group of islands located in New Zealand. The natives living there, like the inhabitants of other continents, decorated their bodies with tattoos. Body drawings could only be seen on the body of strong and worthy men. Polynesian-style tattoos are composed of ornate designs. They are performed in black. Bears drawn in this style look unusual and are perfect for courageous and confident guys.

- Sketch... This style is popular with bright creative people. These tattoos look like simple sketches. They look great on the body.Images of bears are painted in this style, as a rule, on the back, arms or chest. The finished work consists of straight black lines.

The choice of style depends on the wishes of the future owner of the tattoo. If there are already multiple designs on the body, it is important to make sure they match well with the new tattoo.
Sketch options
Bear tattoos can be both small and large. There are many beautiful sketches that can be used as inspiration for original artwork.

A large brown bear with thick fur is the embodiment of animal strength and courage. Tattoos depicting this beast are very popular among men. The grizzly bear drawing can be made in the style of realism or old school. As a rule, such tattoos are done in color.
The image of a grizzly bear with an ominous grin is a symbol of the fact that a person with such a wearable pattern is always ready to stand up for himself and his loved ones. Tattoos like this are also popular with athletes.
This tattoo symbolizes determination and self-confidence.

Polar bear
This animal, which lives in the northern regions, people associate with resilience and the ability to survive in harsh conditions. A tattoo with his image is suitable for a strong person who easily copes with any problems.
The polar bear is often depicted against the background of the northern lights, the starry sky or ice floes. Such elaborate pictures look beautiful and unusual.
Tattoos depicting fairy-tale characters, for example, Umka, are also popular. Such a wearable drawing is suitable for a kind person who values his memories.

Giant pandas belong to the category of rare animals. Therefore, a tattoo depicting this cute bear often symbolizes love for nature, as well as a desire to help others. In addition, such a wearable pattern can become a symbol of good luck. As a rule, pandas are depicted with bamboo branches or flowers in their paws.
In Chinese culture, panda tattoos symbolize openness. These tattoos are great for positive people who value kindness in others.

These creatures are also distinguished by their friendliness and calm nature. Koalas tattoos symbolize optimism and harmony with yourself and the world around you. The image of a koala is also suitable for people striving for self-development and spiritual growth.
These tattoos are popular among both guys and girls. Both realistic tattoos and those made in a cartoon style look interesting.

She-bear with cubs
Tattoos depicting a bear and a little bear are most often stuffed on a woman's body. Such drawings symbolize loyalty, dedication and the desire to take care of loved ones. They are usually stuffed on the arms or on the upper back. Many people prefer to hide such drawings from prying eyes, making them more personal.

In the woods
The bear is called the master of the forest. Therefore, it is often depicted in its natural habitat. A bear can be drawn against a background of trees, leaves, berries, or acorns. Both black and white tattoos and colored ones look beautiful.
Usually they are performed in the style of realism or old school.

Constellation Ursa Major
A tattoo depicting this constellation can become a protective symbol for a person. Very often, a minimalistic tattoo, consisting of small stars, is complemented by a drawing of a bear with a teddy bear. These tattoos look beautiful in watercolor style. They turn out to be delicate and stylish.

Tattoo with flowers
There are many sketches depicting bears surrounded by flowers. Such drawings look very nice. Most often girls fill them. Bears are depicted surrounded by roses, lilies and various wildflowers.

Roaring bear
A tattoo with a formidable roaring bear is a symbol of rage and readiness to always defend your territory.... These tattoos are more suitable for strong and confident men. They are usually stuffed on the chest, back, or arms. Drawings perfectly emphasize the relief of the muscles.

Paws and claws
Fans of small tattoos will love the idea of getting a bear paw print on the body. Tattoos can be contoured or filled with paint. Often the base of the print can be filled with some kind of patterns. Tattoos like this are suitable for both guys and girls.
Tattoos depicting traces of bear claws are also popular. Such a tattoo can become a symbol of loss or great disappointment. Tattoos made in the style of realism look most impressive.

Teddy bear
Teddy bear tattoos are also quite common. They are suitable for open and gentle people. Often these bears are painted with flowers in their paws. Images of cartoon characters are popular.

Which part of the body should I apply?
Tattoos with bears can be located both on open areas of the body, and on closed ones. The choice of a suitable place depends on the size of the tattoo and the body characteristics of the person.
Hands... Large tattoos, decorated with various additional details, are usually located on the shoulder or forearm. Tattoos on this part of the body are most often filled by men. Sometimes the image of the bear is made part of the sleeve. Volumetric tattoos can be made in the style of realism, old school or blackwork.
Small images of a bear's head or paw print work well on the hands.

Breast... Men also often have tattoos on this part of the body. On the chest, you can stuff both a sleeping animal, as well as a beast running forward or attacking the enemy. Small tattoos can be found on the upper chest near the neck. Both realistic tattoos and drawings consisting of many dots or thin lines look beautiful there.

Back... This place is also suitable for large and elaborate tattoos. Drawings on the back do not fade or lose their shape for a long time. Smaller tattoos are usually located on the shoulder blade. Both simple schematic drawings and realistic works look beautiful there.

Legs... Men's bear tattoos are usually located on the calf or front of the thigh. Such patterns are elongated. Tattoos look beautiful, complemented by geometric shapes or some significant symbols.

- Neck... A small tattoo is usually located on the back of the neck. If a person has long hair, it will be almost invisible to strangers. Small schematic figures or prints of bear paws are most often stuffed on the neck.

A correctly selected drawing will definitely not get bored with a person over time.

Beautiful examples
You can make sure that bear tattoos look great on the body by looking at examples of finished works.
Bear paw
This volumetric tattoo combines two images at once: an animal paw print and a bear's face. The drawing, made in the style of realism, is worked out to the smallest detail. Therefore, the bear decorating the body looks like it is alive.

Russian bear
Creative individuals with a good sense of humor will love the Russian bear tattoo. The image of one of the main symbols of Russia can be supplemented with other signs. It can be a hat with earflaps, a balalaika or a cranberry. A tattoo like this looks great on the leg.

Bear with cubs
A tattoo depicting a bear with small cubs is located on the wrist. The small hand drawing looks very cute. The tattoo is complemented by small flowers and stars.
A bear family tattoo will always remind you of your most beloved and close people.

You should not use ready-made tattoo sketches. A good master will easily embody any idea into reality and draw a beautiful, and most importantly, unique drawing to order.