Who is a fish production technologist and what does he do?

Fish production technologist Is one of the most popular and profitable professions today. This is due to the fact that currently there are many different enterprises that are engaged in the processing and sale of fish. At a fish processing plant, a technologist is one of the most important employees. In this article, you can find information about the features of this profession, responsibilities, necessary skills and knowledge to organize the work process.
Fish and fish products are very healthy, rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Therefore, they are invariably in high demand. But how often do we hear that it is precisely such products that become the causes of a dangerous disease or, even worse, death. The work of a fish production technologist is precisely aimed at minimizing the possibility of poisoning with fish products.
In the fishing industry, the availability of such a qualified specialist is mandatory.

The fish production technologist is engaged in development of technological solutions and products, maintenance of technical documentation, monitors that production control programs are carried out. He is also responsible for compliance with all processing technologies for fish products. His production responsibilities include:
- control of technological activities - prepares production, monitors the implementation of technical standards, analyzes costs and controls product quality;
- organization and management of the production process - develops and implements new processing systems, monitors the quality of work performed by employees;
- improvement and introduction of new technologies - organizes work so that the products manufactured at the shops under their control are competitive, and most importantly, high-quality and reliable.
The better and safer the products entering the consumer market are, the higher the income of the manufacturing plant will be.
Knowledge and skills
Considering the importance of this profession, it is safe to say that working as a fish production technologist should not just be a person who has the appropriate diploma, and the one who has the right knowledge and skills. Namely:
- know everything about the product - what it consists of, its properties, characteristics, biology, chemical composition;
- know how and how much to store the product, process;
- rules for transporting sales;
- be able to read technological maps;
- be able to work with equipment.
Also, it must be a responsible person who knows how to make decisions, lead people, train them, organize the work process and achieve the set goals.

Today, for those who want to get the profession of a fish production technologist, there are no problems at all. Currently, there are many different educational institutions, the demand for which is due to the popularity and demand for specialists in this industry. There are also options for those who seek to improve their skills and expand their knowledge. In this case, great fit refresher courses.
During the training, the specialist receives information about the following components:
- industry introduction technologies;
- methods of research of fish products;
- technologies for storage, processing and marketing of fish and fish products;
- the rules for quality control of the product and the need for its certification.
In order for the workflow to run correctly, and the number of mistakes made to be minimal, first of all, it must be correct. organized workplace fish production technologist.
It must necessarily contain:
- all the necessary equipment, inventory for determining the quality of fish;
- documentation and technological maps;
- norms and rules of storage, processing of fish products.
The organization of the workplace of a fish production technologist must comply with the regulatory requirements that are provided for by labor protection, sanitation, and professional characteristics.