
Choosing flowers for a Taurus woman

Choosing flowers for a Taurus woman
  1. How to choose?
  2. Flowers and plants for home

Any woman loves flowers. But it is not always possible to guess what kind of flowers the lady prefers. In order not to get into a mess and make a nice gift to a Taurus woman, you need to know exactly about all her preferences. What flowers does she like and what house plants will bring happiness to the house?

How to choose?

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in choosing a bouquet for a girl. But in fact, this is a whole science, because sometimes it is very difficult to please the fair sex. Giving any first bouquet that comes along is wrong. It is also wrong to listen to the opinion of the flower shop seller, who always trite recommends roses. The best option is to choose a bouquet for a woman according to her zodiac sign. What flowers will a Taurus woman definitely like? What bouquet will suit her birthday? According to the horoscope, women who were born under the sign of Taurus are considered romantic, sensitive and even sentimental persons. Therefore, almost all flowers are suitable for them. These girls are ready to appreciate any bouquet, and especially the one that was presented to them for no reason.

They can be equally impressed by a luxurious bouquet of roses or a modest bunch of other flowers.

If you want to hit this woman in the very heart, then give preference to large flowers. For example, luxurious roses or gerberas. It is best to choose red flowers. After all, the main thing that Taurus women appreciate is luxury and brightness. But do not think that these girls are mercantile and they will be impressed only by an expensive bouquet. This is absolutely not the case. To impress a Taurus woman, you can purchase a modest, but very cute and unusual bouquet for her. For example, such beauties can be delighted with an unexpectedly presented bouquet of fragrant lilies of the valley or snowdrops.These women will definitely appreciate a bouquet that seems modest and inconspicuous.

Remember that the main thing for Taurus is sincerity and emotion. But what you shouldn't give them is tulips and orchids, especially if the flowers are of newfangled dark shades.

Such flowers will only worsen the mood of Taurus and will not delight them at all with their appearance.

When choosing a bouquet for a Taurus woman, be sure to make sure that the packaging is not too bright, voluminous and pretentious.

Many people hide nondescript and inconspicuous flowers in luxurious wrappers, hoping that the woman will still like them. But Taurus cannot be fooled. If you have chosen luxurious roses, then you can give them even without a cover or give preference to transparent packaging. These women do not like tinsel and entourage, packaging is not so important for them, and too bright a wrapper may categorically dislike them. Remember that Taurus values ​​luxury, style, and modesty. If you manage to combine all this in one bouquet, then women born under the sign of Taurus will be unconditionally impressed by your taste and reverent attitude towards them.

Flowers and plants for home

Taurus women are quite indifferent to indoor plants and house flowers. This is not to say that these women are great lovers of the garden and vegetable garden and are ready to grow huge plants on their windowsill. These women will not chase after rare varieties of plants, but they will not refuse indoor flowers, which can attract good luck and happiness to the house.

In addition, this zodiac sign belongs to the elements of the Earth, and therefore Taurus simply needs to have something in the house connected with the earth and nature.

When choosing indoor plants for these women, pay attention to the fact that they are energetically suited to colors such as white, green, yellow and brown. These colors help them achieve inner harmony, balance, tranquility and help them to be collected. Every Taurus woman can choose such a plant for herself, which will not only be a decoration in the house, but also become a talisman that protects well-being and happiness in her home.

Taurus women always strive for financial stability, so they will not give up a home plant that will attract money to the house. Of course, we are talking about a fat woman or, as the people call it, a "money tree". This plant is completely unpretentious, it is easy to care for it and it is best to keep it in your office at the desktop.

To prevent financial stability from turning away from Taurus, you need to care for and water the "money tree" exclusively on your own.

Sometimes Taurus women lack self-confidence. Despite their natural charm and energy, they are often shy, insecure and overly modest. To unleash their full potential, Taurus women should get a houseplant like Kalanchoe. The energy of this house plant allows you to feel more confident in yourself, helps to develop firmness, determination and helps to achieve your goals.

Another feature of this flower is that it has a pacifying effect on its mistress. And this is exactly what is needed for hot-tempered Taurus, as it will help women resolve conflicts more peacefully and calmly. When a Taurus woman lacks determination and courage, she should get such a houseplant as Persian cyclamen. This flower has amazing energy, which helps to create a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house. This plant is especially needed in the house of married women.

This flower will become for Taurus not only an ornament, but also a real talisman in his personal life.

Since women born under the sign of Taurus are by nature calm and unhurried, in terms of energy, such an indoor flower as a violet is perfect for them.The plant will help create coziness in the house and will endow its mistress with the energy of peace and happiness. Violets come in all sorts of different colors and shades. But not every violet is suitable for capricious Taurus. Ideal for Taurus is a pure white flower, especially if the woman is already married and has children. The energy of this plant allows you to cleanse the house of negativity, gives you peace of mind and gets rid of unnecessary thoughts. Flowers of blue and purple are suitable for those Taurus who are engaged in creative activities. Such a plant is able to give inspiration and develop creativity.

But it is better to refuse colors of pink and red shades. Their energy is so strong that it will prevent Taurus from realizing themselves in life.

In the event that a woman lives in a country house, then it is imperative to plant lilacs in the yard. This plant, with its unique energy, helps Taurus to protect their feelings. Sometimes these women are ready to waste themselves to the end, but this is not worth doing. The energy of lilac also helps Taurus women to forget about old and unsuccessful relationships, about an unsuccessful marriage and a difficult breakup. And the plant helps a woman to easily enter into new relationships, which will surely turn out to be successful. When there is a bouquet of lilacs in the house of a Taurus woman, it gives the energy of love, happiness and stability. And this is the main thing that is needed in the life of each of the women.

For information on how to choose the right flowers for a girl, depending on her zodiac sign, see the video.

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