
Taurus: character and destiny according to the sign of the zodiac

Taurus: character and fate by zodiac sign
  1. Characteristic
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Health
  4. Career and finance
  5. Style
  6. Compatibility
  7. Talismans
  8. Notable representatives

The element of Taurus is the earth. This zodiac sign is a gourmet and a lover of contemplation. He is positive, loves life and everything that it gives him. Perseverance and practicality - what allows him to achieve great high. Taurus know how to work, they know how to create comfortable living conditions. They are quite patient, they can wait a long time for something, they have excellent intuition. Most often, they first analyze the situation, and then perform actions and actions. The gift of Taurus is the ability to go towards your goal and make dreams come true.


The Taurus horoscope is complex, so not everyone can fully understand the sign. People born between April 20 and May 20 have a phlegmatic and melancholic character type. This is due to the fact that they are dominated by the earth, and their patrons are the planets Venus and the Moon. From the very birth, the winged bull and the golden calf become the talismans of such people. Lucky dates and numbers - 2-4, as well as multiples of 6 and 16.


Representatives of the stronger sex, born under the constellation Taurus, are sensual and earthly people who are not alien to such character traits as caution and slowness. Looking at them, it is difficult to say that they are romantic, since they have been choosing a worthy life companion for quite a long time. Not everyone will be able to achieve their location. They don't like to think that they might be wasting their romance in vain.

If the Taurus man decided that the lady suits him, he is able to surpass anyone. This zodiac sign is extremely stubborn, therefore, it will seek its chosen one until she reciprocates. The guy is gentle, attentive, able to notice that the girl has a pleasant perfume, soft hair or smooth skin. Such people are unlikely to openly report this, but they will definitely make it clear that they note all the little things. A well-developed sense of touch gives a man the opportunity to be empathetic towards his other half. In love, he has many contradictions.

Young people like to be in large and noisy companies, to have many acquaintances and friends. They are extremely hospitable, but there can be no noisy events in their house. Calmness, coziness and silence are what makes the Taurus house a pleasant and comfortable place.

When Taurus is caring for someone, he will not pay attention to other women. He will always remember the day of the first acquaintance and anniversaries. He will not promise what he is unable to fulfill. Most often, he commits radical actions that shock the girls. Such a person is a real businessman. If he offers the girl a life together, she can be sure that he is able to support the family. This is a calm person who always plans the future in advance and knows what will happen.

A man born under the sign of Taurus is a business and smart person who knows how to make money... He is not able to tolerate people who try to impose their opinions on him in public. He likes women who have intelligence. If Taurus is in a bad mood, you should not try to cheer him up, you must leave the man alone and let him deal with his emotional state on his own, otherwise it will only get worse. But even if a guy is angry, he will never leave his other half alone.

The Taurus man is extremely patient, but cannot tolerate jokes in his direction. Loves freedom and will not allow the girl to control him. If he sees that she really loves him, then he will be kind, gentle and tolerant. He needs to know that he is important and needed.


The girl is an exalted person who combines many positive qualities. She is able to infuriate anyone, even the strongest man, which frightens the stronger sex. Because of this, a woman often cannot find her other half. Taurus is capable of conflict only if there is a reason for this. She is usually calm and reserved. In her character there are both feminine whims and a common mind.

Loves harmony in everything, knows how to cook deliciously, sensibly appreciates art. She likes beautiful and aesthetic things. Feels best in nature. She is a strong person who does not like weakness. She is quite tolerant of pain and stress, will not cry and complain about life. Often makes a positive impression on others, likes to receive guests. She will become a good friend to her husband, whom you can always rely on.

Taurus girl is able to understand any person, loves to communicate, always relies on common sense. She likes to be in a comfortable environment. Nature, flowers, romance - an atmosphere that will delight a Taurus girl. The people who communicate with her are surrounded by care. Her cheerful disposition and good sense of humor allow the lady to make interesting acquaintances. In love, she needs constancy. If there is sexual harmony with a partner, you can forgive him for many shortcomings.


As a child, Taurus is extremely gentle and sensitive, he needs affection and touch. Tactile care always improves his mood, relieves any stress. Learning is not easy for a little Taurus, but if he has learned something, it will stay with him for life. Only at the end of the training do Taurus show fairly high results that they can boast of. Talented and musical boys and girls can write poetry well.If they develop their talents, they are capable of becoming great people. They have many friends due to their sociability and cheerful disposition.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are both strengths and weaknesses in the character of absolutely any zodiac sign.

The positive aspects of Taurus personality are:

  • Incredible patience, poise, ability to think sensibly, not to panic.
  • The ability to manage your emotions. Looking at such a person, one might think that he is indifferent to everything, but this is not so. He simply does not show his emotions if it is not necessary.
  • Focus on solving the current problem. The sign will not waste energy on meaningless experiences that are not worth his emotions.

Taurus are quite practical and stable people, in this regard, only Virgo can compete with them. They always try to plan everything out. They are able to communicate only with people who deserve their trust and acquire only those things that can last a long time. They are not used to investing their strength in hopeless affairs. At work, they are responsible and diligent, demanding a lot from others.

The weaknesses of the personality are excessive conservatism and caution. Taurus do not like changes, they try to avoid any adventures and limit themselves in many ways. Due to the fact that they are extremely careful, they cannot force themselves to breathe deeply and are deprived of a lot of joys.

Another character trait that can ruin the life of a Taurus is the inability to give in. He does not understand when it is better to be stubborn, and when it is worth finding a compromise or making concessions. The manifestation of condescension is a feeling alien to Taurus, so they constantly quarrel with family and friends, and also make many enemies.


Most often, Taurus has excellent health, even if they do not make any efforts for this. They need to take regular walks in the fresh air. Problems with the lungs and ENT organs are most common among representatives living in the city. If Taurus has chronic diseases, they can forget about their exacerbations. If, nevertheless, they manifest themselves, they can be difficult and difficult to recover.

Taurus are used to trusting traditional medicine, so if they notice the first symptoms of any disease, they will immediately turn to a specialist, since self-treatment is not for them. They respect homeopathy, do not mind using its knowledge. Such people like to eat tasty, but not very healthy food. Despite the fact that their gastrointestinal tract is strong, it is not uncommon to find Taurus who are obese, who are not going to go on a diet or limit themselves to eating any food.

The problematic organs for Taurus are the legs and spine. There may also be problems with the organs of the reproductive system, but if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, the diseases will not become chronic.

Career and finance

Venus is the planet of harmony, love, and also money, so Taurus is never unemployed and poor. Career growth is going up rather slowly, but surely. Representatives of such a zodiac sign can build their business for a long time, but in the end they will still achieve what they dreamed of. They can be great doctors, engineers, designers, educators, builders, gardeners, livestock breeders, financiers and accountants. The financial sphere, from which other signs may have a headache, draws in Taurus and allows them to reach the top.

Also, people of this sign can become good cooks, architects, singers, designers and artists. Taurus are creative people who are capable of creating incredible and unique things.

Whoever the representatives of the sign become, they are always as responsible as possible.If a job that Taurus likes is promising, they will not seek change and will work in this area for a long time. They like to accumulate money and have power. This is able to satisfy their ambitions.

You should not try the patience of a Taurus boss. People feel like there is no end to it, but if such a person is pissed off, work becomes a real hell.


Taurus will not purchase a large number of poor quality items. They like to have quality products in which they can feel cozy and comfortable. For them, the texture of the material is important, they can beat all its advantages. They do not pursue fashion, they prefer to buy something that will never come out of it. Such people have taste. When choosing a wardrobe, Taurus men can take the advice of their beloved women or sales consultants.

Representatives of the mark usually complete costumes from basic elements. It can be a classic suit with trousers or a skirt, or a graceful but simple dress. Taurus men have a good sense of style and are unlikely to be able to wear an expensive and high-quality jacket with a shirt, the texture of which will not suit him. They also do not wear a classic suit with sports shoes. Taurus determine the purpose of clothing by the material from which it is made. Woolen or flannel can be a casual option, while velvet, crepe or shiny fabrics can be used to go out.

Taurus prefer simple cuts that have large and expressive details. These can be set aside collars, patch pockets, applique or embroidery. Most of the time, the garments are of good quality, but they look heavy. Women often buy a jacket made of velvet or wool, men - velor or tweed jackets. The fairer sex likes pink and greenish things, as well as items of clothing that have a juicy color. Guys prefer dark green or dark brown tones. Representatives of this sign wear massive jewelry, but have a simple shape. Some people buy things with precious stones.


The Taurus woman is an incredibly feminine, graceful person, so she prefers neat curls, curls or babette with bows. Sometimes you can meet a girl with a chignon. The girl's long hair is most often curled and tied with a hair clip or comb made of natural materials. Taurus men have short voluminous haircuts that are always beautifully styled and do not have "sharp corners". The Taurus style is aesthetic and practical.


If the Taurus ladies find their own scent that will suit them, they are unlikely to ever change it. Representatives of the sign most often acquire fragrances that include patchouli, verbena and ylang-ylang oils. These smells can calm such individuals, but not relax. Ideal options for Taurus are aromas with ripe fruit aromas, as well as melon notes. Taurus men prefer perfumes containing herbs, oak moss and musk extracts.


Taurus are quite complex people who are not able to interact with every zodiac sign.


Taurus and Aries will not be able to become good friends, as they have extremely dissimilar temperaments. Aries is a fidget who is used to acting quickly, while Taurus is lazy and does everything slowly. Taurus and Aries have different interests. The pragmatic Taurus, representing a more “earthly” personality, will at times irritate the idealist Aries, who is ready to “burn bridges”.

In love, this union will also be problematic, since Taurus is leisurely, often restrains and does not show his desires. He will treat with a grain of salt Aries, in whose character there is such a trait as impatience. This also applies to sexual requests, which must be satisfied immediately.

If Aries and Taurus still manage to create a marriage, material interests will become its basis. Taurus will be the sponsor and Aries will be the consumer. Taurus is willing to invest a lot in order to satisfy the sexual and emotional needs of a life partner. If he tries to limit the freedom of Aries, the freedom-loving sign will refuse financial support.

But the business relationship between the signs can be fruitful and favorable. Aries and Taurus have different types of energy that will complement each other. Aries is able to find and clear a worthy site for construction, Taurus - to build a house. When Aries grapples with competitor issues, Taurus is trying to build a business.


Good friendship is possible between the same signs. They can easily be united by a common cause. Individuals will respect each other, recognize other people's merits and achievements. In love, such a union creates inertia. Everything is always stable with partners. It is extremely difficult for them to get satisfaction from each other sexually, since none of the lovers will take the initiative. Both will wait for the partner to take the first step.

The marriage between Taurus will be successful, as the spouses will appreciate each other, admire the endurance, attention to money and other material values ​​of the spouse. In such couples, there is perfect understanding, as well as general finances, which are able to reconcile people, even if there are quarrels and conflicts in the family.

Taurus is incredibly stubborn and down to earth, so business relationships will be difficult. They will either argue or work hard and not notice what is happening around them. As a result, they may not notice an important event and be left with nothing.


These people are alien to each other, as they have different psychological warehouse. Taurus and Gemini can only find common interest in commerce. In this case, mutual benefit will allow them to create strong friendships. A love relationship is unlikely to be long and fruitful. Gemini are used to expressing their love in words, they will compliment Taurus and say that they will move mountains for them. Taurus needs sensuality and hugs. They will not observe feelings and manifestations of sexual passion in each other, so they are unlikely to be able to create a strong relationship in which they will be comfortable.

If Taurus and Gemini nevertheless began to live together, this can be a good option only if both have a housing or material interest. Also, a similar couple can rally a common secret. In such a marriage, the relationship will be cold, insincere and mediocre. But the business relationship will be quite successful, since these signs of the zodiac are able to perfectly complement each other in this regard.


Mutual understanding and kinship of souls is what will help Taurus and Cancer create strong friendships. Both signs love to sit at home, are tied to material values, love home comfort, respect and value loved ones. They will always be able to talk with each other on interesting topics, they will also be able to create a love union that will be successful. But Cancer will have to try so that the inert Taurus is kindled with the fire of desires. He has to take care of his life partner a lot, show him how he feels. If Cancer is a passive person, the relationship can be extremely sluggish and ultimately end abruptly.

In marriage, Taurus and Cancer first try to get to know each other as best as possible, and then begin to respect the qualities of partners. Both are loyal, loyal, caring, sensual personalities, capable of much for the sake of their other half. Taurus and Cancer are signs for which stability in marriage is extremely important. Such personalities will never allow a break.In business relationships, signs are also able to find support and support in each other and conquer many peaks together.

a lion

In friendship, these signs will not be able to find mutual understanding, they will rather irritate each other. A solid realist Taurus will not be able to understand the intentions of Leo, will consider him a poseur and actor. The only thing that can somehow unite the signs is culinary interests. Taurus and Leo will not be able to build love, since their sexual preferences have many differences, as well as the sensual world in general. Leo is a passionate sign familiar with romance. Rather, he is a knight carrying a rose in his teeth. He loves sparkle and sophistication. Taurus has a calm disposition, he will not be able to understand the "lordly" manners of his half.

Most often, Taurus cannot live with Leo, as Leo loves brightness, uniqueness and originality, and Taurus loves stability. They are incapable of interacting and will constantly conflict. In business relations, this union will be quite successful, especially if the business is stable. Leos appreciate some of the qualities of Taurus - productivity, hard work, perseverance. The second considers Leo to be an authority, sees in him a solid and representative person who can be relied on.


Good compatibility in friendship, but you should pay attention to the fact that Virgos are more puzzled by practical activities. Friendship will be based on the area of ​​work or common affairs. Here, the key link in the relationship is mutual assistance. In love, Taurus and Virgo will also be able to create a worthy couple, since psychological compatibility guarantees mutual attraction and tender feelings, which will become even stronger with the help of mutual obligations. The technique of intimate relationships and physiology can play a large role. Most often, a passionate Virgo will try to enlighten Taurus.

In marriage, the spouses are confident that their life together will never end. Material and medical problems come to the fore in such an alliance. Spouses try to provide for themselves and each other, as well as take care and look after the other half. Family life will be calm, signs are ready to treat each other's shortcomings patiently.

Business relations between Taurus and Virgo will develop well, since in business they complement each other wonderfully. Taurus is a hard worker who needs an intellectual Virgo who complements him with agility and initiative. Virgo does not like dirty and hard work, so she will gladly give it to Taurus. Thus, signs can achieve a lot if they work together.


Taurus is closed and can communicate only with those whom he trusts, Libra loves noisy social gatherings, so it is rather difficult for signs to find a common language. Taurus does not like to change anything, constantly sits in place. The scales flutter from place to place. Love relationships can become unsuccessful due to the fact that Taurus cannot understand the reason for Libra's coldness. At first, the union will be held by physical attraction. In words, Libra has a passionate temperament, but in fact, when they feel the strong embrace of Taurus, they do not show their former enthusiasm. They need romance, light confessions and vivid actions that will show that the chosen one loves them. Taurus is incapable of adventures and lengthy ranting.

Astrologers do not recommend marrying Taurus and Libra, since in such unions it is impossible to see either sensual or intellectual understanding. Libra is a sign of Air, therefore, they cannot live without emotional conversations, a variety of emotions, and vivid impressions. All that Taurus needs is food, intimate relationships and material and everyday issues.

Taurus are practitioners who love specific things. Libra can easily establish contacts, create a decent image.These signs can create the perfect business relationship if someone is to lead it.


Despite the fact that there can be many obstacles in the interaction of these signs, they can create a strong and reliable friendly alliance. Taurus and Scorpio have opposite personalities, but can also compensate for each other's weaknesses. Taurus teaches calmness and reliability, Scorpios teach a bright, eventful and interesting life.

In love, these signs are able to feel the powerful energy of sexual interaction, therefore, they create a strong bond. Both signs try to enjoy as much intimate contact with a partner as possible. It helps the lovers to bond with each other. In married life, Taurus learn from Scorpios the ability to change any situations and solve problems, and Scorpios, in turn, find a loyal, reliable spouse who will not avoid difficult periods, will always support and will patiently and persistently work on relationships.

In any area of ​​business, Scorpio and Taurus can become excellent colleagues. Taurus will be involved in organizing and controlling production, and Scorpios will act as think tanks that determine economic policy and strive to make business as profitable as possible.


Signs have completely different personalities, they have different interests and dissimilar values, so friendship is unlikely. Taurus sees Sagittarius as a person who hovers in the clouds, talks too much and does little. Sagittarius will see in his friend a boring and narrow-minded person who does not understand his impulses. The love connection of such signs is real, but not constructive. Sagittarius likes unusual and exotic people. Taurus is a down-to-earth sign that does not meet these requirements at all. Sometimes the originality of Sagittarius will attract and interest him, but different temperaments will not allow the union to become long-term.

A lot of conflicts and quarrels will arise in a marriage, since Taurus likes to stay at home, warm and comfortable, and Sagittarius - to go on wanderings and look for new adventures that give a lot of emotions. Mutual understanding is quite difficult to achieve. In order to prove anything to Taurus, Scorpios must repeat the thought many times. They will not want to do this.

But business relationships can be successful and reliable. Such an alliance would be ideal for the management sphere if Sagittarius is an ideologue-leader, and Taurus is a practitioner-performer. Sagittarius will guide a colleague, generate interesting ideas, and Taurus will bring them to life.


Kindred characters allow Taurus and Capricorn to become true friends. They have similar interests, concerns and attitudes, which helps individuals find in each other something interesting and necessary. People are materialists, able to find a common cause and build strong friendship on its foundation.

Love relationships can be long-term and comfortable if they are not interfered with by the coldness of Capricorn. The unshakable inertia of Taurus can also destroy the connection. Capricorns, like Taurus, need to be stirred up, kindled a fire, filled life with bright emotions. Such relationships can wither away and become prim and ascetic.

If the signs do decide to live together, their family life will be as stable as possible. Any problems may appear due to everyday conservatism. Each of the partners has its own attitudes and norms of behavior and does not want to adjust them. Both signs are not able to find a compromise and in case of a problem they will walk resentful. They will not be able to solve the painful problem, but will only aggravate the situation. In a business relationship, a couple is able to do a good job and become truly indestructible.


Cardinal differences in psychology prevent signs from making friends.Opposing interests ensure that Taurus will be bored with Aquarius. He is an earth sign that thinks the Aquarius dreamer hovering in the clouds is crazy and abnormal. Aquarius, in turn, is oppressed by the earthly realism of a friend.

A love relationship can be deadlocked before it even starts. The senses of the signs are extremely different. Taurus is more interested in physiology (most often his own), and Aquarius is more interested in the emotional experiences and interests of the second half. They will not be able to create a strong union, since they will never understand each other's tastes and preferences. Aquarians tend to run away from the worries of everyday life, they like to be in companies and clubs. Domestic Taurus will feel bored at home and feel lonely.

The business relationship of Taurus and Aquarius also has no prospects. A conservative Taurus, afraid of risky ventures, will sabotage the plans and projects of his friend. He believes that Aquarius is a dangerous person who drags him into terrible adventures.


These signs have a lot in common. Minor distinctive features only increase interest in each other. Pisces can give Taurus a lot of impressions and emotions, and Taurus can create a cozy atmosphere. Both love to contemplate nature and have long and interesting conversations. Voluptuous Taurus treat sensual Pisces well, as they see that they are submissive and practically do not demand anything from a partner. It is extremely important for Pisces to see that Taurus appreciates, respects and supports them in all endeavors. In return, they receive a large number of pleasant impressions and emotions.

The family life of the representatives of these signs will be stable and harmonious. Taurus provides the other half financially, and Pisces creates a spiritual, comfortable environment for a loved one. They also care and truly love Taurus. The result of the union will be the complete satisfaction of the desires of both partners.

Business relationships are ineffective as both signs are passive and inert. They are not able to come up with bold ideas, do not know how to navigate the flow of various events and react slowly to them.


Taurus is the true embodiment of wisdom and wealth in life. People born under this constellation want to be significant in society. In order to protect yourself from negative influences and achieve the disposition of others, it is necessary to use special talismans that can save Taurus from bad things and attract good luck and happiness into their lives.

A talisman is a personal thing of the sign that enhances energy and helps the energy field to be more stable. You can buy a thing that is a symbol of a worthy position in society (a figurine of a bull, an elephant). Figures must not be made of ivory. The mascot can also be a plush or plastic toy.

The patron planet of Taurus is Venus, so the talisman for them can be something that personifies sexuality and beauty. A wonderful option is a jewelry box with jewelry, as well as an elegant copper figurine.


The soft nature of Taurus is partial to bright, massive and weighty jewelry that attracts the eyes of others.

As a talisman, several options for minerals are suitable for them:

  • Agate. This stone is considered a clairvoyant stone. It is able to make its owner more convincing and eloquent, perspicacious, and enhance intuition. A Taurus man can choose a beautiful black agate, and a woman can choose a pleasant light-colored stone, on which there are many bright multi-colored stripes. Such decoration looks extremely attractive and will save Taurus from bad influence.
  • Cacholong. The talisman has a milky white hue and is able to become a loyal friend to the Taurus woman. He can normalize the girl's health, save her family life from conflicts and quarrels, make an alliance with her beloved peaceful and calm.In order for the positive effect of the amulet to be stronger, it is necessary to regularly change the location of the jewelry on the body (if the stone is on a ring or bracelet, you should change it from one hand to the other).
  • Onyx. The stone has a light green or dark green color, sometimes there are minerals with veins of black and red shades. An ideal option that will save Taurus from a lonely life, instill in them confidence in their own strength, and give a lot of optimism. It is worth acquiring for those who lack determination. He also attracts money and luck. The best choice for a closed Taurus.
  • Rhinestone - a wonderful charm for Taurus, whose month of birth was April.
  • Emerald - a stone amulet for signs born in May.


There are several options for Taurus.

If a person was born on April 21-31, his talisman is a dahlia. These individuals cannot constantly hope for good luck, they must weigh their decisions and always rely only on themselves.

Taurus born on May 1-10 are generous and open-minded. Their amulet is lilies of the valley, personifying gentle but reliable protection.

Purslane is a flower that will protect Taurus born on May 11-21. Such individuals are not able to trust people, they are constantly waiting for deception, which prevents them from building their personal lives.

Figurines and figurines

The symbol of success and efficiency for this sign is the horse. The figurine can be placed on a person's desk. In this case, the career will grow. If a sign wants to make a pendant or a pendant as a talisman, you should pay attention to a gold piece of jewelry. The compact horse will become a reliable companion that guarantees not only success in all endeavors, but also protection from various diseases, overwork and stress.

If the statuette is depicted as a peacefully grazing horse, it can help rid the owner of an obstinate, quarrelsome disposition and help find compromises with others. If you need to cheer up Taurus, make him an active leader, you should acquire the figure of a rearing stallion. It will become a symbol of power and the desire to go towards the intended goals.

The owl symbolizes wisdom and is one of the talismans of Taurus. She is able to help the representatives of the sign in the easy assimilation of knowledge, and also adds patience to them. This allows Taurus to achieve their goals. The owl figurine should be placed on the edge of the desktop. It should be wood, onyx, silver, crystal or glass.

In order for the innermost desires of Taurus to come true, it is necessary to use a figurine depicting an elephant. On a full moon, it is set in a prominent place. In the ear of an elephant, you need to whisper a desire. He is left in his place until morning, and then moves to where he will be constantly. This talisman brings good luck and promotes the fulfillment of desires.

Flora and fauna

The talisman for Taurus can be his favorite pet (cat or dog with long hair). Representatives of this sign are indifferent to plants. Their financial income comes from those that have fleshy stems and almost elusive, weak aromas (cactus or money tree). These flowers are able to create a calm, stable and comfortable environment.

Notable representatives

There are many celebrities and stars born under this constellation. Many people know such famous politicians as Lenin, Zhirinovsky, Hussein, Blair. They have done many great things by changing the history of their countries.

There are also Taurus artists and musicians. Popular Russian singer Philip Kirkorov was born under this constellation. His works are known to millions of people. It is also worth noting such great personalities as Tchaikovsky, Okudzhava, Iglesias, Saltykov, Prokofiev.

The Taurus movie actors have won many hearts.Brosnan, Nicholson, Udovichenko - these personalities have played many good and worthy roles, thanks to which they will always be remembered.

Kant and Freud are famous philosophers who presented the public with many interesting and worthy ideas. Many people quote their works even now. The most famous athletes are Kabaeva, Beckham.

In almost every field of activity, there are respected and popular people who are Taurus, since this sign always achieves its goal.

For the character and fate of a person born under the sign of Taurus, see below.

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